Meadow View Elementary The Mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program is to advance individual capabilities, to motivate all students, and to create leadership opportunities through the use of technology.
How do Students join STLP? Students interested in joining STLP, must first complete an application Once all applications have been received, the STLP coordinator will conduct an initial meeting for students and parents. Regularly scheduled STLP meetings will be on the second Thursday of each month after school. Goal 2 STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students
Meadow View has STLP Students in 5 th grade 5 th Grade STLP students at Meadow View Elementary
Meadow View Population Total Number of Students Total Boys Total Girls Total African-American Total White Total Hispanic - 51 Total Asian - 22 Total Native American - 1 Total Other - 18 Meadow View STLP Students Total Number of STLP participants - 6 Total Boys - 3 Total Girls - 3 Total African-American - 2 Total White - 2 Total Hispanic - 0 Total Asian - 0 Total Native American - 0 Total Other - 2 Goal 2 STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students
Publicizing our Accomplishments Meadow View shares our STLP accomplishments through our school newsletters, local newspaper, on HCEC-TV, through our school and district website, and by participation in local, district, and regional showcases.
Getting Out the News STLP students received recognition from the technology department for participation in the regional WKU Fall Showcase. Students also presented the PowerPoint about recycling to all other grade levels. STLP students will receive certificates of achievement for all activities participated in during the school year.
Current Meadow View STLP Projects Yearbook pictures End of year Awards Ceremony Talent Show Set-up Computer lab set up/cleaning Cleaning Teacher Computers School Newscast Photographing for school events
Meadow View School News Broadcasts Goal 1 The STLP will develop activities which enhance the academic, social and emotional growth of the student Goal 2 STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students The Meadow View news team produces a news broadcast for the school each morning. STLP members serving on the news crew come in early to tape the news. News is presented for our school through closed-circuit as well as announcements of community activities.
Goal 3 Students will participate in multi-age collaboration by forming innovative learning partnerships. Goal 4 The STLP will form learning partnerships among students with different technology skills. The crew consists of 5 th grade students Student directors work with students of varying technological skill levels to create, continually add to, and enhance existing skills.
Goal 5 The STLP will develop activities which benefit communities The Meadow View news broadcast provides a forum for community events ranging from performances at the PAC, to community wide events such as Relay for Life, Pennies For Patients, and events on Fort Knox.
Meadow View STLP and Digital Citizenship Goal 1 The STLP will develop activities which enhance the academic, social, and emotional growth of the student. STLP student(s) assisted in presenting Digital Citizenship Awareness to all other grade levels. They also assisted with organizing and creating our school-wide Digital Citizenship Banner.
Meadow View STLP Students At Work Goal 6 The STLP will develop instructional activities which integrates technology and benefits the school and supports KETS. STLP student assisting another student with a summative assessment using technology.
Meadow View STLP Students At Work Goal 6 The STLP will develop instructional activities which integrates technology and benefits the school and supports KETS. STLP student working on a student computer in a teacher’s classroom.
STLP Community Projects STLP developed and presented a slide show about recycling and its benefit to our environment. Goal 5 The STLP will develop activities which benefit communities. Each year we use so much plastic film it would shrink wrap Texas. Each year we use so much plastic film it would shrink wrap Texas. Americans go through 25 billion plastic bottles yearly. Americans go through 25 billion plastic bottles yearly. Recycling efforts - Recycling efforts - Across the U.S. many large grocery and retail stores have a recycling bin for plastic bags. Across the U.S. many large grocery and retail stores have a recycling bin for plastic bags. Plastic bottles recycled reached a high of 2.4 billion pounds recently Plastic bottles recycled reached a high of 2.4 billion pounds recently Plastics
Promoting Meadow View STLP students are given the opportunity to show off our school by taking pictures of special events and activities at our school. The pictures and articles are often posted in the newspaper. This gives the community and other students the opportunity to enjoy the happenings at Meadow View. Goal 2 The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students. Goal 5 The STLP will develop activities which benefit communities.
STLP students assisted a 2 nd grade classroom with promotion of a community service project entitled “Operation PAW”. Promoting Meadow View
Student Participation at Local, District, and State Level STLP students participated in the WKU Fall Showcase in Bowling Green, KY. STLP students will be participating in a district technology showcase in the spring of Our goals for next year include incorporating more technology into our news cast, creating multimedia productions, and using technology to assist the community.
Meadow View STLP Vision For The Future New Projects for next year including: Updated News Cast, Fall WKU Showcase Meadow View will continue to include more students and faculty in our STLP group. Meadow View will continue to update brochures and applications for incoming students. Meadow View will promote the good news about our school more actively and involve more technology in the articles.