Economic Concepts in Plain Language Telling Stories with Fewer Dollars and More Sense
Convoluted Language Example: It’s fine for a policy paper, but “GDP,” “NDP,” and “CPI” never convinced anybody to fight for something.
Plain Language Example: This is what the national debt looks like for your family.
Compelling Language Example: The national debt is putting Ashley’s dreams in jeopardy.
“The health reform law will add $6.2 trillion to our national deficits” “Pointing to the Affordable Care Act, 41 percent of small business owners have frozen hiring.” “ObamaCare is a job killer.” “This reform makes it possible for Janice get health care, after decades of going uninsured because of a burdensome pre-existing condition.” Dollars Versus People: Not a Fair Fight
Frame Analysis “If you want to engage your audience and shift public debate, you will need to identify the mental models that shape how people see the world. Understanding the semantic frames – also known as mental models – that shape how different communities understand the issue is the key to any successful campaign.” – Progressive communications consulting group How do we understand these “mental models?”
Get to Know your Audience Through Rigorous Message Testing Independent Women’s Voice – Paycheck Fairness Test Don’t assume what or how your audience thinks!
Get to Know your Audience Through Rigorous Message Testing The product: An educational video about the “wage gap”
Moral Values Jonathan Haidt – a moral psychologist – examined 6 “moral foundations” and found that two of them resonate most widely
Moral Values Jonathan Haidt: While conservatives used all six moral foundations to make judgments, liberals used “care” and “fairness” most.
Messages “We are endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty, and property. These rights are sacrosanct.” “I have the right to this property because I have the deed.” “If this ballot measure passes, my family will lose our property that we have worked for generations to maintain.” “People should be free to do what they choose with their private property. Government shouldn’t take it away.” “It’s not fair that these zoning restrictions put some neighborhoods at a disadvantage.” “We farmers understand what it’s like to have our land threatened, and we need to stick together.”
Messages “We are endowed by our Creator with the right to life, liberty, and property. These rights are sacrosanct.” “I have the right to this property because I have the deed.” “If this ballot measure passes, my family will lose our property that we have worked for generations to maintain.” “People should be free to do what they choose with their private property. Government shouldn’t take it away.” “It’s not fair that these zoning restrictions put some neighborhoods at a disadvantage.” “We farmers understand what it’s like to have our land threatened, and we need to stick together.”
Fight for People In the battle of people versus money, people always win. Appeal to Values with the broadest possible support. In Summary… Speak my Language “Every man hears only what he understands.” - Goethe
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