07/31/2014 WIA Dislocated Worker Program & Rapid Response Gesina Mentink Dislocated Worker Unit.


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Presentation transcript:

07/31/2014 WIA Dislocated Worker Program & Rapid Response Gesina Mentink Dislocated Worker Unit

…the framework for a national workforce preparation and employment system designed to meet both the needs of the nation’s businesses and job seekers and those who want to further their careers.

Stronger Workforce Stronger Economy Dislocated Worker AdultYouth

25% - Rapid Response Reserve -State Administrative costs -Local Administrative formula costs -Local Program formula costs Life of funds = 3 program years

A Required Statewide Activity under WIA to be carried out by the State in collaboration with the Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) = Activities necessary to PLAN and DELIVER services to enable dislocated workers to TRANSITION to NEW EMPLOYMENT as QUICKLY as possible following a permanent closure or mass layoff

Required: Immediate contact with employers & any employee representatives to assess layoff plans/schedule, potential for averting layoffs, background & assistance needs of employees, reemployment prospects in the community, and available resources Provision of information Available employment & training activities, Unemployment Insurance Job Center services Information about the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program Assistance establishing a voluntary labor-management committee or workforce transition committee To devise & implement a strategy for assessing the dislocated workers’ needs and obtaining assistance Tailored assistance adapted to the particular event Provision of assistance to the local WDB, LEOs and community to obtain access to state economic development assistanceRequired: Immediate contact with employers & any employee representatives to assess layoff plans/schedule, potential for averting layoffs, background & assistance needs of employees, reemployment prospects in the community, and available resources Provision of information Available employment & training activities, Unemployment Insurance Job Center services Information about the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program Assistance establishing a voluntary labor-management committee or workforce transition committee To devise & implement a strategy for assessing the dislocated workers’ needs and obtaining assistance Tailored assistance adapted to the particular event Provision of assistance to the local WDB, LEOs and community to obtain access to state economic development assistance

Allowable: Develop prospective strategies for addressing dislocations Identify layoff aversion strategies Develop mechanisms for the exchange of information relating to potential dislocations, available assistance and effectiveness of rapid response activities Collect and analyze information relating to dislocations and available resources for dislocated workers Capacity building including successful strategies for serving dislocated workers Devise and oversee strategies for layoff aversion, incumbent worker training and linkages with economic development activitiesAllowable: Develop prospective strategies for addressing dislocations Identify layoff aversion strategies Develop mechanisms for the exchange of information relating to potential dislocations, available assistance and effectiveness of rapid response activities Collect and analyze information relating to dislocations and available resources for dislocated workers Capacity building including successful strategies for serving dislocated workers Devise and oversee strategies for layoff aversion, incumbent worker training and linkages with economic development activities

Typical Process for Responding to Notice of Layoffs DWD WDB / Job Center Informs DWD Communications if Written Notice Contact with Employer within 48 hrs. Attempt to schedule in-person mtg. w/all the right parties Initial Employer Meeting: - Learn more about the layoffs -Educate employer about transition services -Begin developing service strategy for workers Evaluate / leverage resources and implement service strategy Pre-layoff Onsite Services for Workers Notice of Layoff Coordination of “Rapid Response” DWD to lead coordination efforts if 50+ workers WDB leads any RR efforts if less than 50 workers

Dislocated workers surveys & deliverables using results Onsite, pre-layoff information sessions for workers Onsite, pre-layoff workshops Targeted job fairs with area employers Tailored labor market information for workers Gathering of feedback and making process improvements Better integration of technology

Difficult to connect with employer Timing of layoffs – happening fast; too far out in future Unable or unwilling to accommodate RR activities Some don’t see the value Coordination with lots of players No place for onsite activities or location is not ideal Difficult to integrate technology into activities Overwhelming time for impacted workers; Info overload Lack of statewide consistency in service delivery

Workforce Development Boards One-Stops DWD Central Office

The One-Stop Delivery System (a.k.a., Job Centers or Workforce Development Centers) is the basic delivery system for services to adults and dislocated workers. The ACCESS POINT for the program. The grant recipient(s) for the adult and dislocated worker program (i.e. the WDBs) is a required partner of the One-Stop system. The WDBs, in turn, contract with service providers for the provision of case management assistance. Individuals must be found eligible for the program (State and Federal eligibility criteria must be met). Participation in the program is 100% voluntary. The goal is to provide program participants with the appropriate level of services to help them obtain re-employment and become self- sufficient.

- Outreach and orientation to the One-Stop delivery system - Eligibility determination (must be registered if receiving svcs beyond self-service /informational - Initial assessment of skills, aptitudes, & abilities - Job search & placement assistance - Labor market information - Job vacancy listings & skills necessary to obtain those jobs - Comprehensive assessment of skills and service needs - In-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and goals - Development of an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) to identify employment goals, objectives, & appropriate services to help the individual attain those goals - Group & individual counseling and career planning - Short-term prevocational / work readiness training - Out-of-area job search and relocation assistance - Occupational skills training - On-the-Job training - Programs that combine workplace training with related classroom instruction - Training programs operated by the private sector - Skill-upgrading - Transportation - Child care - Dependent care - Housing CORE INTENSIVE TRAINING SUPPORT

Permanently / indefinitely laid off or received notice of layoff as part of a business closing or workforce reduction General announcement of a closure If not part of a larger dislocation, UI eligibility and likelihood of returning to previous job / industry are factors in eligibility determinations

A participant must receive at least one core service before receiving an intensive service. There is no required minimum time period a participant must receive core services before receiving intensive services. Core and intensive services must be provided through the One-Stop system, directly be a One-Stop operator or contracts with service providers. A participant must receive at least one intensive service before receiving a training service. There is no required minimum time period a participant must receive intensive services before receiving training services. Participants who access self-service only or informational services only are excluded from Federal performance measures. The WDBs establish local policies to cover a variety of topics, including types of trainings they will support, training caps, etc.

Annual Allocation from USDOL WDBs’ life of funds = 2 years WIA has no hold harmless Formula based on 6 factors: 1)Unemployment Concentration 2)Long-term unemployed 3)Established UI claims 4)Job loss in declining industries 5)Number affected by filed layoff notices 6)Farm closings Annual Allocation from USDOL WDBs’ life of funds = 2 years WIA has no hold harmless Formula based on 6 factors: 1)Unemployment Concentration 2)Long-term unemployed 3)Established UI claims 4)Job loss in declining industries 5)Number affected by filed layoff notices 6)Farm closings Formula To address substantial increase in the # unemployed Funded through RR reserve WDBs’ life of funds = 1 year For dislocation events affecting 25+ workers To address substantial increase in the # unemployed Funded through RR reserve WDBs’ life of funds = 1 year For dislocation events affecting 25+ workers Temporarily expands service capacity (typically cover specific dislocation events) State makes application to USDOL WDBs are the “project operators” Typically last for 2 years unless supplemental funding extends the life of the grant Temporarily expands service capacity (typically cover specific dislocation events) State makes application to USDOL WDBs are the “project operators” Typically last for 2 years unless supplemental funding extends the life of the grant Additional Assistance (“Special Response”) National Emergency Grants

WIA Dislocated Worker Trade Adjustment Assistance Co-enrollment

Belief by DWs that they can get re-employed on their own Delayed enrollment in program Don’t understand importance of skill training/upgrading Lack of short-term trainings leading to in-demand credentials No more extended UI = training less feasible More tenured workforce; long-time since part of the job market Confusing for participants when different parts of the states conduct their DW programs differently

HELPING PEOPLE Job loss SKILLSSKILLS re-employment Workers Community Résumé One-Stop EDUCATION FAMILIES Unemployment Connected Employer NETWORK DIFFICULT rewarding Working SUPPORT rapid Tools future WIN QUESTIONS