Welcome to 4WM Shanghai American School Wessie Mekuria, Ph.D. Grade 4 Wessie.Mekuria@saschina.org Blog: http://sites.saschina.org/wmekuria
Goal for Open House ➣To help you understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year. ➣To work in partnership with you and explain the expectations for your child. ➣To help remind them of their character traits and how this will help them become successful learners. ➣To share information that will help you support your child’s learning.
Mission Statement SAS inspires in all students: a lifelong passion for learning the commitment to act with integrity and compassion the courage to live their dreams. EAGLES - Our EAGLES define the learner profiles we hope to instill in our children: Empowered-Adaptable-Global-minded - Literate- Ethical- Skilled Inquirers.
Grade 4 Curriculum Five core subjects Specials (7 Day Rotation) ➣Readers Workshop ➣Writers Workshop ➣Math ➣Science ➣Social Studies Specials (7 Day Rotation) PE (3x) Art and Music (2x) Library Checkout and Guidance (1x) Technology and Library are integrated
Support Teachers Helen Jin - EAL (English as an Additional Language) Lourdes Frayco- EAL TA Caty Romero- Academic Support Kelly Barons – Academic Support Jeff Dungan - Technology Support Jemer Danao - AS TA
Reading The goal of our reading program is to foster a love of reading. We do this through: ➣Shared, guided, and independent reading activities. ➣Reading strategies and skills instruction. ➣Instructional read alouds. ➣Projects which encourage reading and celebrate books .
Readers Workshop Model Each Readers Workshop session begins with a mini lesson. Students then read independently and practice the skills from the mini-lesson. This may include: ➣Meeting with reading partners ➣Writing a reading response ➣Working in guided reading ➣Conferencing with the teacher Discussions in book clubs
Writers Workshop Model Each Writers Workshop session begins with a mini lesson. Students then write independently and practice the skills from the mini lesson. This may include: ➣Developing writing strategies. ➣A step of the writing process- planning, drafting, revising, editing, or publishing ➣ Celebrating ourselves as authors.
The Writing Process Five step writing process ➣Pre-write (planting the seed, organize thoughts) ➣Draft (put ideas on paper) ➣Revise (verbs, adjectives, adverbs and elaborating) ➣Edit (correct spelling, mechanics, and grammar) ➣Publish (prepare a copy for others to read)
MATH We are aligned to the National Common Core Standards LEARNING TARGETS: Numbers, Geometry, Measurement, Probability and Statistics, Algebra, Patterns, and Functions, Problem Solving, Computational Skills MATH
Everyday Math 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Explain and support strategy and reasoning. 4. Demonstrate real life application. 5. Use appropriate strategies.
Word Study Words Their Way ➣spelling patterns ➣strategies Learning Vocabulary ➣which allows us to hear the words ➣ declare(say) our words Transferring learning to all curriculum areas.
Science Three units studied ➣Inquiries ➣Investigations ➣Analysis ➣Magnetism and Electricity ➣Structure and function ➣ Earth processes
Social Studies Trimester 1 ➣Geography: Maps, Atlas, Longitude/Latitude, Landforms ➣Geography of Asia and China Trimester 2 ➣Ancient China Terra-cotta Warriors Chinese artifacts Trimester 3 ➣Modern China Ongoing ➣Current Events
Technology Each class has one-to-one laptop ratio ➣Integrated into all curriculum areas ➣Support from Technology Integrationist
Super Fourth Events ➣Soccer days (Fall Sept. 26th & Spring TBA) ➣Halloween Party ➣Field trips - Shanghai Museum - China Alive - Peasant Painting ➣Sharing Lunch ➣Classroom Holiday Party ➣Book Swap ➣Other planned events
Homework Homework is an opportunity for students to practice and fine-tune the skills we are working on in class. Each student will have an assignment book that they are expected to carry to and from school each day. Monday –Thursday Night! ➣30 minutes of reading each night. (excluded from HW time) ➣40 minutes max of homework (including Language Block) reading response assignments, word study activities, math practice, writing assignments, and science/social studies work.
Class Agreement 4WM is… Ready Responsible Respectful As Life Long LEARNERS... 4WM is… Ready Responsible Respectful