Technology in a Global World
Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: Individualist vs Collectivist article analysis. 2. Finish presentations 3. Overview and Voting 4. Brief Lecture: Technology in a Global World 5. Examples of Tech gone wild. - Kony Battle at Kruger 6. The global effect of a “viral” video, Discussion. - Youtube Article 7. Article Analysis, Q and A 8. Current Events
Technology and Culture The human mind has changed with new technology. Face to face interaction has also changed, with many espousing views from behind a computer monitor. Memory has adapted, as people tend to remember the process, rather than the information.
Educational Opportunities Khan Academy Crash Course Video services offering tutorials to increase knowledge. It can be also used to challenge ideas, and change the mindset of individuals.
World Events Youtube was utilized as a medium to ask questions to presidential candidates in It was considered the modern “fireside chat” or “town meeting” Iran- “There is a way forward”
The Viral Video and the World
Patterns of Individualism and Collectivism in Society After reading the article, you should be able to answer the following questions. 1.How does the article categorize Virginia within the realm of individualist vs collectivist? 2.Is this accurate? Explain using personal experience and evidence from the article. Responses should be at least one paragraph.