Integumentary system
پوستی ، جلدی Pertaining to the skincutane/ous پوست skinDerma غشای میانی پوست The layer of skin between the epidermis & subcutaneous tissue Dermis روپوس ت The outermost layer of the skinEpi/dermis مو The threadlike keratinized outgrowth from the skinhair فولیکو ل مو The sheath in which the hair developsHair follicle سیستم پوششی The skin & its associated glands, hair, & nailIntegumentary system ماده شاخی A protein that thickens & toughens the skin & makes up hair & nails(root: kerat/o) keratin ملانین A dark pigment that gives color to the hair & skin & protect skin against the sun’s radiation(root:melan/o) melanin
ناخن A platelike keratinized outgrowth of the skin that covers the dorsal surface of the terminal phalanges(root: onych/o) nail غدد چربی A gland that produces sebum; usually associated with a hair follicle (root: seb/o) Sebaceous gland ماده ترشحی از غدد سباسه ، چربی A fatty secretion of the sebaceous gland that lubricates the hair & skin (root: seb/o) sebum پوست The tissue that covers the body ; the integument(root: derm/o, dermat/o ) skin بافت زیر جلدی The layer of tissue beneath the skin ; also called hypodermis Subcutaneou s tissue غدد عرق A sweat gland (root: hidr/o)Sudoriferous gland
Persian meaning Defenition of example examplemeaningroot Surgical procedure used to resurface the skin & remove imperfections Derm/abrasionskinDerm/o Dermat/o Containing keratin ; horny Kerat/inousKeratin, horny layer of the skin Kerat/o A small cellular body that produce melanin Melan/o/someDark, black,melanin Melan/o Absence of sweatingan/hidr/o/sisSweat, perspiration Hidr/o Excess flow of sebum(adj : seborrheic) seb/o/rrheaSebum, sebaceous glands Seb/o Fungal infection of the hair trichomycosishairTrich/o Inflammation of the nail & nailbed(not an – itis ending) onychianailonych/o
Inflammation of the skin, often associated with redness and itching ; maybe caused by allergy, irritants ( contact dermatitis ), or variety of diseases التهاب پوست
A chronic hereditary dermatitis with red.lesions, covered by silvery scales
An autoimmune disease of the skin, characterized by sudden, intermittent formation of bullae ( blisters ) ; bedsore, pressure sore تاول کوفتی کودکان ! ، زخم بستر
A chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of connective tissue that often involves the skin.
An epithelial tumor that rarely metastasizes & has a high cure rate with surgical removal. سرطان سلولهای قاعده ای پوست
An epidermal cancer that may invade deeper tissues but tends not to metastasize سرطان سلولهای استوانه ای پوست.
A metastasizing pigmented skin tumor تومور سیاه رنگ بدخیم
White lines across the fingernails ; usually a.sign of systemic disease or injury
Patchy disappearance of pigment in the skin ; leukoderma.
A bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture & form crusts ; most commonly seen in children, usually on the face. زرد زخم
Infection around the nail caused by bacteria or fungi & may affect multiple nails
A fungal skin infection ; ringworm عفونت قارچی
ulcer caused by venous insufficiency & stasis of venous blood ; usually forms near the ankle.
A skin reaction marked by temporary, smooth, raised areas ( wheals ) associated with itching hives. خارش ، کهیر
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