WHY AM I HERE? To assist in your academic success Prevent you from progressing to Academic Probation Status (A2) Help you keep your financial aid Connect you with resources on campus and in the community to help you be successful in your educational pursuits Empower you to take responsibility for own success and education
HOW CAN I BE MORE PROACTIVE NEXT QUARTER? Obtain Books in Campus Bookstore, Building 6 (Lair) Obtain your parking permit, Building 15 (cashier’s office) If a class/program is not right for you, get in to see a counselor ASAP Know the major dates of each quarter For all Quarters - The first day of the quarter is the last day to add/drop a class online Schedule changes from the 2 nd -5 th days are done through ISAC Create educational plan for program
WHAT IS ISAC? Instructor Signature to Add a Class Submit a request through mybigfoot portal You can submit up to 4 ISAC requests per quarter You will be notified by if you are accepted or denied enrollment If accepted, you have 24 hours, from receipt of , to pay tuition
HOW TO KEEP FINANCIAL AID! Maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average in all coursework Complete at least 67% of attempted credits If pursuing a degree, financial aid assumes it takes no longer than125% of the time required to obtain that degree (ex. 90 x 125% = credits) Financial aid counts all of the following in the 125%: Z, W, I repeated and 0.0 Actions that cause issues with financial aid include: repeatedly changing programs, no longer attending and dropping without adding classes
BEING SUCCESSFUL IN ONLINE CLASSES Determine if you are a good candidate for online learning Disciplined self-starter who can work/learn independently Quiet place at home to study/complete online work Reliable high-speed internet access and good computer skills Attend an eLearning orientation on campus or online to learn how to use the CANVAS system eLearning helpdesk: submit a help request either online or by calling the number provided
DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES Provides equal access and reasonable accommodations to students, must self-identify and access resources yourself Also provides services for deaf and hard of hearing students You are eligible if: You are considered a person with a disability under the law Have identified yourself to a disability support service provider Have provided current documentation regarding your disability
VETERANS ONE STOP Located in the Student Success and Career Services office in the Lair Veteran friendly contacts are throughout campus, here is a list: Deana Sleep is the Program Coordinator and Veteran Certifying Official
HELP! I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO DO! Talk to a counselor ASAP to discuss career/academic planning Attend a career planning workshop Student Success and Career Services provide Career Assessments Resume building and cover letter assistance Interview skills Connect you with Job Club/support groups for students seeking work Online career resources like (O*net, SCC’s Career Coach)O*netSCC’s Career Coach
DID YOU KNOW??? We have a Bigfoot childcare facility on campus We have our own Student Health Center most services provided at no cost to students Free mental health counseling for registered students Multicultural Student Services Office: focus on advocacy, activities, clubs, assistance with completion of Tribal forms, and multicultural resources We have our own food bank on campus that you can access 3 times per quarter You can get a free bus pass at the cashier’s office in building 15
ACADEMIC SUCCESS We provide tutoring services free of charge to our students Each quarter we offer a variety of free Student Success Workshops (Click on the Student Success Workshops link once redirected to this website) Examples include: time management, self-esteem building, test anxiety, learning strategies and procrastination
FINANCIAL RESOURCES FAFSA-Free Application for Federal Student Aid CCS Foundation scholarship Opportunity Grant Worker Retraining Grant SAFE Grant Basic Food Employment and Training BFET Tuition Installment Payment Plan TIPP Workfirst Workforce Investment Act Americorps Veteran’s educational services Passport for Foster youth promise scholarship Funding is available through federal, state, SCC institutional grants, loans, and scholarships Go to Career and Employment Services at SCC
CHANGE OF INFO Update your address/ or you will miss important changes/updates happening at the college! At registration island in building 15 or online Has your legal name changed? Submit changes to financial aid and admissions, or you will not get your award Check your frequently, this is the means of communication used by the college to distribute important information Keep all important s/mail in a folder for documentation
GET CONNECTED We offer a wide range of student-run clubs at SCC (over 40) Some examples include: Collegiate DECA Student Parents Together Allies for Disability Awareness (ADA) Or Start your own club! Intramural sports Campus events: craft fairs and guest speakers Contact Student Activities Office for upcoming events Join Student Government, meetings every Tuesday at 3pm in the Lair Volunteering opportunities
THE TIPPING POINT College students who complete 30 credits or more of college level courses are much more likely to complete their college degree than those who fall below the 30 credit mark