Aberdeen City Council Health and Social Care Integration Update
Aberdeen City Council The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 provides a framework for the effective integration of adult health and social care services. Its policy ambition is to: “…improve the quality and consistency of services for patients, carers, service users and their families; to provide seamless, joined up quality health and social care services in order to care for people in their own homes or a homely setting where it is safe to do so; and to ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently to deliver services that meet the increasing number of people with longer term and often complex needs, many of whom are older.” Policy Memorandum, Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill May 2013
Aberdeen City Council Integration Principles Integration principles enshrined in legislation They state that the main purpose of integrated services is to improve the wellbeing of service users –User perspective –User needs –Respects dignity and rights of users –Keep users safe –Quality services –Local planning –Preventative/early intervention approach –Effective use of people and resources These Integration Principles are to underpin the development of the Integration Scheme and the Strategic Plan
Aberdeen City Council National Health & Wellbeing Outcomes People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer People including those with disabilities or long term conditions or who are frail are able to live as far as reasonably practicable independently & at home or in a homely setting in their community People who use health and social care services have positive experiences of those services & have their dignity respected Health and social care services are centred on helping to maintain or improve the quality of life of people who use these services Health and social care services contribute to reducing health inequalities People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their health & wellbeing People using health and social care services are safe from harm People who work in health and social care services feel engaged with the work they do & are supported to continuously improve the information, support, care and treatment they provide Resources are used effectively & efficiently in the provision of health and social care services.
Aberdeen City Council Purpose of Integration Scheme - The Act requires that Local authorities and Health Boards jointly prepare, consult and submit to Scottish Ministers an Integration Scheme that sets out the following arrangements Model of integration (Body corporate/Lead agency) Scope of functions and services that are to be delegated IJB governance Clinical and care governance Financial management Chief Officer Local operational delivery arrangements Workforce and organisational development Information sharing and data handling Complaints handling and dispute resolution Claims handling, Liability and indemnity Risk management
Aberdeen City Council Integration Scheme Consultation on draft Integration Scheme January 2015 Revised Integration Scheme presented to shadow Integration Joint Board in February Integration Scheme presented to ACC and NHSG for their agreement and ‘sign off’ in March Integration Scheme submitted to Scottish Government before 1 st April. Approval from Scottish Government anticipated June/July.
Aberdeen City Council Local Authority Functions Services and support for adults with physical disabilities and learning disabilities Mental health services Drug and alcohol services Adult protection and domestic abuse Carers support services Community care assessment teams Support services Care home services Adult placement services Health improvement services Aspects of housing support, including aids and adaptions Day services Local area co-ordination Respite provision Occupational therapy services Re-ablement services, equipment and telecare Self directed support
Aberdeen City Council Health functions 1 District nursing services; Services provided out with a hospital in relation to an addiction or dependence on any substance; Services provided by allied health professionals in an outpatient department, clinic, or out with a hospital; The public dental service; Primary medical services provided under a general medical services contract General dental services Ophthalmic services Pharmaceutical services
Aberdeen City Council Health functions 2 Services providing primary medical services to patients during the out-of- hours period; Services provided out with a hospital in relation to geriatric medicine; Palliative care services provided out with a hospital; Community learning disability services; Mental health services provided out with a hospital; Continence services provided out with a hospital; Kidney dialysis services provided out with a hospital; Services provided by health professionals that aim to promote public health
Aberdeen City Council Health functions 3 In addition to the above, each Health Board is required to integrate, for the purposes of strategic planning, some of its hospital provision including: Accident and emergency services provided in a hospital; Inpatient hospital services relating to the following branches of medicine: o general medicine; o geriatric medicine; o rehabilitation medicine; o respiratory medicine; and o psychiatry of learning disability, o palliative care services provided in a hospital; o inpatient hospital services provided by general medical practitioners; o services provided in a hospital in relation to an addiction or dependence on any substance; o mental health services provided in a hospital, except secure forensic mental health services.
Aberdeen City Council Integration Timeline January 2015; TLG becomes shadow Integrated Joint Board. March 2015; Integration Scheme submitted to Scottish Government. April 2015: Scheme of Delegation to shadow IJB for CHP functions. June/July 2015; Integration Scheme approved by Scottish Govt, Integration Joint Board becomes a legally competent body. Tbc but not later than 1 st April 2016; Strategic Plan produced and full delegation of health and care functions to Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership.
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