Student Affairs and Technology: Course Proposal Shannon Calega Laura Eichelberger Julie Holliday Pamela Steele
Course Rationale College Students today have grown up with and the world wide web, however there are technological resources available that today’s students may be unfamiliar with. Some students have limited experience with certain types of software which does not mean that they necessarily know how to use that software effectively in order to produce desired outcomes. In a highly technological world, the new professionals must be trained to effectively and efficiently use technology to enhance the quality of their work with students and colleagues. Although graduate students have used , instant messenger, and the world wide web for many years, they may have had limited experience using them for professional development and designing and maintaining programs for students. Finally, new professionals also need to find their personal balance between face-to-face contact and the use of technology. They can easily become a name with out a face, by relying on e- mail as their sole means of communication at their new job. This course is necessary to stress the appropriate use of technology as it can be used to enhance one’s career.
Course Overview zWeek 1: Introduction to Educational Technology zWeek 2: Basic Computer Systems zWeek 3: Web Applications zWeek 4: Technology and the Law zWeek 5: How to Build a Website zWeek 6: Issues in Educational Technology zWeek 7: Commuters and Computers
Course Overview zWeek 8: Distance Learning zWeek 9: Functional Research zWeek 10: Functional Research (con’t) zWeek 11: Networking zWeek 12: Technology and Development zWeek 13: Maintaining Professional Contact zWeek 14: Portfolio Presentations
Introduction to Educational Technology zClass Topics yTheories yFunctions yImpact yUses
Introduction to Educational Technology zBy the end of this lesson students will be able to: yUnderstand changes in campus technology use over the last 25 years yKnow what and how the typical student is uses technology for on a daily basis yIdentify the impact of technology on the individual student as well as the campus community
Introduction to Educational Technology zReadings yKuh, G. D., & Hu, S., (2001). The relationships between computer information technology use, selected learning and personal development outcomes, and other college experiences. Journal of College Student Development, 42,
Introduction to Educational Technology zAssignments yWrite a 4-6 page paper on how the uses of technology have changed. Be sure to include several examples of how a typical student may use technology on a daily basis.
Basic Computer Systems zTopics yMicrosoft Word yMicrosoft Excel yMicrosoft PowerPoint yMicrosoft Publisher yMultimedia Applications
Basic Computer Systems zBy the end of this lesson students should be able to: yKnow how to navigate the selected programs yIdentify the capabilities of each program yRecognize the special features of each program
Basic Computer Systems zReadings yBarratt, W. (2003). Information technology in student affairs. In Komoves, S.R., Woodard, D.B., & Associates (Eds.), Student services: A handbook for the profession (pp ). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Basic Computer Systems zAssignments yCreate a Microsoft Publisher document advertising a campus program yCreate an 8-10 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on any functional area of Student Affairs. An introductory and reference slide must be included.
Web Applications zTopics y systems yListserves yWeb Searches
Web Applications zBy the end of this lesson students should be able to: yKnow how to join and send s on a listserve yCreate a basic web page yUnderstand the evolution of web pages yOvercome basic web page problems
Web Applications zAssignments yInvestigate and join a listserve. You must be able to provide documentation. y your contribution to the listserve, print this and bring it to class.
Technology and the Law zTopics yPrivacy yCopyright Disputes yFree Speech Concerns
Technology and the Law zBy the end of this lesson students should be able to: yIdentify the basic legal issues surrounding technology and the college campus yRealize the importance of maintaining professionalism at all times, even when writing an or updating a private web- page
Technology and the Law zReadings yKaplin, W.A., & Lee, B.A., (1997), Overview of postsecondary education law. In A Legal Guide for Student Affairs Professionals, (pp. 1-59). San Francisco, CA.: Jossey-Bass.
Technology and the Law zAssignments yResearch a technology case and write a 3-4 page summary. yBegin to brainstorm topics for a website.
How to Build a Website zTopics yNavigation yApplication yHistorical Information
How to Build a Website zBy the end of this lesson students should be able to: yIdentify the important uses of websites yNavigate a website yUnderstand the importance of websites in Student Affairs
How to Build a Website zAssignments yBuild you own website. Your website must include at least 2 pages and photos. You must the professor the link to your website in 2 weeks.
Issues in Educational Technology zTopics yCurrent Events yTechnology and Education
Issues in Educational Technology zBy the end of this lesson students will be able to: yIdentify issues of technology in the workplace yIdentify the effect of technology on education yUnderstand future educational technology issues
Issues in Educational Technology zAssignments yIdentify and write a 4-6 page paper identifying a recent issue in technology. You must include 3 sources.
Commuters and Computers zTopics yComputer Mediated Communication yWeb-based Conferencing yE-mentoring yUniversity 101 Online Classes
Commuters and Computers zBy the end of this class students will be able to: yUnderstand various outreach possibilities yIdentify basic commuter student needs
Commuters and Computers zReadings yKruger, K., (2000). Using information technology to create communities of learners. New Directions for Higher Education, 109,
Commuters and Computers yAssignments xSelect one of the discussion topics from class and propose a program for commuter students.
Distance Learning zTopics yNecessary Classroom Equipment yStudents Technological Limitations yProfessor Availability
Distance Learning zBy the end of this class students will be able to: yUnderstand the pros and cons of distance learning yRecognize students limitations yKnow how to build an inclusive classroom community
Distance Learning yAssignments xObtain a distance learning course syllabus and discuss possible limitations, necessity of professor availability, and methods to build a classroom community.
Functional Area Research zTopics yCareer Exploration yRole in Student Affairs
Functional Area Research zBy the end of this class students will be able to: yExplore different functional Areas yIdentify problems of technology yRealize the importance yCorrelate technology and the CAS Standards
Functional Area Research zAssignment yExplore 2 functional areas. Write a 2-3 page summary of each area. Highlight the positive and negative aspects of technology in that area.
Networking zTopics yProfessional Organization Newsletters yJoining Listserves yOnline Benchmarking Projects yOnline Learning Opportunities
Networking zBy the end of this class students will be able to: yIdentify online professional development opportunities yUtilize online communication to network with other professionals in the field
Networking zAssignments yIdentify at least 4 professional organizations with online resources
Technology and Development zTopics yProfessionalism and Technology yProper Communication
Technology and Development zBy the end of this class students will be able to: yCommunicate appropriately online ySign up for a professional development activity yVisit a professional organization’s website
Technology and Development zAssignments yVisit the ACPA and NASPA websites and print out their home page
Maintaining Professional Contact zTopics yLimitations yEttiquite
Maintaining Professional Contact zBy the end of this class student will be able to: yBuild campus-wide networks yRecognize the importance of interaction with co-workers yIdentify limitations of
Portfolio Presentations Students will present a portfolio consisting of assignments throughout the course. This portfolio should include both research done on course topics as well as personal reflections on these topics. Portfolios should be well organized using APA format when necessary.