Marijuana Policy in the City of Leadville: a Public Health Update January 27, 2014
What we’ll talk about The impact of marijuana policy in the City of Leadville on public health—the overall health of youth and adults in our community. Policy recommendations to preserve youth and adult health.
Using Policy to Shape Health The towns of Frisco, Silverthorne, Breckenridge, Red Cliff, Carbondale, Manitou Springs, Littleton, Denver, Pueblo, and Fraser have all passed additional marijuana taxes, and many have earmarked the funds for prevention.Frisco Silverthorne, BreckenridgeRed Cliff CarbondaleManitou SpringsLittletonDenver PuebloFraser Kansas City, MS—Healthy Food Vending Policy Missoula, MT—Complete Streets Resolution
When marijuana is used during pregnancy… There are negative effects, regardless of what trimester it is used. Many negative effects on exposed children may not appear until adolescence. Particularly: academic ability, cognitive function and attention. "Newborn in blanket by Bonnie Gruenberg2" by Bonnie U. Gruenberg - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - File:Newborn_in_blanket_by_Bonnie_Gruenberg2.JPG
Adult marijuana use is associated with…. impaired memory, persisting a week or more after quitting. depression (and may be associated with other mental health disorders like anxiety and psychosis). Possible acute psychotic symptoms during intoxication.
Youth marijuana use is associated with…. Impaired learning, memory, math and reading achievement, even 28 days after last use. Adult psychotic symptoms and disorders such as schizophrenia. Future high-risk use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, opioids, methamphetamine. future marijuana addiction. low academic achievement, lower income, and more unemployment. depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts. By Alex Proimos from Sydney, Australia (Teenagers at Play Uploaded by russavia) [CC BY 2.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons
Marijuana use by adults who have children is associated with…. increased numbers of unintentional exposures in children which can lead to hospitalizations. In Colorado marijuana- related exposures for children 0-5, on average, has increased 268% from pre-to-post medical marijuana commercializatio. (HIDTA)
What are the top 5 health problems that you think students in your school face? Top answer (87%): Drug and alcohol use Second answer: (60%): Depression and anxiety School health survey
Business Considerations Too many marijuana businesses in the city could have an impact on our ability to attract new businesses to town. Concerns about being located near marijuana businesses. Concerns about our ability to produce a drug-free workforce.
Tourism Considerations Too many highly visible marijuana businesses, particularly on Harrison Ave., gives a perception about our community that could discourage families from returning. There has been no clear increase in tourism in Colorado due to marijuana legalization (Denver Post).
Policy Recommendation #1: Reduce the number of marijuana businesses allowed in town, particularly retail recreation outlets.
Policy Recommendation #2: Restrict marijuana vendors’ opportunities to advertise or appeal to youth.
Policy Recommendation #3 Put a 5% local marijuana tax to the voters in the City of Leadville and earmark it for local prevention work.
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