Chapter 4 Prefixes
In this chapter you will 1.Define basic prefixes used in the medical language 2.Analyze medical terms that combine prefixes and other word elements
a-, anno, not, without ab-away from ad-toward ana- up, apart ante-before, forward PrefixMeaning PREFIXES page
anti-against auto-self, own bi-two brady- slow cata-down con-with, together PrefixMeaning PREFIXES - page
contra-against, opposite de-down, lack of dia-through, complete dys- bad, painful, difficult ec-, ectoout, outside en-, endo-in, within PrefixMeaning PREFIXES – page
epi-upon, on, above eu-good, normal ex-out, away from hemi- half hyper-excessive, above hypo-deficient, under Prefix Meaning PREFIXES- page 114
in-not in-into, within infra-beneath inter- between intra-into, within macro-large PrefixMeaning PREFIXES – page
mal-bad meta-beyond, change micro-small neo- new pan-all para-abnormal, beside, near PrefixMeaning PREFIXES – page
per-through peri-surrounding poly-many, much post- after, behind pre-before, in front of pro-before, forwrad PrefixMeaning PREFIXES – page 116
pseudo-false re-back, again retro-behind, backwards sub- under supra-above, upper syn-, sym-together, with PrefixMeaning PREFIXES – page
tachy-fast trans-across, through ultra-beyond, excel uni- one PrefixMeaning PREFIXES – page 117
apnea a- -pnea: breathing Not breathing
anoxia an- -oxia: oxygen Without oxygen – Decreased oxygen in tissues supply of O2 to the respiratory system Inability of the blood to carry O2 to the tissues Inability of the tissues to absorb O2 from the circulation
abnormal ab-: away from norm/o: rule, order -al Pertaining to away from the rule – Not normal
abductor ab- duct/o: to lead, carry -or One who leads away – A muscle that draws a limb away from the body – To abduct means to carry away by force; kidnap
adductor ad-: toward duct/o -or One who leads toward – To admit means to send toward or permit entrance
adrenal glands ad- ren/o -al Pertaining to toward the kidney – Endocrine glands located above (toward) the kidneys – Also called suprarenal glands – Secrete the hormone adrenalin (epinephrine)
anabolism ana- bol/o -ism Process of casting up – Constructive metabolism characterized by the conversion of simple substances into more complex compounds
analysis ana-: up, apart -lysis To separate apart
ante cibum ante-: before, forward cib/o: meals -um: structure, tissue, thing (Thing) before meals – Abbreviation: a.c.
anteflexion ante- flex/o: to bend -ion Process of bending forward – An abnormal position of an organ in which the organ is tilted acutely forward, folded over on itself
ante partum ante- before -partum: birth, labor Before birth
antisepsis anti-: against seps/o: infection -sis Condition against infection
antibiotic anti- bi/o -tic Pertaining to against (germ) life – Inhibits the growth of microorganisms –
antigen anti-: antibody -gen Producing antibodies – A substance (usually foreign: a poison, virus or bacteria) that stimulates the production of antibodies –
antibody Protein substance made in the body to destroy foreign antigens – Made by white blood cells in response to bacteria, viruses, or other antigenic substances – The reaction between an antigen and an antibody is called an immune reaction
Antitoxin anti- against tox/o: poison -in: a substance A substance against poison – Examples: Botulism, tetanus, diphtheria
autoimmune auto- immun/o: immune, protection, safe Self protection – the body makes antibodies against its own good cells and tissues, causing inflammation and injury – rheumatoid arthritis: joints – systemic lupus erythematosus:connective tissues, skin, and internal organs – Graves disease: thyroid gland
bifurcation bi-: two furc/o: forking, branching -ation: condition Condition of branching into two
Bilateral bi- later/o -al Pertaining to two sides
bradycardia brady-: slow cardi/o -ia Condition of a slow heart beat
catabolism cata- bol/o -ism Process of casting down
congenital anomaly Congenital: present at birth Anomaly: deviation from normal Irregularity at birth
connective con-: with, together nect/o: to bind, tie, connect To tie together
contraindication contra-: against, opposite Indication: to point out To point out against – Pregnancy is a contraindication for the prescription of Tetracycline
Contralateral Contra- later/o -al Pertaining to the opposite side – The muscles on one side of the body are controlled by nerves on the contralateral side of the brain
dehydration de-: down, lack hydr/o -tion Condition of lack of water – May follow a prolonged fever, diarrhea, vomiting
diameter dia-: through, complete -meter: measure To measure through
diarrhea dia- -rrhea: flow, discharge Complete flow through – Water is not properly absorbed through the walls of the colon
dialysis dia- -lysis Complete separation – Artificial kidney machine
dyspnea dys:- bad, painful, difficult, abnormal -pnea: breathing Difficult breathing
dysplasia dys- -plasia: development, formation Abnormal development or formation
ectopic pregnancy ec-: out, outside top/o: place, position, location -ic Pertaining to a pregnancy out of place – Outside the uterus
endocardium endo- cardi/o -um Tissue within the heart – Inner lining of the heart
endoscope endo- -scope Instrument to view within (the body) – Gastroscope – Bronchoscope – Laryngoscope
endotracheal endo-: in, within trache/o -al Pertaining to within the trachea fuNI
epithelium epi- thel/o -ium Skin cell – Literally, "upon a nipple."
euphoria eu-: good, normal -phoria: to bear, carry, feeling (mental state) Feeling good – Seen in some forms of schizophrenia, and in drug induced states
euthyroid eu- thyr/o: shield -iod: resembling Resembling a normal shield – Normal thyroid function
exophthalmos ex- out, away from ophthalm/o Eyes that protrude out – Associated with enlargement and overactivity of the thyroid gland
hemiglossectomy hemi-: half gloss/o: tongue -ectomy Removal of half the tongue
Hyperglycemia hyper- glyc/o -emia High blood sugar
hyperplasia hyper- -plasia Excessive formation – increase in number of cells
hypertrophy hyper- -trophy Excessive development – increase in size of cells
hypodermic hypo- derm/o -ic Pertaining to below the skin
Hypoglycemia hypo- glyc/o -emia Decreased blood sugar
insomniac in-: not, into somn/o: sleep -iac: pertaining to Pertaining to not sleeping
Incision in- cis/o -ion Process of cutting into
infracostal infra-: beneath cost/o: rib -al Pertaining to beneath the ribs – Subcostal
intercostal inter-: between cost/o -al Pertaining to between the ribs
intravenous intra-: within, into ven/o -ous Pertaining to within a vein – IV
macrocephaly macro-: large cephal/o -y: condition Condition of a large head – A congenital anomaly that usually results in some degree of mental retardation
malignant mal-: bad ignis: fire Harmful, bad; cancerous condition
malaise French "bad feeling.“ Often marks the onset of disease
metacarpal bones meta- carp/o: wrist bones -al Pertaining to the bones beyond the wrist bones – Five hand bones
metamorphosis meta- morph/o -sis Condition of change of shape or form
metastasis meta- -stasis Beyond control
microscope micro-: small Scope Instrument to view small objects
neonatal Neo nat/i: birth -al Pertaining to a new birth – The first 28 days after birth
neoplasm neo-: new -plasm New formation – May be benign or malignant
pancytopenia pan-: all cyt/o -penia Deficiency in all (blood) cells
Paralysis para- -lysis Abnormal destruction (of nerves) – Abnormal disruption of the connection between nerve and muscle resulting in the loss of muscle function, the loss of sensation, or both – Caused by trauma, disease, or poisoning
parathyroid glands para-: near, beside, abnormal thyr/o -oid Endocrine glands located near the thyroid gland – Secretes parathyroid hormone which helps maintain the level of blood calcium – A paramedic works beside and assists a doctor
percutaneous per-: through cutane/o: skin -ous Pertaining to through the skin
pericardium peri- cardi/o -um structure surrounding the heart
Periosteum peri- oste/o -um Structure surrounding bone
polymorphonuclear poly-: many, much morph/o nucle/o -ar Pertaining to a many-shaped nucleus – A type of WBC
polyneuritis poly- neur/o -itis inflammation of many nerves
postmortem post-: after, behind mort/o: death After death
postpartum post- -partum After birth
precancerous pre-: before, in front of cancer/o -ous Pertaining to before cancer – A stage of abnormal tissue growth that is likely to develop into a malignant tumor.
prenatal pre- nat/i -al Pertaining to before birth – Antenatal
prodrome pro-: before, forward -drome: to run To run before – Symptoms that appear before the onset of a more severe illness
prolapse pro- -lapse: to slide, fall, sag Sliding forward or downward (of an organ) – The falling, sinking, or sliding of an organ from its normal position or location in the body
pseudocyesis pseudo-: false -cyesis: pregnancy State of false pregnancy – Signs of pregnancy without the presence of an embryo – May be psychogenic in origin, caused by a tumor or endocrine disorder
relapse re-: back, again -lapse A sliding back – Recurrence of symptoms of disease after apparent recovery
remission re- -mission: to send To send back – Disappearance of symptoms of disease – May be spontaneous or the result of treatment
recombinant DNA Recombining… – Inserting a gene from one organism into the DNA of another organism – Used in genetic engineering
retroperitoneal retro- peritone/o -al Pertaining to behind the peritoneum
retroflexion retro- flex/o -ion Process of bending backward – An abnormal position of an organ in which the organ is tilted back acutely, folded over on itself
subcutaneous sub-: under cutane/o -ous Pertaining to under the skin
suprapubic supra-: above, upper Pub/o -ic Pertaining to above the pubic bone
syndactyly syn-: together, with dactyl/o: fingers, toes y Condition of fingers or toes together – Condition of webbed fingers or toes – A congenital anomaly
synthesis syn- the/o: to put -sis condition of putting together
syndrome syn- -drome To run together – A group of symptoms that run (occur) together to present a clinical disease
symbiosis sym-: together, with bi/o -sis Condition of life together – Two organisms living together for mutual benefit or not (parasitism) – Example: The bacteria that live normally in the digestive tract of humans
symmetry sym- metry measurement together – Equality of parts on opposite sides of the body
symphysis sym- -physis: to grow To grow together – Bones that grow together at the joint
tachypnea tachy-: fast -pnea Fast (Rapid) breathing
transfusion trans-: across, through -fusion: to pour To pour across
Transurethral trans- urethr/o -al Pertaining to through the urethra
ultrasonography ultra-: beyond, excess son/o: sound -graphy Process of recording sound beyond (the normal range) – To view deep structures of the body
unilateral uni-: one later/o -al Pertaining to one side
The End!