CSIR Sports Technology Centre Presentation to the Sport & Recreation Portfolio Committee 15 March 2005 Dr Graham Wright
Presentation overview CSIR overview Mandate Beyond 60 CSIR Sports Technology Centre overview Purpose, goals and indicators Portfolio of initiatives
CSIR Activities The R&D core of the CSIR is focused on knowledge generation and knowledge application Strategic research, contract R&D outcomes are delivered into both economic and social spheres
Celebrating 6 decades of science excellence in 2005, the CSIR is undergoing organisational transformation, focusing on a strengthened intellectual core, to ensure the ability to meet South Africa’s science and technology needs into the future. Into the future
CSIR differentiation Core of relevant science excellence Multi-disciplinary and complex research Innovation stimulation Knowledge/Technology transfer Future-focused “Honest broker” Iconic brand and reputation as national asset
Current research areas in the national interest Water, Environment, Forestry Materials and Manufacturing Food, Bio/Chemicals The Built Environment Defense (Safety and security) Mining
Strategic Research Facilities National Laser Centre National Metrology Laboratory CSIR Satellite Applications Centre Information Society Technologies Centre Sports Technology Centre Crime Prevention Centre Open Source Centre
SA player in international science & research Nerve Centre for Global Research Alliance (GRA) comprising nine world-leading science organisations African regional focal point for World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) Working in 24 African countries Alliances and working relationships with leading multinational corporations
Sport Technology Broadly defined to include any technology-rich support which is serving to advance the objectives of sport in South Africa. Vital for the development of athletes, teams, coaches and administrators. Supplements other forms of Athlete support services, such as Sports Psychology, Medicine, Nutrition, Vision, Physiotherapy, etc.
Introduction The CSIR Sport Technology Centre CSIR’s coordination mechanism. Focus on technology innovations and information solutions for the sports sector. Built on partnerships and alliances. Undergoing transformation, with the sector.
Strategic Alliances & Partners Government SASCOC SA Sports Commission DSR Umbrella Bodies AAG Commonwealth Games Assoc NOCSA Sports Federations UCB of SA SA Hockey Assoc Netball SA SA Rugby ASA, etc. Tertiary Institutions Highperformancecentre TUKS Stellenbosch University NWU, etc. Our customer base includes local & international sports federations/teams
Our Core Offerings Sports event planning and management; National Sports BID support and project management. Research and development into S&T based innovations; Virtual Reality, Notational Analysis & Performance Analysis, Modeling, simulation and visualization, Telemetry & Tracking, Biomechanical Analysis, ICT. Provision of product & support services; Notational Analysis products such as Rugbystat, Crickstat, Netballstat, Canoestat, etc, Telemetry based products such as Heart Rate monitors. High speed video analysis of athletes as well as subsequent biomechanical analysis. Sports information and knowledge management; Data management and data mining, Technology scanning and reviews.
Sports Event Planning & Management Support to the national BIDs for: 2004 Cape Town Olympic Bid, 2006 World Cup Soccer Bid, 2010 World Cup Soccer Bid. Support in the form of: Project Management, Environmental Impact Assessments, Road and Transport Infrastructure Design, Security Planning, Communications Infrastructure Planning, GIS Mapping.
Notational Analysis Systems Crickstat Rugbystat Rugby Maestro Squash Maestro Hockeystat Netballstat Baseballstat Soccerstat (in development)
Provision of P roduct & S upport S ervices Support to athletes and teams preparing for major events: 2002 Commonwealth Games (Manchester), 2003 All Africa Games (Nigeria), 2004 Olympic Games (Athens). Services included: Notational and Video Analysis, Biomechanical Analysis, Provision of VHS/CD/DVD for coaches and players. Support provided to: Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Bowls, Canoeing, Gymnastics, Hockey, Swimming, Taekwondo, Volleyball, amongst others.
Disability Sport South Africa (DISSA) Sports supported SwimmingBiomechanical Analysis10 Athletes AthleticsBiomechanical Analysis22 Athletes TennisNotational Analysis2 Athletes ShootingBiomechanical Analysis1 Athlete Power lifting Biomechanical Analysis4 Athletes Table TennisNotational Analysis5 Athletes EquestrianBiomechanical Analysis2 Athletes CyclingMicro Ears & Video capturing4 Athletes Events supported –DISSA National Championships – 2003 & 2004 –Training Camps – 2004 –Paralympic Games 2004
Disability Sport South Africa (DISSA) Paralympic Games Medals 15 Gold, 13 Silver & 7 Bronze 11 World Records 2 Paralympic Games Records Research 2003 Uys, S; Rossouw, C; Ferreira, S. & Bressan, E.S. (2003). Sport technology and the improvement of the performance of athletes with disabilities in the throwing events. VISTA 2003 Conference: Sports for Youths with Disabilities. Bollnas, Sweden. September 2005 Rossouw, C; Uys, S; Ferreira, S. & Bressan, E.S. (2005).Challenges in Coaching Athletes with Disablities in the Throwing Events. The 1st Sport Science Conference in Botswana. February 15 – 18.
Collaborative Projects Current Collaborative Projects; SA Sports Hall of Fame (Gary Bailey, Naas Botha & Phillip Ndo: Talent identification, promote sports science, technologies and education. North West University: Notational Analysis. Stellenbosch University: Notational Analysis, DISSA and coaching education. High Performance Centre (TUKS): Notational Analysis.
Of the future challenges Overcoming the major barriers: Lack of financial support, specialists, equipment, staff, expertise, coordination. Impact objectives: Enhanced level of performance, Empower coaches and administrators, Enhance development pathway of talented athletes. Intended outputs: Accelerated sports development, Better preparedness of athletes, teams, coaches & administrators.
Sports Technology Centre Thank you