Emotional & Behavioral Needs in Students November 8, 2011 LARRY SCOTT School Psychologist
Anxiety & Depression Anxiety & Depression often co-exist and influence each Everyone experiences anxiety and depressed moods Influenced by genetics, personality, environment, & brain development/biochemistry Intervention needed when anxiety and/or depression interferes with a life function (i.e. work, school, family relationships/functioning….).
Anxiety 10 – 15% Americans suffer from Anxiety Disorder (about the same for children) Anxiety is often overlooked, misdiagnosed as ADHD, left untreated, and sometimes worsened when misdiagnosed Anxiety is difficult to detect- internal, not easily observed Self-awareness Medication
ANXIETY CYCLE Control Anxiety Anxiety Control
Anxiety Characteristics Strong episodes of anxiousness and panicky feelings Racing heart and chest discomfort Dizziness or lightheadedness Feelings of bewilderment and unreality Inner nervousness Scary, uncontrollable thoughts Nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea Hot and cold flashes Numbness or strange aches and pains, muscle tension Feelings of depression and hopelessness Restless feelings, insomnia, sleeping too much Difficulty breathing Picking at self or objects Uncontrollable bouts of anger/crying Obsessive-compulsive tendencies Withdrawing
Depression 19 million Americans suffer chronic depression (over 2 million are children) Could be leading cause of death when considering its influence on suicide, substance abuse, heart disease, and other health issues Anger & violence may be symptoms of depression, particularly in males
Depression Women who are pregnant or have just given birth are more likely than anyone else to suffer depression Depressed mothers greatly influence the likelihood that a child will suffer depression & other emotional / behavioral issues- shown in brain functioning Poverty & parent depression are highest predictor of child depression
Depression Characteristics Fewer social skills and close relationships Fewer social interactions Limited interest in activities Limited motivation and academic achievement Irritability Limited energy Limited affect Worsened with the presence of learning weaknesses Most challenging during adolescence
Suicide & Self-Harm Not always linked to depression Many experience suicidal thoughts (50% of high school students) Prior attempt to commit suicide is highest predictor of suicide Self-cutting: coping, numbness, attention seeking/thrill
Suicide & Self-Harm Suicide: 3 rd leading cause of death for youth (age 15 – 24) GLBT youth are much more prone to depression & anxiety Suicide is leading cause of death for GLBT youth
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Based on the theory that anxiety is created and maintained by negative thinking and poor behavioral habits Considered most effective for long-term improvement Therapy objectives are to alter negative thinking and self-defeating behavior. Increase positive thinking and healthy behaviors. Positive thinking and particular behaviors (i.e. exercise, meditation, etc…) have shown to alter brain functioning and biochemicals associated with stress and anxiety.