National Computational Science Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Access Grid Conference Facility At Boston University Jennifer Teig von Hoffman Boston University
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Introduction to the Access Grid A suite of hardware, software, and tools to facilitate group-to-group collaboration over the Internet. A project led by Argonne National Laboratory Futures Group, with strong participation from National Computational Science Alliance and others –Boston University is an Alliance member –Boston University is one of many organizations actively involved in packaging and documentation of Access Grid, as well as an active user
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Introduction to the Access Grid (2) Group-to-Group Collaboration at a Distance Provide a Sense of Presence Enable Complex Multi-site Visual and Collaborative Experiences Use Quality but Affordable Digital IP- Based Audio/Video Source: Adapted from Rick Stevens, Chautauqua 1999 Presentation
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Virtual Venues: The Metaphor Access Grid Lobby Jack Frost RoomWindmer Room Big Horn RoomBridgeport Room Full Sail RoomLucky Labrador Room Secure RoomScreening Room Test Room
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance AGCF Current Installation Four commodity PCs –Two running Windows –Two running Red Hat linux Three projectors, custom built rear- projection screen Audio mixers and echo-cancellation devices Speakers, cameras, microphones Connection to Abilene network Cost: About $60,000, including upgrades since summer 1999 –hardware/software/equipment only – network not included
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Networking Requirements Multicast-enabled 100bT connection to the AG node 100 Mbit/sec path to the Internet from the node
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance AG-Based Events at BU Five Alliance Chautauquas – A conference by and for computational scientists –1999: University of New Mexico; University of Kentucky; Boston University –2000: OSC; University of Kansas
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance AG-Based Events at BU (2) Workshops and Seminars on computational science –Asynchronous MPI course focus group –PETSc workshop –MPI workshop –Globus workshop by Argonne National Laboratory –Lecture series by ACCESS-DC –Lecture series by University of Kentucky –Paradyn/Condor Days from University of Wisconsin
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance AG-Based Events at BU (3) Remote collaboration by organizations within and outside of the Alliance (partial listing) –Alliance Chemical Engineering Team –Alliance Czars –Boston University Teaching and Learning Technology Roundtable –Distributed Rap Sessions, sponsored by Coalition to Diversify Computing –EOT NSF site review –Institute for African-American E-Culture –PACS –SC Global planning group
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance AG-Based Events at BU (4) Boston Cyberarts Festival –“Soft, Fluffy, and Virtual,” in collaboration with Cindy Ludlam –“Tracer,” in collaboration with Deborah and Richard Cornell
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Successes 400+ local participants; 900+ remote Enabled many interactions which would not have been likely (or possible) without remote collaboration technology –Boston University Teaching and Learning Technology Roundtable benefited from OSC and ANL presentations –Distributed Rap Sessions –Alliance PACS Training workshops
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Successes (2) Good feedback and evaluations from event participants –BU Participation in Chautauqua 2000 at KU –85% of respondents said they would participate from an AG site again; the remainder said they “probably” would –Alliance PACS Training PETSC workshop –“The AG was almost like being there.” –Alliance PACS Training MPI workshop –Workshop: 4.64 out of 5; technology: 4.65 out of 5 –Evaluation summary:
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Some Research Directions Improved frame rate on video streams (possibly motion jpeg) Continuing to address the question of H.323 bridge Improvements for Distributed PowerPoint (or replace dppt with rppt, from University of Kansas) Creation of additional desktop sharing and scientific visualization tools Human Factors studies Distributed venues servers
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance AG Toolkit 1.0 Released September 2001 Available by internet download – Toolkit includes: –Windows installation program –Linux installation program (including OS) –Guides and How-To documents for new users BU is an active participant in the creation and support of the Toolkit
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Coming Soon: SC Global The first truly global technical conference on the grid Will use AG technology to link core Supercomputing conference in Denver with dozens of constellation sites both across the US and worldwide 34 participating sites in 10 countries
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance SC Global Challenges At least four concurrent tracks of content –Technical support –Program/content support Extensive use of Voyager, a multimedia server for recording AG sessions Time zones Crossing language and culture boundaries
Boston UniversityNational Computational Science Alliance Getting Started Access Grid Home Page Access Grid Documentation Project