Delivering Effective Feedback NTGPE 2015
Feedback is ? Specific information about the comparison between a learner’s observed performance and a standard, given with the intent to improve the learner’s performance “A conversation about performance” ( to develop lifelong learning )
Why is feedback important ? Acknowledgement of learning Framework for development Provides Motivation
Preparation for feedback Appropriate setting Establish structure or model Consider broader learning context Remember specific purpose on this occasion Consider what to say / write in advance
Planning for Feedback?... RePAiR model Steps of giving feedback: –Recognise what you are giving feedback on (Isolate main issues; max 3/session) –Preparation; gather info and plan –Action; deliver the feedback; various models –Review; outcome of the feedback?
Effective Feedback Characteristics –Announced –Timely –Objective –Specific –Shared –Genuine –Meaningful –Uses silence effectively –Aims for improvement –Allows reflection –Leads to reassessment
Pendleton’s Rules –Recipient : what went well –Provider : what also went well –Recipient : opportunities for change –Provider : further opportunities for change
Calgary Cambridge Model Start with the learner’s agenda Focus on outcome required Encourage self-assessment & problem solving Provide balanced feedback Make and rehearse suggestions Be respectful Structure and summarise
Constructive Feedback Let the recipient speak first (self assessment) Start with the good points Identify areas to improve Be specific and give concrete examples Plan a solution for each problem Deal with one issue at a time Show interest and involvement
You were sitting in the room observing the registrar’s consultation with Mr Willis and now you are providing feedback. Your Registrar is a GPT1 with 2 months experience. The Registrar has worked in Emergency Department and as a Medical Registrar but has not undertaken any work in Psychiatry. This is the first time you have sat in and provided feedback