Federal CIO Council Information Security and Identity Management Committee IDManagement.gov FICAM Testing Program and Approved Products List (APL) Overview June 18, 2013
2 FIPS 201 Evaluation Program FIPS 201 Evaluation Program (EP) operates a testing program for HSPD-12 related requirements Products that interact with PIV Cards Conformance to the FIPS 201 Standard The Approved Products List (APL) is the official list of products that have passed conformance testing The Goal: help industry understand federal requirements and help agencies find conformant products
3 Governing Policies Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD- 12) Requires mandatory Government-wide standard for secure and reliable forms of identification for Federal employees and contractors (i.e., FIPS 201, PIV Cards). OMB Memorandum M GSA designated as “executive agent for Government-wide acquisitions of information technology" for products/services required for implementing HSPD-12. OMB Memorandum M Directs that agencies must acquire products and services that are approved as compliant with Federal policy, standards and supporting technical specifications in order to ensure government- wide interoperability.
4 FICAM Testing Program OMB M-11-11: GSA will continue to administer the Interoperability Test Program and Approved Products and Services List for HSPD-12. Will provide agencies with guidance for implementing “Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management.”
5 FICAM Testing Program Continuous Improvement (“Spirals”)
6 Spiral #1 is Currently Underway Initial “Spiral #1” focus on Physical Access Control Systems Created functional requirements –More stringent security requirements –PIV, PIV-I, CAC Established integrated solution testing –Products will be tested as a complete solution New Categories –Deprecating PACS transparent readers in favor of FICAM Readers –Adding Validation System, PACS Infrastructure
7 Coming Soon ICAM Test Cards Used for Security and Interoperability Testing Available to the community for independent testing New PACS Products on the APL Testing is ready to begin Vendors have already started applying New Testing Program Website System Builder tool to facilitate integration planning Procurement Guidance for agencies Retesting of APL listed products to ensure satisfaction of updated testing requirements
8 How Do I Plug In or Get More Information? FIPS 201 EP Website: testing-program Contact Chi Hickey FICAM Testing Program Manager Participate in the Evaluation Program Technical Working Group (EPTWG) Join us for the Breakout Session at 12:30 or 1:20 Visit us at our booth