The Liverpool Asperger Team Chris Austin, Andrew Barlow & Stuart Clensy Liverpool Asperger Team April 2008
Background High profile people with complex needs Problem of mental health v learning disabilities Demands on clinical services Public raising of the needs of people with Asperger Syndrome in the city
History of the team 1999 increased referrals Cross agency meetings 2001 steering group formalised Research project Consultation meetings User and carer involvement 2002 finalisation of structure DISCO training Funding Manager 2003 Recruitment
And also… Registrars doing elective placement (currently do not have one on placement). Trainee Psychologist (carrying out research)
What do we offer ? Assessment and diagnosis Person centred approach Specialist knowledge , information and advice Awareness training Clinical interventions – either from the team or the Managed Care Pathway
Eligibility Age 18 years of age 16-18 year olds , dependent on individual need Resident in Liverpool , or registered with a Liverpool GP A diagnosis of Asperger syndrome, according to Gillberg’s or ICD 10 classification
Managed Care Pathway -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Of 407 referrals so far …………. 245 have had full assessment 108 have not been assessed 54 are in progress 296 were male 111 were female 17 have children (As of Oct’ 2007)
The MDT Operation All professional team members are or will be DISCO assessors. Nurse – behavioural approach Social Worker – Care brokerage Psychology – Psychological therapies (solution Focused Therapy, for e.g.), multiple assessment and Psychometrics, lead for evidence based practice / ongoing research projects. Support Workers – hands on needs led support as assessed by the above and demonstration of care packages for brokerage. All work person centred and take on liaison with other agencies and most importantly with each other. Being in the same office makes this much easier.
Common Themes identified Supported Housing Relationships Work / Meaningful occupation Identity Advocacy and ‘interpretation’ Non compliance due to ‘social phobia’ or denial of needs or diagnosis (if from childhood). Carers needs and support. Support with home management.
What’s worked well Service user involvement Support for carers “An Asperger Life” DVD Flexibility of staff Groups Research Planning and reflection Full time members of the team Psycho-social model
Gaps in service No specific Sheltered Housing scheme locally for people with AS. No coherent Community Care budget or access to it for people with AS. No specific centre based service for people with AS (controversial!). No RMO attached to Liverpool Asperger Team. No specialist employment advisers.
The future People living in safe sheltered housing Employers recognising and accommodating people with Asperger syndrome and recognising their own needs for support in the work place. A place to go and socialise which is safe, predictable, secure and undemanding. Easy access to support and Psychiatry if needed. Post Code lottery
Come to our conference, “The Liverpool Asperger Team five years on” 21 -08-08 at Aintree Race Course Liverpool