My Day List the activities of your day from the time you get up until you go to bed. Be as specific as you can but you only have 3 minutes so don’t go crazy. For example, you don’t have to put every turn you make and the name of every street you are on as you drive or take the bus to school.
My Day Now list all of the electronic devices you use during that day.
COMPUTERS Development of computers began after WWII Role of Silicon Valley New companies such as Apple (1976) and IBM (1981) By the late 1990s computers had drastically changed the work world (and everyday life)
CELL PHONES Major impact in the 1990s Affects homes and businesses (global scale) Other telecommunication changes included changes in cable TV and phone services In 1987 – this phone rocked!
INTERNET & THE WORLD WIDE WEB Internet was developed by government/defense agencies (known as the internet by the 1980s) 1990 – the “web” is developed by researchers in Switzerland – How would your life be different without the web? – See foldable on the “Technological Revolution”
CH.30.2 – THE CLINTON YEARS Won elections in 1992 and 1996 Democrat, Arkansas, first of “baby boomer” generation
CLINTON’S FIRST TERM Cut deficit – but how? Raise or lower them? For whom? Gun control FAmILY&FAmILY& Education
1 ST TERM: ECONOMY Wanted t deal with the deficit and lower the interest rates, which would: 1.Lead to more borrowing by business and individuals 2.Create more jobs In order to raise money and bring interest rates down he raised taxes on middle/upper class and passed new taxes on gas, heating oil, natural gas ECONOMY
1st TERM: HEALTH CARE Hillary Clinton was put in charge of reforming healthcare, much of the burden to pay for it was put on employers – Large-scale opposition to the plan: a.Too costly b.Too complicated c.Too much gov’t control ---- the plan did not pass Consequence for Obama?
1st TERM: FAMILIES & EDUCATION Family Medical Leave Act (what did it do?) AmeriCorps – students do community work, earn money/scholarships (Chicago)
1st TERM: CRIME & GUN CONTROL Clinton supported stronger gun control laws – Passed the Brady Bill Waiting period Dealers have to run background checks Clinton also passed a crime bill that: – Provided more funds for prisons – Banned some assault weapons – Provided money for crime prevention programs (“midnight” basketball leagues)
CLINTON’S SECOND TERM 2 nd term was a bit of a roller coaster - Good economic situation, surplus, balanced budget - scandal/impeachment - Foreign policy – same questions all presidents face (get involved?, when?, how?, why?...) --- read about his re-election and victory over Dole (p.1012)
2nd TERM: CHILDREN FIRST Signs the Adoption and Safe Families Act Signs the Children’s Health Insurance Program Passes a $500 child tax credit Cracks down on cigarette ads aimed at children (end of Joe the Camel)end of Joe the Camel
2nd TERM: SCANDAL & IMPEACHMENT What does impeachment mean? Whitewater – illegal loans while governor of Arkansas? Relationship with Monica Lewinsky leads to impeachment hearings
FOREIGN POLICY DECISIONS Bosnia and Kosovo Middle East Haiti See graphic organizer for this section
CH.30.3 – IMMIGRATION A lot of immigrants coming in to the U.S. during the late 20 th century, changed ethnic composition of the U.S. (many more non-Europeans) Immigration policies have changed over time, become less restrictive and discriminatory – Major laws such as 1924, 1965, 1952,1986, 1996laws see “Immigration Laws” foldable How did your family get here? Tan Le’s Story
IMMIGRATION cont. Trends of the 1990s – certain states w/ higher populations of foreign born residents? (which ones? Why?) More recently immigrants are coming from Latin America (over 50%, only 10% from Europe in the 1990s– why? impact on U.S.?) By 2001 the top 5 countries of origin for legal immigrants were Mexico, India, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Plans/solutions/ideas for immigration policy – Dream Act Dream Act – Amnesty
30.4 – AN INTERDEPENDENT WORLD Globalism – the idea that the world is becoming more interconnected – the process is globalization In the 1990s the economy started becoming more global and connected – Reasons: 1.Computers 2.Internet/web 3.International/Free Trade (Int’l Community Activity)
GLOBALIZATION & INTERNATIONAL TRADE (aka Free Trade) BENEFITS? 1.Helps the American economy 2.American businesses make money selling goods abroad 3.American consumer benefits from ability to buy foreign goods at lower prices than domestically made good goods NEGATIVES? 1.Loss of American manufacturing jobs to foreign nations due to lower wages 2.Loss of jobs outweighs “benefits” such as cheap imported goods 3.Poor work environments and environmental concerns in foreign factories (read Trade w/China on p.1024 as a class)
REGIONAL BLOCS see graphic organizer