King Saud University College of Medicine Psychiatry Department Course 462 Psych. Educational committee
Welcome To course 462- Psych Welcome To course 462- Psych PSYCHIATRY PSYCHIATRY
Medicine sociology Psychology Psychiatry What is Psychiatry ?
WHY DO YOU NEED PSYCHIATRY? 1 Better patients care. 2 Better medical communication. 3 Self-development.
SKILLS How How to perform perform properly. Requirements : 1. Understanding basics 2. Observing a skill done properly 3. Trying it repeatedly perfect
As a medical students I need to study: Common psychiatric disorders Treatable psychiatric disorders ….OR Serious psychiatric disorders
What are the expectations? To have safe non-psychiatric doctors who can: Identify (common, treatable or serious) psychiatric co-morbidities. Treat or follow up mild/stable psychiatric disorders. Refer the patient to psychiatry service whenever needed. To recruit some medical students to psychiatry sub -speciality.
462 COURSE OVERVIEW The course lasts for 6 weeks and contains: Nineteen didactic lectures, in the first two weeks. Seven interview skills sessions, in the first two weeks Eight subject discussions, weeks 3 – 5. Eight case scenario discussions, weeks 5 – 6. Patient clinical discussions. (in-patient, outpatient, consultation-liaison, child psychiatry, other live patient case discussions or video cases) weeks Outpatient clinics and ward rounds attendance weeks
COURSE ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATION Continuous Assessment Test (CAT): 40 Marks 40 questions; Single Best Answer applied clinical cases. CAT is held in the forth week. CAT is held in the forth week. Final Examination: 60 Marks An oral OSCE exam to be conducted by one examiner on the basis of a pre-proposed case vignettes for 10 minutes, each student will have two cases and will be held in the sixth week; a Saturday morning and afternoon. (20 marks). A modified assay questions OSCE exam of five stations, four questions twelve minutes each and will be held in the sixth week; a Sunday morning. (40 marks). The pass mark is 60 out of 100.
COURSE REFERENCES All course activities…both theoretical & clinical. Basic Psychiatry – Professor M. A. Al- Sughayir First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship, Third Edition- Latha Stead, Matthew Kaufman, Jason Yanofski. Textbook of Psychiatry, by Linford Rees, Oxford University Press. Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry by Kaplan & Sadock, Williams & Wilkins. Emergency Psychiatry by Allen, Micheal. American Psychiatric Press. Clinical Manual to Psychosomatic Medicine: A guide to Consultation-liaison Psychiatry (Concise Guide), By Michael Wise & James Rundle, American Psychiatric Publishing. E-medicine medscape, & others
As a medical students I need to study: Common psychiatric disorders Treatable psychiatric disorders ….OR Serious psychiatric disorders
COURSE EVALUATION Your evaluation is highly apprecaited. Kindly evaluate both the course & the tutors at the end of the course. Course organizer & course co-organizer will be happy to help you whenever you need.