Events Leading to the Civil War Chapter 10
Uncle Tom’s Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe - powerful condemnation of slavery - best selling book in North
Kansas-Nebraska Act - Stephen Douglas - K and N – decide fate by popular sov.
Stephen Douglas
“Bleeding Kansas” -proslavery and antislavery people came into Kansas - Missouri – pro-slavery - Emigrant Aid Company – anti-slavery group - Kansas setup 2 gov’ts - Border Ruffians – proslavery group attacked antislavery town of Lawrence - Pottawatomie Massacre - John Brown – abolitionist -executed 5 proslavery settlers
Henry Ward Beecher – “Beecher’s Bibles”
John Brown
Violence in Senate - Charles Sumner - Mass. Senator – abolitionist - insulted SC Sen. Andrew Butler - Preston Brooks – beat Sumner unconscious with cane
Brooks-Sumner Affair
Violence in Congress
Elections of 1852 and – Franklin Pierce 1856 – James Buchanan - all Democrats - “Northern men w/ Southern principles” - rated worst presidents
Franklin Pierce
Winfield Scott- last Whig presidential candidate
James Buchanan
John C. Fremont – 1 st Repub. Candidate in 1856
Dred Scott Decision - Dred Scott – slave - master brought him from Missouri (slave) to Illinois and Wisconsin (Free) - Scott sued for freedom - Roger Taney – ruled that slaves were property and not people
Dred Scott Decision
Roger Taney
Lincoln-Douglas Debates -A. Lincoln v. Stephen Douglas - US Senate Seat for Illinois - 7 debates - Douglas wins election
Lincoln-Douglas Debates – US Senate
Harper’s Ferry -fed. arsenal in Virginia -John Brown planned to arm slaves and start slave revolt - Brown failed and was executed
John Brown again
Election of Democratic Party splits - Northern Democrats – Stephen Douglas - Southern Democrats – John Breckinridge - Constitutional Union Party – John Bell -Republican Party – Abraham Lincoln
Election of 1860
Confederate States of America - South Carolina - 1 st state to secede - 7 states seceded by president – Jefferson Davis - new constitution – guarantees slavery
SC secedes (7 altogether after 1860 election)
Jefferson Davis
Fort Sumter - Union fort in South Carolina - Lincoln sent food, but no arms to the fort - South fired on fort - Union ran out of ammo; gave up fort
Ft Sumter