The Civil War Begins. New President Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the Untied States. During the election, he had spoken out strongly against.


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Presentation transcript:

The Civil War Begins

New President Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the Untied States. During the election, he had spoken out strongly against the spread of slavery and hoped that one day it would end.

Remain United Lincoln hoped to prevent a war. “We are not enemies, but friends,” Lincoln told Southerners after taking the oath of office. “We must not be enemies.” But time was running out.

South Carolina secedes Shortly after the election of Lincoln, South Carolina declared “the United States of America is hereby dissolved” and seceded from the Union. Six other states soon followed.

A New Country Formed Together these seven states formed a new country. They called the new country the Confederate States of America. They elected Jefferson Davis as President.

Fort Sumter President Lincoln received word that supplies were running out at Fort Sumter, located off the coast of South Carolina. If supplies did not come soon, they would have to surrender the fort to the Confederacy.

A Difficult Decision Lincoln had to make an important decision. He made the decision he thought would be best. He would send supplies ships to the fort. Then he waited to see what happened.

Jefferson’s Response Now Jefferson Davis had to make a decision. He decided to attack the fort before the supply ships arrived. On April 12, 1861, Confederates fired on Fort Sumter.

The Outcome The Civil War had began.