1 The Business of Massage Slides to Accompany Instructor Resources
2 Lesson One: Welcome Aboard! Get to know classmates. Understand the participation guidelines for this course.
3 Final Projects Individual Project ◦Portfolio ◦Presentation Group Project ◦Business Plan ◦Presentation
4 Overview of Modules #1: Taking Stock of Your Career Options #2: Creating a Therapeutic Relationship #3: Creating a Sense of Place #4: Practicing Self-Care #5: Launching a Successful Practice #6: Managing Your Practice #7: Spreading the Word #8: Connecting with the Professional Community
5 Module #1: Taking Stock of Your Career Options
6 Lesson Two: Overview of Profession & Career Trends Clarify personal reasons for choosing the field of massage therapy. Gain an appreciation for the history of massage. Describe at least two trends in the massage therapy business.
7 Why Massage Therapy? Why have you decided to become a massage therapist? What are your expectations? What do you think are some benefits? What are some directions you might take? What are some of your deepest, most heartfelt dreams – and how do you think a career in massage therapy will help you to achieve these?
8 Why are consumers seeking massage therapy?
9 What Do We Look Like? 83% are female; 17% male Mid-40s, on average 33% work at home 29% work at spa/salon 28% have own place of business 24% work in health care setting 76% are self-employed 57% earn $ from another profession
10 Lesson Three: Career Settings & Professional Credentials Describe the various settings in which massage therapy is practiced. Identify the pros and cons of working in specific career settings. Identify the credentials that are required or available for the practice of massage therapy.
11 Clarifying the Terms State (or province) regulations Certification Licensure Membership Accreditation What are the distinctions?
12 Lesson Four: Self-Evaluation Identify self-assessment strategies for examining how your needs, behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes are relevant to the practice of massage therapy. Identify career transitions.
13 Lesson Five: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
14 Module #2: Creating a Therapeutic Relationship
15 Lesson One: The Therapeutic Relationship Distinguish between the wellness model and the allopathic medical model. Identify therapist behaviors that are consistent with confidentiality of client identification, personal disclosure, files, and treatment information. Let’s take a look…
16 Your relationship with your client is what will make or break your practice, much more than your knowledge of anatomy. - Nina McIntosh Source: The Educated Heart: Professional Guidelines for Massage Therapists, Bodyworkers, and Movement Teachers; Decatur Bainbridge Press, 1999.
17 Lesson Two: Ethics & Boundaries Identify commonalities among the ethical codes of all health care professions. Describe the process for establishing and maintaining professional boundaries and relationships with clients and peers in the workplace. Identify examples of boundary violations.
18 Lesson Three: Client Communication; Client Records & Referrals Identify the effect of language usage, vocabulary, style of speech, dress, posture, hygiene, and conduct on effective practitioner-client communication. Describe techniques for eliciting client feedback.
19 Lesson Four: Client Self-Care; Massage Session Start to Finish Describe the importance of instructing the client in self-care. Describe techniques for ending a client session.
20 Lesson Five: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Module #3: Creating a Sense of Place
Lesson One: Space from the Clients’ Perspective & Your Perspective Identify the physical components of a session space. Describe the factors that make a session space appropriate to the client. Make decisions related to the therapeutic environment, considering client preferences.
A medical doctor once told me, ‘I’m afraid that when I send a patient to an unknown massage therapist for a shoulder injury, they will have incense burning, music of whale sounds playing, and then stick a candle in the patient’s ear and light it. I want to know that the therapist’s office looks professional.’ - Bob Hasse, School Director, Bodymechanics School of Myotherapy & Massage, Olympia, WA
Lesson Two: The Physical Space Identify rules and regulations that might apply to your office space. Identify environmentally sustainable practices. Identify ways to compensate for session space that is not ideal.
Lesson Three: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Module #4: Practicing Self- Care
Lesson One: Effects of Stress & Self-Care Techniques Identify physiological and psychological effects of stress. Identify various stress reduction techniques and their benefits. Describe at least two ways to get physical exercise. Describe at least two ways to get mental exercise.
Self-Care Leads to Sustainability The correct use of body mechanics can help the longevity and successfulness of their business or career. It can make or break them. I’ve been practicing massage for over 25 years, and with the correct use of body mechanics, I am still going strong. - Sandy Fritz, Health Enrichment Center Inc., Lapeer, MI
Stress-Out Stan
Lesson Two: Personal Self-Care Management Strategy Identify strategies for stress management. Identify strategies to prevent self-injury through the use of proper body mechanics and holistic methods. Set self-care goals to better manage stress.
Lesson Three: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Module #5: Launching a Successful Practice
Lesson One: Seeking Employment Clarify pros and cons of seeking outside employment. Identify an appropriate sequence of steps for launching your massage career. Create an effective strategy and identify tools for job hunting.
Steps to Landing a Job Look inside Look outside Show your stuff
Lesson Two: Resume, Cover Letter & Interviewing Identify key components to putting together an effective resume and cover letter. Review effective interviewing techniques.
Criteria for Demo Massage Pressure Temperature Draping Practitioner talking Practitioner listening Smooth strokes between transitions
Lesson Three: Individual Career Planning Receive input from classmates on resume and cover letter. Set goals and objectives for starting your massage therapy career.
Lesson Four: Self-Employment Clarify pros and cons of self-employment. Describe different types of business structures.
Types of Businesses Sole proprietorship Partnership ◦General ◦Limited Corporation ◦LLC ◦C Corp ◦S Corp
Lesson Five: Business Plan Identify the components of a business plan. Begin designing business plan.
Lesson Six: Laws, Regulations & Insurance Requirements Identify legal and regulatory issues that you need to know when opening your practice. Clarify insurance requirements to protect yourself against loss.
Insurance Professional liability General liability Property Business interruption Disability Worker’s comp Health/medical
Lesson Seven: Market Need, Services & Products, Pricing Estimate the size of your market. Determine the services and products your business will offer.
What to Offer and How Much to Charge? Services? Products? Pricing?
Lesson Eight: Business Policies & Procedures; Professional Assistance Determine the policies that will govern your business. Evaluate whether or in what areas you will hire professional assistance.
Policies and Procedures Client policies Business policies Employee policies
Lesson Nine: Financial Planning Construct a financial plan. Describe the basics of selling, buying, or closing a business.
Lesson Ten: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Lesson Eleven: Presentations Deliver presentations on Potential Employers.
Module #6: Managing Your Practice
Lesson One: Financial Management Describe the pros and cons of hiring professional bookkeeping or accounting services for your business. Identify four types of financial reports and their purpose. Describe how to collect on an invoice if your client is slow to pay.
Lesson Two: Taxes List the types of taxes for which your business is liable. Identify at least five deductions that you might be able to claim on your income tax.
Lesson Three: Client Records Management & Insurance Billing Describe the types of client records you must maintain. Describe the issues for and against accepting client insurance payments.
Lesson Four: Time & Schedule Management Identify effective time management tips. Identify strategies for effective management of the work environment.
Lesson Five: HR Management; Being an Employee Identify legal considerations that affect you if you have employees. Describe how your massage practice is like your own business even if you are not self-employed.
Lesson Six: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Module #7: Spreading the Word
Lesson One: Marketing Name the four primary parts of a marketing plan and the purpose of each. Name at least three marketing strategies you can use to build a client base. Describe the pros and cons of different marketing strategies. Describe at least one tactic appropriate for each type of marketing strategy.
Lesson Two: Advertising & Promoting Describe the difference between a feature and a benefit. Identify primary aspects of advertising, promotions, public relations and networking/referrals.
Lesson Three: Business Stages Name two warning signals that your practice is experiencing a downturn. Describe recovery strategies that could help your business if you experience a downturn.
Lesson Four: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Module #8: Connecting with the Professional Community
Lesson One: Being a Professional & Allied Professions Identify agencies, professional associations, and other allied professions that massage practitioners commonly do business with. Identify the role of professional associations for massage practitioners. Identify strategies for effective communication with other professionals regarding client care and networking.
Lesson One: Being a Professional & Allied Professions (cont.) Identify strategies for conflict resolution in relationships with other professionals. Identify characteristics of effective interaction in groups and organizations. Identify strategies to attain new knowledge.
Lesson Two: Research Demonstrate the ability to read and critically evaluate technical information found in health-related journals. Describe the importance of evidence- based research to the massage profession.
Lesson Three: Professional Supervision & PD Business Plan Explain the need for using professional supervision when appropriate. Incorporate professional development goals into your business plan.
Lesson Four: Summary & Application Summary Review questions Chapter quiz Application
Lesson Five: Business Plan Presentations Each group presents business plan. Each group turns in accompanying “Business Start-Up Kit.” Each individual learner turns in portfolio.