We live by choice not by chance.
The ASVAB will be given to ALL seniors on Tuesday, September 16 th. The ASVAB is one of the best career interest inventories. It matches you with careers that line up with your interests and skills. You learn about yourself and what careers match what you like to do! Taking the ASVAB will allow you to develop a strategy and begin making career goals. For study help go to my webpage or Mrs. Buser’s Page!webpageor Mrs. Buser’s Page If you take the ASVAB, you have to go into the armed forces!
Individual Learning Plans The state requires this to be complete before you graduate. This can be an invaluable tool for you! – Career inventory – Resume builder – Scholarship Bank – Financial Aid Information
Understanding Financial Aid Financial aid is monetary assistance to help you meet the cost of your college or vocational education. These costs include both direct costs (tuition, fees, & books) as well as living expenses (food, housing transportation and personal expenses). Don’t rule out any educational program on the basis of cost alone. You may qualify for outside money to help pay for education you want.
1.Grants – Do not require repayment and are usually based on need. 2.Loans – Money that must be repaid after graduation or leaving schools. Student loans have lower interest rates than commercial loans (For example, Stafford and Perkins Loans). 3.Work Study – Funds earned through a job on the campus usually arranged for you by the college. 4.Scholarships - Based on need or other criteria such as academic achievement, community service or special talent. There is NO LIMIT on the number of scholarships that a student can apply for and receive!
I will make a.m. and p.m. announcements when a new scholarship comes in the guidance office.
I will post announcements on the guidance section of the bulletin board across from Mrs. Marr’s room.
The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Anyone who wants financial aid for college will need to fill out the FAFSA. The application is used to determine the dollar amount you or your family will be expected to contribute towards college. All federal grant and loan awards are determined by the FAFSA, and nearly all colleges use the FAFSA as the basis for their own financial aid awards (scholarships).
WHEN: Begin filling out the FAFSA January 1. WHERE: There will be a Paying for College parent workshop on Thursday, October 16 WEHS – 6:00 p.m. On Wednesday, January 7 th & 9 th, 2015 a KHEAA counselor will help you fill out the student portion of the FAFSA in your senior English class!
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship Residents of Kentucky who achieve at least a 2.5 GPA at the end of a high school year will receive scholarship money for each year of high school plus a bonus award based on their highest ACT or SAT composite score. You can access your KEES award money at
Receive scholarship information, reminders on ACT deadlines, when Jostens will be visiting as well as other Guidance Office Information! Send a text message to: (704) with the This will put you on a list to receive reminders from us! This is FREE!