Slide 1 From Expressions of Interest to a Workprogramme for 2003 PRIORITY 1 Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health
Slide 2 FP6 - Expressions of Interest - Response Priority theme 1: Life Sciences, Genomics & Biotechnology for Health IPsNoEsUnspecified Total Fundamental genomics Applied genomics & biotech Major diseases Cancer Poverty related diseases Total % of EoIs for all 7 priority themes
Slide 3 FP6 - Expressions of Interest - Theme 1
Slide 4 FP6 - Expressions of Interest - Theme 1 Industry, including SME, involvement (% submitters) 4% overall 8% Fundamental knowledge and basic tools 10% Applications of knowledge and technologies... N.B 15% of budget for SMEs Gender balance (% submitters) 16% female 84% male
Slide 5 EoIs- countries of submitters - Theme 1 10 % from candidate countries
Slide 6 FP6 - Expressions of Interest - Theme 1 Outcome of the panel meeting Categories of scientific topics - all panels 1. Strategic importance for Europe & thematic priority; ready for implementation through an IP or NoE 2. Not-relevant to the thematic priority; less obvious strategic importance for Europe Some panels 3. Strategic importance for Europe & thematic priority; BUT not yet mature for an IP or NoE (based on the EoIs received) 4. Strategic importance but not covered by any EoIs or the EoIs were not well argued
Slide 7 FP6 - Expressions of Interest - Theme 1 Analysis Methodology At the panel meeting in Bussels “Citation list” of EoIs to start the discussion - cited EoIs - non-cited EoIs - expert rapporteur for every EoI Some EoIs analysed by more than one panel (broad scope) Definition of topics for IP and NoE - no pre-selection of particular EoI or consortium
Slide 8 Fundamental knowledge and basic tools for functional genomics in all organisms In total, 30 recommended topics 15 topics will be published in first call; 15 in second call The selected topics will be open only for the call indicated It is envisaged that no more than 1 project utilising a new instrument will be funded for each topic There will be competition between topics as well as within topic areas This will result in some topic areas not being supported
Slide 9 Gene expression and Proteomics Examples Structural genomics Examples Advanced array technologies High throughput proteomics for large data set of protein- protein interactions In situ gene expression analysis in mouse and human tissues Membrane proteins Supramolecular analysis (NoE) Hardware and software for automated technologies at synchrotron sites (IP) Viral replication Large protein complexes
Slide 10 Comparative genomics & Population genetics Examples Bioinformatics Examples Non-mammalian vertebrate models (IP) In-vivo imaging for phenotyping and functional analysis RNA interference screening in Arabidopsis for processes relevant to health Phenotyping human populations Bacterial diversity with relevance to human health (NoE) High throughput genotyping in human populations (NoE) Annotation of human and other genomes (NoE) Genomics grid for European research (NoE) Software platform to tackle sequence-structure-function relationships
Slide 11 Basic biological processes Examples: Cell cycle Non-human embryonic stem cell differentiation Erythroid development (IP) Lymphangiogenesis Inflammation processes (NoE) Ubiquitin-proteasome (NoE) Epigenetics (NoE) Kidney disease Peroxisomes Inner ear or retina development DNA damage and repair Disease of the immune system or of the muscle X-linked syndromes
Slide 12 Traditional instruments Examples: Transcription activation Signal transduction Intracellular communication Non-coding genomic information Integration of genes In silico prediction of gene function Simulation of complex regulatory networks New tools and approaches, standard protocols producing knowledge in functional and structural genomics
Slide 13 Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Strategic Objective: To foster the competitiveness of Europe’s biotechnology industry by exploiting the wealth of biological data produced by genomics and advances in biotechnology
Slide 14 Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Development of Technological Platforms TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS Integrated Multidisciplinary Research EU project - Health care progress - Increased quality of life - Cost reduction - Precise diagnostics - Individualised treatments - New drugs and therapies - Novel products from genomics and biotechnology Deliverables Industry SME Academics Stakeholders Civil society
Slide 15 Applications of knowledge and technologies in the field of genomics and biotechnology for health Technology Platforms will focus their research activities on: New, safer and more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches New diagnostics New in vitro tests to replace animal experimentation New preventive and therapeutic tools such as somatic gene and cell therapies (in particular stem cell therapies) and immunotherapies Innovative research in post-genomics (novel products from genomics and biotechnology)
Slide 16 STEM CELL Therapies Detailed implementing provisions concerning research activities involving the use of human embryos and human embryonic stem cells which may be funded under the 6th Framework Programme shall be established by 31 December During that period and pending establishment of the detailed implementing provision, the Commission will not propose to fund such research, with the exception of the study of banked or isolated human embryonic stem cells in culture.
Slide 17 New, safer and more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches Examples Development of new diagnostics Examples Development of new in vitro tests Examples Drugs for aberrant molecular signalling in protein phosphorylation pathways (IP) Genome-based individualised medicine Drugs for psychiatric disorders (NoE) Antiviral therapies (IP) Medicines for paediatrics Computer-assisted modelling for drugs Therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases Genetic tests allowing for harmonisation, validation and standardisation In-vivo molecular imaging Non-invasive diagnostics: Development of markets for ante- and neonatal screening (NoE) Test batteries for human acute toxicity Combined in vitro cell and sensor technologies for animal toxicology (IP)
Slide 18 New preventive and therapeutic tools Examples Innovative research in Post-Genomics Examples New cell lines for cell- based therapies (IP) Allogenic stem cell transplantation for haematological and neoplastic diseases (IP) Cell-based therapies for regeneration of connective tissue (IP) Gene delivery systems against severe acquired diseases Gene therapy of inherited diseases Safety, quality, standardisation of stem cells (European registry) Regeneration therapies for vital organs Vaccine delivery systems (bacterial, synthetic, aimed at dendritic cells, etc…) New chemokine modulators in autoimmune diseases Post-genomic approaches against asthma and autoimmune diseases (IP) Plant platforms for immunotherapeutic biomolecule production (IP) RNA as human therapeutic tool Post-genomic approaches to study human pathogens Pre-clinical and clinical applications
Slide 19 New, safer and more effective drugs including pharmacogenomics approaches Examples: Blood substitutes (e.g. oxygen carriers), G-Protein coupled receptors Development of new diagnostics Development of new in vitro tests Examples:Non-invasive diagnostics using bioinformatics tools, Diagnostics for prion diseases Examples:Competitive product screening & development process stages lead compounds by introduction of alternative testing New preventive and therapeutic tools Examples:Vaccine technologies targeted to dendritic cells Databank on immuno therapies, comprising advances from genomics, proteomics and cell biology Stem cell products for myocardial repair Innovative research in post-genomics Examples:Combinatorial biosynthesis, Optically-active therapeutic biomolecules by biocatalysis, Precision technology platforms from post-genomics
Slide 20 Combating major diseases Fields of research: Combating cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and rare diseases Combating resistance to antibiotics and other drugs Studying the brain and combating diseases of the nervous system Studying human development and the ageing process TOTAL Cancer Number of EoIs:
Slide 21 Combating cardiovascular disease, diabetes and rare diseases Examples: Molecular targets in obesity from diabetes Coronary Artery Disease Genomics of heart muscle development (NoE) Genomics of vascular disease (NoE) Pancreatic ion channels in type II diabetes (IP) Rare disorders of mitochondria Hypertension Genomics of type II diabetes Exercise and metabolic syndrome Eicosanoids and nitric oxide as mediators of diseases Rare disorders of plasma membrane transporters N° of EoIs: 286
Slide 22 Combating resistance to antibiotics and other drugs Examples: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (NoE) Anti-viral drug resistance Antibiotics producing organisms New targets for drugs - the ribosome Anti-fungal resistance Microbial ecology - epidemiology Control of hospital acquired infections Broadening the knowledge base on molecular mechanisms behind resistance Non antimicrobial therapies
Slide 23 Studying the brain and combating diseases of the nervous system Examples: Protein aggregation Eating disorders (IP) Bipolar disorders (IP) Rare neurological diseases: ataxias Brain development, degeneration and regeneration (NoE) Brain tissue research (NoE) Addiction Cortical processing: learning, memory, behavior Cortical development Stem cells and nervous system Rare monogenic neurological disorders, Genetics and neurobiology of pain, Schizophrenia N° of EoIs: 281
Slide 24 Human Development and Ageing Examples: Longevity Mesodermal organ system (NoE) Mitochondrial dysfunction Embryo implantation Congenital anomalies Markers Aberrant Steroid signalling Biochemistry of Reactive Oxygen Species Molecular mechanisms of bone homeostasis N° of EoIs: 58
Slide 25 Cancer Selected 6 out of 14 topics for first call in order to ensure: Potential co-ordination of complementary areas (e.g. molecular targets - molecular imaging) Balanced coverage of the main WP areas: A. Establishing facilities for exploitation of research Registries and repositories B. Clinical research European networks for clinical trials Molecular imaging for early detection Radiation therapy C. Translational research Functional oncogenomics Molecular targets
Slide 26 Overall Research Strategy of the 6 th Framework Programme to confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis EUROPEAN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES CLINICAL TRIALS PARTNERSHIP (EDCTP) Vaccines Microbicides Therapy Trials in Europe Vaccines Biology and Pathology (NoE) Drugs Vaccines Drugs HIV/AIDSMalariaTB NEW INSTRUMENTS H I G H R I S K P R O J E C T S ( S T R E P) CROSS-CUTTING TOPICS: Mucosal vaccines for PRD Neonatal vaccination strategies for PRD Pre-clinical Discovery Genomics Clinical Trials (Phase II/III) Phase I trials
Slide 27 Confronting the major communicable diseases linked to poverty High level of interest, excellent quality of the EoI: most EU leading researchers represented in one or more EoI
Slide 28 EoI’s Panel main recommendations Encourage participation of partners from DC Stimulate the training component both for the North and the South Increase the professionalism of management Include in the projects pre-clinical testing in non- human primates and GMP production of candidate drugs or vaccines
Slide 29 From Expressions of Interest to a Workprogramme for 2003 PRIORITY 5 Food Quality & Safety
Slide 30 Response to invitation to submit Expressions of Interest for priority 5 Type of instrumentType of submitter Gender of submitter 24% 33%43% 51% 41% 8% 77% 23%
Slide 31 Expert comments on nonselected EoI Very many EOIs on similar subjects Many were technical skills looking for funds Many were on a very large scale with little indication of management skills Need for a “Development Bank” business plan approach Lack of analysis on the importance of the problems to be addressed and of any potential benefits No gender balance awareness IP management was weak No gender balance awareness and IP management was weak
Slide 32 From EoI to Workprogramme Budget: 149 M€ in 2003 Focussing: from 53 topics through EoIs down to... Consultation of AG and committee Maturity of the topic Readiness of the topics for new instruments or traditional instruments Urgency of the issue: 2003 or 2004
Slide 33 Format of the Draft Workprogramme (1) Common format for all Thematic Priorities Follows the specific programme Introduction to each area: clear signals NI (NE/ IP) or TI (STREP/ CA)
Slide 34 Format of the Draft Workprogramme (2) 2003:- selected topics - detailed description (objectives/disciplines/expected outcome) 2004:- indicative areas - outline description Objectives for Specific Support Measures
Slide 35 A likely (but non-binding) scenario
Slide 36 Total Food Chain Examples: Food from low input and organic production systems: Ensuring the safety and improving quality along the whole chain Quality seafood for improved consumer health and well- being Improving the quality and safety of beef for the consumer Pathogen free production systems
Slide 37 Epidemiology of food-related diseases and allergies Examples: Validated food information database for Europe (NoE) Epidemiology of food allergy Influence of gene-nutrient interaction on the development of chronic diseases Influence of nutrition and lifestyle on healthy ageing aimed at preventing adult degenerative disease Nutritional and lifestyle habits of adolescents throughout Europe, including production of functional foods with sensory properties attractive to adolescents
Slide 38 Impact of food on health Examples: Functional genomics in relation to food, nutrition and health (NoE) Lipid metabolism and the metabolic syndrome Food safety, risk assessment and communication Programming effects of early nutrition on long-term health Microbes, the immune system and gut health Improving and enhancing the nutritional value and health benefits of cereals Health risks from heat-treated foods and food products
Slide 39 “Traceability” processes along the production chain Development of reliable traceability methods and systems to establish the origin/mode of productin of food products
Slide 40 Methods of analysis, detection and control Examples: Zoonoses including food borne diseases (NoE) Prion diseases (NoE) Chemical contaminants in food products Emerging and future food borne pathogenic microorganisms throughout the food chain Quantitative risk assessment strategies based on probabilistic, genomic and profiling approaches including a risk-benefit analysis for novel foods Cost-effective tools for risk management and traceability systems for zoonotic agents and phycotoxins in seafood
Slide 41 Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and healthier foodstuffs High throughput analysis of plant composition and metabolism for optimising end-product quality Animal welfare for improved food quality Genomics of host-pathogen interactions in animals (NoE) Soil microbial community management for safe production under stress conditions Plant biodiversity to reduce pesticide application Immunological basis for protection against animal disease Antibiotic resistance Crop protection systems based on biological control agents and semiochemicals Modelling of improved crop establishment in low input systems Plant flavonoids Recycled organic wastes from the food chain Sustainable aquaculture GMO co-existence analysis Use of genetic resistance to control plant viruses Disease risk from alternative and enriched cage and free-range systems Examples:
Slide 42 Impact of animal feed on human health New strategies to improve grain legumes for food and feed Alternatives to antimicrobials in feeds
Slide 43 Environmental health risks Examples: Allergy and asthma network Exposure to chemical residues in the environment Environmental factors and puberty onset Cancer risk from environment, diet and genetic Human pathogens in drinking water Food and fertility Neurotoxic effects of environmental contamineants Exposure to complex chemical mixtures