Breton Education Centre Grade 12 information session
Graduation Requirements 18 credits are required for Provincial graduation certificate
Graduation Requirements 18 CREDITS COMPULSORY CREDITS INCLUDE: 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS English 10, 11, 12 FINE ARTS Art, Music, Drama, Dance 2 MATHEMATICS COURSES 2 SCIENCE COURSES Biology (not Human Biology), Chemistry, Physics or Science 10) 2 ADDITIONAL CREDITS IN MATH, SCIENCE OR TECHNOLOGY Design, Communication Tech, Data Processing, Film and Video Physically Active Lifestyle credit Physically Active Living, Phys Ed, Dance CANADIAN HISTORY COURSE Canadian History, African Canadian Studies, Mi'Kmaq Studies, Gaelic Studies 1 GLOBAL STUDY Global History, Global Economics or Global Geography Of the 18 credits: A MAXIMUM OF SEVEN CREDITS AT THE GRADE 10 LEVEL A MINIMUM OF FIVE CREDITS AT THE GRADE 12 LEVEL
Design 11 is not a fine arts credit You cannot get credit for the same course twice Human bio 11 and bio 11 Math 10F and math 10
Grade 12 homeroom credit check twice per year Counsellors check credits when meeting with students Ultimately it is your responsibility so if you have questions – ASK them
Potential Graduation list Check for your name Check the spelling this is what will go on your diploma Will be posted today
Student Legal Name for Your Diploma No Nick Names Remarriage Name on diploma must match the birth certificate or legal name change document If not, there is no legal proof that you graduated from High School If there was a change, bring Legal Proof!
Cape Breton Career Day Oct 9, 2012 @ CBU 11:00 – 12:00 We will be leaving the school at 10:30 Universities and Colleges in Atlantic Canada will be there Good time to ask questions Permission slips returned by Thursday October 4th so we can finalize bussing
Possible questions to ask university/college reps Cost How long it will take to complete your program Do you need specific courses to get in Do you need to write any entrance exams/placement tests – Math, English Articulation agreements? When are the information nights/tours/visits for parents and new students What can you do with this program – do you need any more education or are you employable? Scholarships????? Etc.
Post Secondary Application Procedure Early Admission is available for many programs and they fill up fast – so don’t wait Most applications are available in the Guidance Office and/or online Transcripts/ final marks for semester one If you receive a letter saying “no transcript” Come and see us Transcripts are mailed out when ready Just tell us where??
Application Procedure Don’t Forget to fill out a transcript request from in the Guidance Office transcript fee $5.00/transcript $5.00 for grade 12’s Institutions will send back a confirmation card once the transcript is received Read DEADLINES on all applications
University/College Check to make sure that you look at the requirements - they are not all the same. Two for Two – University / College articulation agreements
NSCC Apply NOW it is first come first serve DO NOT WAIT FOR SEMESTER ONE MARKS
NSCC – Test Drive Program Information Session Program Information Session Career Exploration Session Campus Tours
If you are interested in going to try out a class at a particular university that you are interested in – come and see us All open house information is in the bulletin
If you are planning on going to a university in Ontario you must complete a special application
University in the US If you are planning on going to a University in the States you must write a SAT Test dates application deadlines Dec 1, 2012 Nov 1, 2012 Jan 26, 2012 Dec 28, 2012 May 4, 2012 April 5, 2012 Register online Practice tests and prep info also available here Test centre number is 96262
Career Cruising Not sure what you want to do? Password – breton Username – education
Scholarships Outside BEC They send us info, applications & we post it Bulletin/online/calendar in Guidance Office Online may not be as up to date as the information in the Guidance Office School may nominate for some scholarships LORAN Award formally Canadian Merit Due Oct 10, 2012 Pass in a current resume Will help the committee decide who to nominate
Resume Community Outreach Centre - Plummer Ave. Bring it to us and we can help you out
Scholarship Lists Go to the website of the post-secondary institution you are applying to and see what they have to offer WWW.STUDENTAWARDS.COM WWW.SCHOLARSHIPSCANADA.COM WWW.STUDENTSCHOLARSHIPS.ORG
Student Loans
Looking for tutors Homework assistance each Wednesday afterschool Looks great on you resume
CBU and SMU Sign up in Guidance CBU pizza luncheon Oct 5, 2012 SMU lunchtime info session Oct 24, 2012
Grad Photos Oct 23 and 24 Sign up sheet available in the main office Oct 15 Group photo will be done one of these days depending on the weather so wear your school colors
Any Questions????