Conferences Conference papers can be difficult to find but they are valuable because they describe cutting-edge research. This session will enable you.


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Presentation transcript:

Conferences Conference papers can be difficult to find but they are valuable because they describe cutting-edge research. This session will enable you to find out about forthcoming conferences and also to locate the published papers of proceedings which have taken place. Roger Mills and Judy Reading WISER Science

Discuss topics of interest to you with a group of like-minded peers Get ideas about practice elsewhere Track latest developments in your field Present research papers and get feedback / peer review Develop a network of contacts Visit interesting places! Conferences allow you to:

Papers Papers: presented by individuals at a conference/meeting/symposium May be invited or voluntary: invited papers generally more reliable Often cover current research in progress, or review state- of-the-art Not peer-reviewed, but aimed at peers: so good to have record of discussion in proceedings

Proceedings Proceedings are collections of these papers May be produced before the event (preprints) May include full papers or just abstracts May be published Under title of conference, or different title By organising or hosting institution, or commercial publisher, or individual In a journal or book or monographic series As a complete or partial record On paper or in electronic form or both

Use them to: Discover current research, described by the researcher Locate people and organizations actively involved in the topic Identify best practice and innovations

Finding conferences: Nature events: InterDOK: Directory of Published Proceedings and Meetings Index INTUTE offers lists for social sciences (includes psychology), history of medicine and one for ‘popular engagement in science’

Finding conferences Organisational web-sites Mailing lists ( good starting point) Personal contacts - colleagues and supervisors Internet search eg Google / Google Scholar or Subject Gateways Ads in key journals. Brochures, mailshots and Department notice-boards Search Library catalogue for proceedings of conferences – will suggest relevant organisations to track down for the future Ask your subject librarian and look out for library subject guides

Psychology conferences The following websites list UK events: : the British Psychological Society. click on tab conferences and events the UK Psychology Network. events appear on main page. Intute has tab for conferences and events and is quite good as it lists all events in psychology in a table with dates and titles and venues. (USA) look under tab bar "Association Info" for list of past and future eventshttp://

Chemistry conferences For Chemistry, the mains ones are provided by Royal Society of Chemistry and American Chemical Society. These are not just lists of their own society meetings. RSC Conference and Events Database: American Chemical Society's Meeting Locator: Also Nature events:

Finding proceedings Often difficult because of variety of ways of publishing May be no Proceedings, but selected papers published separately No comprehensive listing Check: Library catalogues Organisation’s websites Conference databases Subject databases People who went

Locating conference papers If you are given a reference to a conference paper that doesn’t mean it was necessarily published! Recent papers might be on web – try searching on the paper title, author, organisation name or the conference name Sometimes you can quite easily track down the author and they will send you a copy If conference papers are not available in Oxford the Library Services can usually get hold of it for you through inter-library loan

Searching library holdings in Oxford University When searching OLIS for a conference paper you need to search for the proceedings of the conference rather than the specific paper Conferences are treated as corporate authors Published proceedings may have different title to the original Publisher may be different from conference organiser Use tw= for words in title if a straight title search is fruitless OLIS has no option to limit by document type so you need to use keyword search and include ‘proceedings’ ‘conference’, ‘symposi*’ etc as keywords alongside subject terms

OLIS Most conferences in the collections will have a Library of Congress Subject Heading including ‘Congresses’ So best to search for keyword(s) in titles and subjects, and for Congresses in LC Subjects, e.g:

Other Library catalogues See OXLIP under Worldwide Library Catalogues Especially useful for UK is COPAC or British Library Catalogue You can ask for Inter-library loan of identified conferences

British Library The British Library integrated catalogue includes over 400,000 conference proceedings on a variety of subjects Go to the British Library integrated catalogue home pageBritish Library integrated catalogue home page Choose "Search the integrated catalogue" Click “Catalogue subset search” from the top bar Then choose “Document Supply Conferences” from the list.

Conferences at the British Library The British Library catalogue can be searched at and catalogue subset search allows you to limit to conference The ZETOC service – provides access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents (ETOC). The database contains details of approximately 20,000 current journals and 16,000 conference proceedings published per year. With almost 15 million article and conference records, the database covers every imaginable subject in science, technology, medicine, engineering, business, law, finance and the humanities. The database covers the years from 1993 to date and is updated daily. Copies of all the articles and conference papers listed on the database are available from the British Library's Document Supply Centre in Yorkshire. To take advantage of the ZETOC Alerts service you will need an Athens personal username and password

Google & Google Scholar Use Google for locating announcements of forthcoming conferences No controlled vocabulary, so search for ‘conference’ and also synonyms – meeting, symposium, congress etc Prefer Google Scholar for conference papers

Conference indexes ISTP – Index of Science and Technology Proceedings – available through Web of Knowledge Conference Papers Index – available through CSA PapersFirst and ProceedingsFirst – available through OCLC FirstSearch Find all these on OxLIP

Proceedings First [OCLC] Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre.The British Library Document Supply Centre Contains in each record a list of the papers presented at each conference. Subjects: conference proceedings, meetings, congresses, symposia, exhibitions, workshops Sources Included in each record. Number of records 169,000+ Dates covered1993 to present UpdatedSemiweekly (twice a week) Available through OXLIP – see and search title index or under general bibliographic tools

PapersFirst OCLC index of papers presented at conferences worldwide Covers every published congress, symposium, conference, exposition, workshop and meeting received by The British Library Document Supply Centre.The British Library Document Supply Centre Database details SubjectsThe wide variety of subjects discussed at the covered meetings. Sources Included in each record. Number of recordsOver 5,700,000 Dates covered1993 to present Updated Semimonthly (twice a month) Available through OXLIP – see and search title index or under general bibliographic tools

ISI Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings (1990-) (Web of Knowledge Proceedings) ISTP indexes the published literature of the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions in a wide range of disciplines in science and technology. ISTP covers only publications in which the proceedings are published for the first time, and only those which contain complete papers, not just abstracts. Coverage includes international proceedings, and is not limited to those in the English language. Published proceedings may be included from a number of sources; books or series produced by publishers or societies, reports, sets of preprints (when preprints are the only publications from a conference) or journals. More than 1100 conferences are added with each quarterly update, guaranteeing access to current research from the most significant conference literature in science and technology.

Conference Papers Index (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) Conference Papers provides citations to papers and poster sessions presented at major scientific meetings around the world. Subject emphasis since 1995 has been in the life sciences, environmental sciences and the aquatic sciences, while older material also covers physics, engineering and materials science. Information is derived from final programs, abstracts booklets and published proceedings, as well as from questionnaire responses. Records include complete ordering information to obtain preprints, abstracts, proceedings and other publications derived from the conference, together with title and author information needed to track the specific papers. Available through OxLIPOxLIP

Subject databases Most subject-specific bibliographic databases include conference papers and proceedings Find those relevant to your subject via OxLIP You can check subject and general databases (via OxLIP) for options to limit by conference as document type eg:OxLIP Biological Abstracts Sociological Abstracts SIGLE : System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe SciFinder Scholar (Chemical Abstracts) Engineering Index – Compendex Web of Science INSPEC (for physics)

Repositories Institutional and subject-based repositories being developed Oxford: Oxford Research Archive Search them via: OAIster Google / Google Scholar SCIRUS

Newspapers Often report on major conferences, usually while being held Frequently do not give any indication of where proceedings / website can be found Search newspapers through LexisNexis Global Business and News Service, available on OxLIP Worldwide coverage, in English and some European languages

Quoting Be consistent and follow a standard system, e..g. Harvard, when referring to papers or proceedings. Give as much detail as possible – remember how much trouble you had finding it! An accurate reference will help others. Generally include: Author(s) of paper - surname and initials Year of publication, 'Title of paper - in single quotation marks' [in] Editor (if applicable), Title of published proceeding which may include place held and date(s) - italicised, Publisher, Place of publication, Page numbers.

To summarise Identify relevant organisations and mailing lists for information on upcoming conferences Many papers are available online Search library catalogues for print holdings Use Inter-library loan service for printed items not held locally There are specific databases for conference proceedings Many general or subject indexing databases allow you to search for conference proceedings Your subject librarian is always ready to help - see

WISER Archive This and most of the other presentations in the WISER programme are available on the OULS site: