By Chris I’Anson Advanced Student Doctor (SJA)
Mental health Is a diverse collection of different psychological states of health and ill health 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem Anxiety and depression are the most common Depression affects 1 in 5 older people 400 in 100,000 people a year self-harm 1% of people have Schizophrenia
Outcomes Learn about the core disorders/ principles Learn about management (inc sectioning) Be less afraid of mental health
WARNING!!! Some of the topics may be difficult for people to talk about. No pressure You can leave it gets to much
Depression, self-harm and Suicide Depression is a condition of chronic low mood (with other associated symptoms) Not just feeling sad of moments etc Can lead to severally low mood, self-harm and suicide So it is serious!
Self-harm This is where a person engages in an activity that is designed to cause harm to themselves but not cause death. Usually superficial cuts but can include other things Used to vent feels (often) Can lead unintentional suicide Management: Treat the damage (e.g. Cuts) Talk to the patient Refer if needed
Suicide Death due to an action done by the person who died (+/- intent) For successful/nearly and serious injured treat problems caused! For those that have talked about it: Ask about it What they are going to do Where Details help assess intent and their risk! When etc
Suicidal thoughts Now what? High risk people should be seen by a medical professional! They are at risk of ending there life! Encourage them to go to A&E with someone (where they can be seen)
Psychosis Is a disorder characterised by hallucinations and/or delusions define Present with many different mental illnesses (inc Schizophrenia) Can be caused by drugs (LSD, Amphetamine, Cocaine) DEMO!
What to do? Ask about use of drugs ?Hx of hallucinations or delusions ?Hx of mental illness What are they experiencing? ?Risk to you or self Do not forget your AMPLE!!!
Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS) Very common Better know as Panic attacks May be associated with panic disorders 7:1 F:M Clinical Features: lots! Hyperventilation and Tachypnoea alters electrolytes in blood causing various symptoms including pins and needles in extremities (decrease PO4) DEMO (pendulum)
Management Rule out other serious causes Asthma, COPD, ACS etc Establish normal breathing pattern Re-breathing technique may make it worse! Often self-limiting Breathing technique
MHA Sections! This is where a person is detained against there will due to mental ill health These should not be used unless absolutely necessary! You can not section someone! POLICE 135 or 136 (most abused) If threat to public or self