Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Welcome to National History Day Contest Collaboration Nicole DeLuca
This year’s theme is Leadership and Legacy and provides ample opportunities for the students to create their projects
What kind of project can they create? Can be individual or with a group (up to 5 students) Paper (only individual) Documentary Website Performance Exhibit 2 move on from each category to the state competition (for a possible 36 entries from our county)
The Process Paper A process paper is a description of no more than 500 words explaining how you conducted your research and created and developed your entry. You must conclude your description with an explanation of the relationship of your topic to the contest theme. A title page is required as the first page of written material in every category. Your title page must include only the title of your entry, your name(s) and the contest division and category in which you are entered. Do not include your age, grade or school name. The first section should explain how you chose your topic. The second section should explain how you conducted your research. The third section should explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project. The fourth section should explain how your project relates to the NHD theme.
Why participate in this? Social Studies
1. Teaches History 1. Teaches History Builds an understanding that history is not static and contains multiple perspectives 2. Engages Students 2. Engages Students Excites students by asking them to choose a topic and explore resources 3. Energizes the Curriculum 3. Energizes the Curriculum Provides a framework for hands-on, student-centered learning 4. Promotes High Academic Standards 4. Promotes High Academic Standards Assists teachers and schools in meeting educational standards by offering a portfolio-building and outcome-based activity 5. Encourages Literacy 5. Encourages Literacy Adjusts their reading for different types of print and non-print texts (including fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works) 6. Enhances Assessment 6. Enhances Assessment Provides a multilayered performance-based assessment tool 7. Teaches Critical Thinking 7. Teaches Critical Thinking Promotes life skills, analytical skills, comparative perspectives and models of critical judgment essential for work in any field 8. Inspires Curiosity 8. Inspires Curiosity Ignites student interest in learning about history by integrating social studies, art, sciences, literature, language, and music into their presentations 9. Recognizes the Student Strengths 9. Recognizes the Student Strengths Allows students to become experts 10. Activates Civic Engagement 10. Activates Civic Engagement Encourages students to become involved in their communities
Recurring Standards
Timeline for this:
School Competition: Should have a winner from each category (9 total) decided by the end of the 2 nd week in February. Schools are free to determine winners themselves, if you would like a judge let me know Make sure the winners you are sending on to the district competition have followed all the rules!
Students will fill out registration form with all signatures and move on to the county fair
Florida History Fair website, associated with the Florida History Museum hosts the state competition
How students will be evaluated
Several resources that can be shared with students and used to help them with their projects
EOC Information Testing dates: Testing dates: Semester courses ending in January will be January Semester courses ending in January will be January Year-long courses and semester courses ending in June will be June 1-4 Year-long courses and semester courses ending in June will be June 1-4 There are test item specs: There are test item specs: page/585 page/585
Blueprints: Need to be enhanced…
November 20 th C2 Training
Other Issues or points to focus on?