1 Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. Agenda –2/5/2014 Wednesday- Unit 54 Howard J Rattliff, Jr. – Principles of Technology - Course #
2 Microsoft Word Modules 2/5/2014 Unit #54 - Wednesday: Past Lesson Monday 2/3/2014 Review Highlights: Preparing a Letter of reference in Word / Printing etc. Provided letter feedback to the class on the letter of reference class exercise Based upon the class reading assignment - Discussed the use of citations (adding footnotes and references in Word. Use of the Modern Language Assn (MLA) standard and Words feature (wizard ) to help create bibliographic ref to you documents. See under the Reference Tab in Word Discussed 2 upcoming graded assignments ( 1. student resume due Feb 17 th and 2. the 1 st team project ( a team newsletter using word that is due March 7. Any Questions?? Today’s Summary Objective: Key Goals: 1.Review Basic Flow Charting Test results with class. 2.Have students perform the label merge using their flow diagram and mark it up with comments Expected Key Products and Experiences: Understand the basic elements of how to produce a flow diagram and the uses of a program flow diagram
3 Graded Assignment – Prepare a Resume’ by Feb 17. What is a resume’ ? Use Word to prepare a short document 1 – 2 page professional resume’ describing your education, work history, etc.. The document should be prepared well enough that you can use it when you are applying for a job Format for an intern / other uses. Desired position/ List of academic achievements/ no GPA/ technical achievements/ interest (clubs and civic affiliations). Due February 17, 2014, as part National Engineers Week National Engineers week. As a part of that celebration, during the week of February 17 –February 21, 2014, Lockheed Martin engineers from our Grand Prairie, Texas will be visiting UME Prep on Thursday
4 Graded Assignment – Prepare a Team Newsletter by Mar Use Word to prepare a 2 page newsletter document about ongoing activities and events at UME Prep etc.. 2.Each of you will be assigned to a project team. You will work with your team over the next couple of weeks to using the process on page 9 to plan/enter/edit/format / review/ and print the newsletter. See page 9 process flow diagram. 3.Each of you will responsible for contributing at least one article ( approximately 90 – 175 words ) to the newsletter regarding recent event or an upcoming. Add some perspective (who/what/where /when &/ how). A team grade will be give based upon the team product newsletter and the its overall quality. The team will decide and manage the content design and creation and mix of elements to be used in their team newsletter. 4.Key Elements include: use of columns, header/ footers including page #s, date issued, school icon, novel newsletter title/ 2 page min (max 3 page) length/ organizational flow and design ( introductory remarks/use of other sources or objects/citations) 5.Some team time will be allotted in Class to allow you to work on this assignment but you may have to do outside class work as well in order to produce a good product. Due Friday March 7, 2014, This represents about 180 words
5 Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 5 Legend: Instructor Class Individuals Assignment/ Discussions SME = Subject Matter Expert Unit 54 Agenda,, Rm On Campus Dress: Business Casual StartEnd Topic/Discussion Teacher / Instructor Duration Time Elapse Time Counter 1:251:30 Meeting Final Checks (and Dial in - Not Applicable) Howard Rattliff 0:00 1:30 > -- Welcome - Introductions of any Guests? Howard Rattliff 0:00 1:301:35 Class Roster (1st 5 minutes of Class) - Howard Rattliff 0:05 1:35 Agenda for Today & Logistics Howard Rattliff 0:000:05 1:351:40 1.Overview 2.Today’s Class Objectives: Process Flow Diagram Test Review Mr Rattliff 0:050:10 1:401:50 Quick Review Last Lesson / Questions from Prior Class? CLASS 0:100:20 1:501:55 Test Grades CLASS Exercise0:050:25 1:552:05 Review and Discussion H Rattliff 0:100:40 2:052:20 Flow Charting exercise CLASS 0:15 0:50 2:202:25 Next steps and assignments (Unit 54 – Friday 2/07/2014 Howard Rattliff 0:050:55
6 Reading Assignments – NONE Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. You can visit Web resource at Word tutorial found at to perform some practice exercises using the some of features discussed. to perform some practice exercises using the some of features discussed. Shortcut -- Use F5 (function key) key shortcut and ESC (Escape key on keyboard to toggle Display Modes between Normal View and Slide Show View modes in Powerpoint Supplemental Learning Aids -
7 Today’s Exercise 1.Review Basic Flow Charting Test results with class. 2.In Class Computer Exercise in Word: Feedback Exercise Using the Process Flow Diagram: Exchange your process work flow diagram (not the grade part but just the flow diagram) with your neighbor. perform the label merge using their own flow diagrams from the test and note key steps they might have missed Use your label merge flow diagram Were you able to successfully complete the exercise based upon the flow diagram? Do you think someone else less knowledgeable could have performed the task? Was the process diagram clear enough?
8 Frequently Used Features / Concepts in Word 1.Inserting Comments – Similar to Excel – You can hide or view them (a so-called - toggle feature). Place cursor in area of document that you want to add a comment. Select Review/add comment button 2.Go to section WD 1.3 of book – Concept Preview and Developing a Document. 1. PLAN Start 2. Enter3. Edit4. Format 5. Preview and Review6. Print Stop Multiple Documents = summing junction Recursive operations 1 to n
9 Teamwork and Project Management Module
10 What is Project Management? One Definition: Project management is an area of endeavor involving a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish. Project management is interdisciplinary (social sciences and humanities/ system engineering/planning/mathematics, accounting and finance, etc. 3 Major Elements of a project that project managers manage? 1.Technical -- Quality (requirements and suitability for use, safety, etc) 2.Schedule (on schedule) 3.Cost $$
11 Key Tools / Items Used to Manage a Project 1.A project manager 2.A clearly defined objective or purpose (what/when/where/how) – A project scope. 3.Resources (time/$$/expertise/tools)
12 Supplement 2: Team Work- ‘ The Team Project’ There two overarching components to successfully managing the team project are: 1) managing the schedule and 2) organizing the team. To carry out their assigned Team Project, group members must schedule times for meetings, allot time for these meetings and communicate information about the agenda for these meetings in the context of a project schedule. In the context of student project teams, these activities involve the coordination of meeting times around team members' classes, extracurricular activities and home / work responsibilities. Use the UME Class Directory – Parents will be notified of the protocol to help regulate and manage student use. This should be used for business only!!! – Be Professional!! Team Building - structuring project teams with distinct roles and responsibilities for team members favourably impacts both the project experience and the project outcomes. It is imperative that, you and your team mates make assignment and complete many of the functions represented by basic team roles. It is often difficult for teams to enact these roles and functions quickly and transition into an operational team but that is the task. Later you can assess how things are going and implement changes if necessary. The following table is an example organizational structure that you can consider for your project team that has been used in this class. These roles can be combined, eliminated or new ones defined as needed. When addressing your team please use these or similar names when addressing them or providing their titles.
13 Key Group Member Roles to Consider for Project Management Key RoleDescription of Responsibilities Project Manager (Team Lead) This person(s) is (are) responsible for keeping the group on task and managing the overall project success. This person should exhibit both sound technical skills as well as management (interpersonal/communications skills and experience) to lead the team project successfully. This person should develop an agenda for each meeting (with input from the rest of the group) and let other group members know the agenda. This person should monitor and report the group's progress during each meeting and identify where deviations from the agenda occur. File Manager or Project Master This person is primarily responsible for the technical elements of project. He/she ensure that the team has the resources needed for the assignment / project files are secure, that backup copies are frequently made, and that all members have access to clearly- identified current copies of all project-related documentation (preferably at the team's private Document Sharing area). Where necessary, this person is to coordinate the integration of different components of the project using required technology. This person is to maintain frequent contact with other group members to make sure that they have current copies of all files. As the keeper of the files, it is this person's responsibility to ensure that all team members submitting written material for the project are familiar with the "Format and Organizational Requirements for Papers" and in compliance with policies on plagiarism. Project Scheduler The primary duty of this person is to develop a project schedule and obtain team buy in. This person is responsible for knowing the schedules for everyone on the team (a schedule should be turned in to this member immediately), deciding (based on these schedules) about the dates and times of team meetings, and notifying members of the scheduled meetings. This person has the authority to call a meeting. Most of the meeting will be during class time. The Lab is available to test and demo presentations as needed. See the instructor or Mr Shafer for access. Quality Assurance Coordinator This person is responsible for ensuring that team communications and deliverables meet the highest standards of quality and professionalism. Key responsibilities include developing and maintaining team quality standards for communications and deliverables. Review and final approval of major client communications (i.e., proposal) and deliverables (i.e., final written report and presentation). Monitors the performance of the team as a whole and team members individually in terms of communication and client management skills and provides constructive feedback as appropriate. The Quality Assurance Coordinator will lead the Peer Evaluation development and implementation processes. This person will inform the facilitator when and if major client deliverables are ready for release.
14 Authored - H Rattliiff © All Rights Reserved. UME Prep Use Only. 14 END
15 Supplemental Materials
16 Student Feedback - Technology Career Words of the Day Professionalism – the conduct (look/actions), skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well Intellectual Curiosity - a desire to know more than the basics or the common knowledge; you want to LEARN so you (and maybe others) can benefit from the knowledge; something to challenge you and make you think about problems and issues, and how to communicate with others about those issues and possibly resolve them. Ref: Answers: Social Science/Psychology Design Review Thanks for remembering my feedback speech. Bottomline "Feedback is the breakfast of Champions". Makes you great by opening opportunities to learn! Unfortunately I cannot review you work now as it would be unfair to the others although I do applaud your request. All I could do is say either yes or no. No but I would suggest that you solicit input from someone such as you parent or someone like Mr Horton who worked at Bell Helicopter or Mr Shafer and ask for ideas or suggestion. Normally by talking it about it with someone you or they will also identify some errors or suggest making some improvements to the overall end product. In the tech world we call this a design review or walk-thru. In the engineering world we conduct several design reviews just to successfully produce one product or piece of software.
17 Word - Exercise Go to book page – WD2-104 Problem 1 – Requesting a Personal Reference for Summer Internship. 2 paragraphs example: I have an important interview for an internship position in the advertising department of a local advertising firm. As someone who is closely familiar with my character and professionalism during my tenure at R&A Publishing, I respectfully request your assistance by providing a personal letter of reference that I can use to complete the interview process for the job opening. I am completing my first year as a Freshman at TCU, and looking forward to admittance into the business school (Neely School of Business) during my Sophomore year in September Please feel free to contact me at: should you have any questions regarding this request. The letter of reference is needed by March 1, 2014.
18 Discussion of Lab Results: Go to book page – WD2-104 Problem 1 – Requesting a Personal Reference for Summer Internship. Results:– total of 6 of 14 of you followed directions and completed the personal reference letter exercise and printed the letters. Reviewed the letters that were printed out on Friday. Class feedback list: 1.Even if you use a template in Word it is still up to you to be sure the information in the document is correct. 2.Always add Date at the top of the letter 3.Sender’s Info: Name/Address / CSZ 4.Recipient's Info: Name / Title (if known)/ Address/ CSZ 5.Pay more attention to uniform spacing and formatting (consistent letter size/fonts used) 6.Address person with formal greeting as in Mr. Westfall/ Dear Sir or Ms Westfall, etc. Use caps on formal street names eg. Westing Rd.
19 Label Merge Process Flow Diagram (using label wizard) ( using autoshapes in Powerpoint to draw boxes) Start Word Start 1.Select Label Avery 5663 Size 2”x 4.5” Create using a Mail List ? Y N Single Page of Labels Target *.docx RAM Word formatting 1.14 pt letter size 2.Align Left 3.Mail Address Multiple Documents Hard drive etc Stop Print Doc Y N Doc Open New Word doc using Template Label Wizard or Show Wizard menubar Use New Doc ? Y N A A Alternate Process (Not for mail list) 2.Arrange label (1 st label) / Select the List / Use an Existing list 3.Select and insert merge field Codes in 1st 4.Format Fonts and Size and Field Spaces For instance: Firstname Lasthame 5. Propagate Labels 6. Merge Manual input Logic Decision (Boolean) Key Step Process Block 1- N Different Addresses Logic Decision (Boolean) Loop (Do Loop) Comments in Box with Dash lines Storage Drive / Hard drive /USB etc Connector Notation: i.e. A to A B to B and C to C etc. Save to HD There is No Undo or Redo
20 Show and Tell - Labels Examples & Discussion Label types (Avery 5160’s are very common) 1” x 2.63” or 30 per pg. Many Other Sizes e.g 5663 are 2” x 4.25” or 10 per page Typical Information (Full name/Address/ C/S/Z) Envelopes – 20 lb Security Standard 3 5/8 ” x 6 ½ ” and Business 4 1/8 ” x 9 ½ ” Real World Applications and Uses?
21 1.“Save As” command in Word View File Extensions