IMPROVING RESEARCH THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Use technology to research current events Use technology to research historical events Take field trips without leaving the classroom
Current Events Subscribe to a newspaper online Read online articles Circus Runaway Not Looking Forward To Hometown Show May 21, 2003 | Issue 3919Issue 3919 SACRAMENTO, CA—Michael MacAlester, who ran away from his native Sacramento at 16 to join the circus, is not looking forward to the Big Top Circus' show this Friday in his hometown. "The idea of getting the hell out of Sacramento and joining a traveling circus was really exciting, but I guess I should've thought to check the schedule," MacAlester, 18, a unicycling clown, said Monday. "I asked the ringmaster if I could possibly sit this one out, but he said no way." MacAlester said he plans to wear extra-heavy make-up in case his parents happen to be in attendance
Historical Events
Take A Virtual Field Trip
Utilizing Technology to Present Information Create a class webpage Invest in a SMART board Use a variety of media PowerPoint Videos Overheads
Create A Class Webpage Set up a free account Improve relationships with parents Provide a format for students ’ questions
Invest In A SMART Board
Use A Variety of Media
Using Technology to Gain A New Perspective Explore various lesson plans available online Engage in discussions with other educational professionals online Communicate with community organizations
Lesson Plans Search the web for lesson plans designed by other teachers to present information in new ways. Search
Work With Other Educators Through Technology Teachers can communicate through message boards, s, and online articles.communicate
Work With Community Organizations Enhance community service projects through technologycommunity service Contact community leaders Encourage involvement with community issues involvement Municipality:Borough of East Greenville Address:206 Main Street Box 128 East Greenville, PA Phone: Fax: Website:N/A Mayor:Ryan J. Sloyer Borough Council:Douglas G. Bricker, President Members:Frederick J. Bieler, Gary A. Bilger, Jennifer Boyer, Thomas Kolb,Edward Treffinger, George J. Wentling Tax Collector:Kathleen Bieler
Employ Technology to Give Students Access to the World Give students “ real world ” experience Utilize programs that are useful in the professional world
Immerse Students in the Subject
Assign Projects That Use Life Skills Title - Culture Trip using Desktop Publishing Primary Subject - Computers / Internet Secondary Subjects - Social Studies Grade Level Title - American Quilt: Identifying your culture using Desktop Publishing Note: This is an Introduction to Desktop - not designed for an advance lesson. Students should be familiar with researching on Internet. This lesson can also be completed in word. Time - Two to three days. Lesson Plan - Designing an American quilt using desktop publisher. DESCRIPTION: This computer lesson will enable each student to integrate Social Studies within a simple desktop publishing design
Make Technology & Social Studies Fun Plan your lessons so they are interesting to the students Demonstrate how useful technology can be
Resources The British Museum mpass&search-form=graphical/gt/gtindex.html&submit-button=search mpass&search-form=graphical/gt/gtindex.html&submit-button=search The White House Education and Technology Smart Technologies Social Studies Lesson Plans, Ideas, and Activities