Dissociative Identity Disorder Kaitee Quinn P.1
Definition ▪ Most everyone experiences Dissociation ▪ The most common example- daydreaming or getting lost in the moment ▪ Dissociative identity disorder is a severe form of dissociation ▪ Also called multiple personality disorder ▪ A mental process which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity
Signs & Symptoms ▪ Memory loss (amnesia) of certain time periods, events and people ▪ Mental health problems – Depression – Anxiety – Suicidal thoughts/attempts ▪ A sense of being detached from yourself ▪ A perception of the people and things around you as distorted/unreal ▪ A blurred sense of identity ▪ Significant stress or problems in – Relationships – Work – Other important areas of your life
Other info
Causes ▪ Thought to be an effect of severe trauma during early childhood ▪ Develop as a way to cope with trauma ▪ Usually extreme, repetitive abuse – Physical – Sexual – Emotional
Psychotherapy is the primary treatment for dissociative disorders Also known as talk therapy Involves talking about your disorder and related issues with a mental health provider
Treatment No medications exist that specifically treat dissociative disorders Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications or antipsychotic medications to help control symptoms of DID
Media ▪ ch?v=N6BY6W9W76M ch?v=N6BY6W9W76M
Bibliography health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple- personality-disorder health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple- personality-disorder Chart slide conditions/dissociative- disorders/basics/symptoms/con conditions/dissociative- disorders/basics/symptoms/con M M 667&bih=612&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=0 1QjVYvCEJOXyASg- IJw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=psychothe rapy+couch&revid= &bih=612&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=0 1QjVYvCEJOXyASg- IJw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=psychothe rapy+couch&revid=