Bullying in the Workplace Slides used with permission from Sister Christine Smith CSN Sydney Bullying in the Work Place
Negative Social Behaviour at Work Rumours Assigning senseless tasks Assigning degrading tasks Refusal to be talked to Being treated like air Making fun of a person’s private life Shouting at or cursing loud at a person Bullying in the Work Place
3 Bullying occurs if: somebody becomes a target and is systematically harassed, offended, socially excluded or has to carry out humiliating tasks and the person concerned gets into an inferior position with difficulties to defend him/herself. bullying behaviour must occur repeatedly (e.g., at least once a week) and for a long time (e.g., at least six months). It is not bullying if it is a single event or occasional event. It is also not bullying if two equally strong parties are in conflict ( cf. Einarsen, 2000; Einarsen et al., 2003; Hoel, Rayner & Cooper, 1999; Leymann, 1993; Zapf, 1999a).
Bullying Happens You, your family and friends may well be victims of bullying in the workplace or in the community 4 Bullying in the Work Place
Research 5 Bullying in the Work Place National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Staff Survey & Action Plan, staff achieved 71% (329 staff) response rate. 80% would rate this organisation as good to excellent as a place to work and 51% would recommend it as a place to work. 11% of staff (35) reported they had personally experienced bullying. 14% (46) stated they had observed it. colleagues are the most likely source (28%) with managers (26%)
“Often the behaviour described seems trivial until it becomes apparent that the repeated pattern of the behaviour undermines an individual’s confidence, self-esteem and health.” 6 Bullying in the Work Place SafeWork SA
Main Features of Bullying inappropriate behaviours repeated & persistent occurrences power imbalance seen as hostile by the recipient tends to escalate 7 Bullying in the Work Place
What is inappropriate Behaviour? Spreading damaging rumours (gossip) Ridiculing people Keeping a constant eye on another’s work Questioning another’s professional ability Excluding someone (from information, events, meetings, training etc) Explosive outbursts Threats 8 Bullying in the Work Place
When might it occur? At the whim of the bully - feeling inadequate In context of change - continual or major Where leadership is poor - Autocratic or ‘lasse fare’ Where culture ‘gives permission’ 9 Bullying in the Work Place
A columnist’s advice... The real answer lies within yourself. You’ve given this woman way too much power over you, so you need to... take that power back. I can guarantee that most people would not let this little tyrant dominate their existence so completely. But for some reason, you are allowing her to control you. 10 Bullying in the Work Place Myth
So what is not bullying? Not every negative social behaviour is ‘bullying’ Conflict can be constructive Improvement Innovation Problem solving 11 Bullying in the Work Place
So what is bullying? “Bullying at work is commonly sustained by secrecy, denial, ignorance and indifference, often in a climate of fear, with a common result being the premature departure of the target and reward for the perpetrator.” 12 Bullying in the Work Place
Common Mistakes Self-blame Waiting too long before taking action Relying solely on ‘in-house’ assistance Not keeping records Acting impulsively 13 Bullying in the Work Place
How do I minimise the harm? The bullying must stop if the effects on you are to stop First challenge – “I am being bullied” Second challenge – “I will choose my actions (& reactions)” Third challenge – “I will survive & grow” 14 Bullying in the Work Place
Resume of Day 1.Definition of bullying 2.Effects of bullying and where does it come from? 3.The Bully, The Bullied, and The Bystander 4.Personal experiences 5.Where do we find Bullying? 6.Coping Strategies – Bob Baynham 15 Bullying - Facing the Challenges