Welcome to Curriculum Night Ms. Malin’s Class 4 th Grade
About Ms. Malin Professional Growth & District Involvement Taught Pre-school at the Kyrene Kids Club and was a Club Leader during for the afterschool program. Served as a Drama Club Director for Kyrene’s Community Outreach Programs. Taught 4 th grade at Kyrene de La Mirada and Kyrene De Las Lomas. Wrote the curriculum map for 4 th Grade Math Common Core On the Math Steering Committee at the District Office. Taught Math: Title I Summer Institute Intel Math Course (100 hours of math content) Kyrene Educators Association representative Serve on both the math committee and technology committee Currently working on a masters in Educational Technology
School/Classroom Policies
Being Safe, Respectful, Responsible Rewards Pride Slip (school wide) Tickets (student) On Friday Spin Wheel for prizes Buddy’s Bones (class) 25 earns class reward Discipline Verbal Warning Explain expected behavior Rainbow Chart Call/ Home Study Hall Refocus desk-outside classroom Principal
Rainbow Chart Clip Up Clip Down Above and Beyond Outstanding Great Ready to Learn Friendly Reminder Friendly Reminder Refocus Teacher Choice Each student starts at Ready to Learn(green). They can clip up for good behavior and clip down for poor choices. Even if they clip down they can still clip up if they improve their behavior. When a student reaches above and beyond (pink), a gem is added to their clip. Ten gems moves them to the school wide “bling board” that is hanging on the wall near the office for all to see.
Arizona 2010 Standards or… The Common Core ADE and The Kyrene School District
An expectation of students at each grade level, putting students, parents, teachers, and school administrators on the same page, working toward shared goals. A progression of learning expectations. While most states already have mathematics standards in place, they vary widely from state to state in their coverage and level of rigor. What are the Common Core Standards?
Aligned with college and work expectations Rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Informed by other top-performing countries so that all students are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society Source: What are the Common Core Standards?
A common set of standards ensures that all students, no matter where they live, will be focused on graduating from high school. In an increasingly mobile society, families with children transferring to new schools will not have to adjust to new learning expectations. Standards will be the same for all students in states adopting them, making transitions smoother for students. All students must be prepared to compete with not only their American peers in the next state, but with students from around the world Why is This Important?
Links for more information Arizona Department of Education
Thinking Maps
Thinking Maps Continued Benefits: Students learn more effectively and more efficiently Objectives are covered in less time with greater retention Schools also promote integrated thinking and interdisciplinary learning Teachers can easily gauge student knowledge prior to a specific lesson Students gain effective tools to use across their academic careers
Reading Research Based Core Reading Program including phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency. Focus on Strategies and Skills Readers including, but not limited to: Fiction, Fantasy, Informational Text, Literary Elements, Author Study, Connections to World, Self, Literature Whole group, guided reading group instruction Goals for Fluency and Comprehension (Dibels) 90 words per minute and 95% accuracy. On-going Assessment
Reading Resource: Hartcourt Brace Trophies Arizona Standards Based Program Weekly story, vocabulary, and special skill - multiple genres Read aloud for direct instruction purposes while still incorporating harcourt. Books for all learners (leveled readers) Weekly Comprehension/Skill Tests on Friday to track progress Literature Groups/Stations Ashlock Phonics Program
Writing Writing Spelling, Cursive, Grammar Spelling Resource: Hartcourt List of Words to study weekly Pre-Test on Monday Test on Friday consisting of word list Words will be reviewed throughout the week in homework practice Cursive Practice Books practicing alphabet lower and uppercase letters, writing words, sentences, and paragraphs
Writing Instruction Writing Instruction Based on Six Traits Writing Types of Writing Personal Narrative Expository Writing Report Writing Poetry Genres Friendly Letters 5 Paragraph Essays Story Writing Descriptive Writing Writing Process Pre-write Rough Draft Edit Revise Final Draft *not all papers are checked by teacher; may be peer-edited
Math Adopted Math Series including Investigations, Fosnot, Number Talks and Scott Foresman. Cognitive Guided Instruction District Objectives Morning Math Practice/Quizzes on Friday On-going assessment and intervention practice individualized to students’ needs.
Math Cont. FACTS > FACTS > FACTS Students must learn their multiplication and division facts this year. Goal: 100 multiplication/division problems in 5 minutes.
Health Eating Healthy 5 and 15 rule. Snack must be 5 or less grams of fat and 15 or less grams of sugar. Treats vs. brain food No birthday treats or celebrations. District Policy. Being Healthy Curriculum Human Growth and Development*** ***Permission only to participate
Social Studies Geography and Mapping Skills Arizona Studies Government Elections Economics of Arizona Explorers and missionaries Prehistoric and Modern Day Native Americans Current Events Arizona Research Report
Science Science (Inquiry Based) Scientific Method Animal and Plant Science Matter and Energy, Magnetism, Electricity, and Water Weather Renewable & Nonrenewable Resources
Technology Keyboard Skills Word (word processing, inserting clipart, saving files,and printing) PowerPoint (slideshows) Excel (collecting data and graphing) Microsoft Front Page (Electronic Portfolios) Publisher (card and brochure making) Smartboard interactive computer Inspiredata/Inspiration/Pixie/Frames/Share Using Digital Video/Photography/Doc Camera Internet searching and safety
Homework As your child progresses through school he/she will need better organizational and time management skills. To help the students develop these life long skills, study skills tips and modeling will be taught throughout the year.
Homework Monday: Most weeks, your child will receive a spelling/reading fluency homework and spelling packet that is due the following Friday. Wednesday: Handwriting is sent home. One or two pages will need to be completed. Each night: There will usually be 1-2 lessons due for the next day in addition to independent reading and fact practice. All assignments should be completed. Students also may have an assignment to finish from the regular subjects IF they do not complete them in school.
Homework Cont. It is my expectation that homework should be completed in cursive handwriting (with the exception of 1 st quarter and math). Parents can assist students best by setting up a good work place, providing SUPPORT when needed, and helping them manage their time.
Homework Cont. Students who complete homework will be given a credit point. Homework is graded as a complete or incomplete. As long as the student has attempted their assignment they will receive credit. Students who do not finish homework or lessons will be completing them during their snack recess time. Most students should be able to complete their assigned work in 40 minutes or less.
Homework Planner The weekly planner will be used for students to record homework they need to do or special lessons they have done for the day. It also can serve as reminders of events that are coming up. My website is another resource that is excellent to use. Under the homework sections are links to the homework for the night. If your child forgets their homework they have the website to refer to. The homework page on the website will also have any updates on school events or activities.
Field Trips Planned field trips and presentations include: Arizona Museum of Natural History Barbara Gronemann for NavajoWeaving Other possibilities depend on Tax Donations
Parent/Teacher Relationships Parent/teacher relationships and communication are essential to your child’s education. There are several methods that I will use to communicate with you. The student’s planner can be used to inform you of daily assignments and events. My website(in construction) offers information on homework and events at the school. The Genesis/Edupoint program is a resource that you can use to check your students’ grades. A letter should have been sent home with an access code for your child. Call the office at if you did not receive your code. Weekly s are sent out for information on the story of the week, skills, spelling, math, social studies/science, and writing. The best way to contact me is through .
Grades Genesis program Students receive letter grades Report Cards go home quarterly I do not send weekly progress reports home due to paper shortage and because you can access the grades online. Parent Vue Initial Activation Parent Vue Parent Vue Logon Directions Parent Vue
Data Folders Students will be setting goals for themselves for each subject that are realistic and achievable. Pre-tests and Post-tests will be given and the students will chart their own growth. They will keep record of tests, important papers, etc. You will be able to see data folders at conferences Class data will be gathered without student names or student numbers but by setting overall class goals and graphing class data
Contact Me I check my daily and nightly. This is the best way to get a hold of me. Classroom Phone: Office:
THANKS! Thank you for coming this evening! Any questions?