Glossary Modifying physical factors of the environment
Air – the gases that surround the earth, such as carbon dioxide, oxygen and includes their movement, e.g. wind Artificial shelter – synthetic protection for crops from environmental conditions Carbon dioxide – the gas required by plants for the process of photosynthesis Chill requirements – the time below a temperature required to break dormancy
CO2 enrichment – where carbon dioxide is added to the crop to increase plant growth Commercial plant production – the large scale growing of plants for sale to make a profit Crop yield – the amount of crop produced or grown for sale Frost – frozen dew or water vapour due to below zero temperatures Irrigation – applying water to the land
Hail cannons – are guns which set off explosions that shatter the hail as they begin to form Humidity – the amount of moisture in the soil Light – visible form of electromagnetic radiation e.g. daylight or light bulb Natural shelter – live protection (e.g. trees) for crops from environmental conditions e.g. wind Nutrients – elements required by plants for healthy growth
Oxygen – the gas used by plants for healthy growth Physical factors – the physical environmental factors that affect plants e.g. light Plant density – the number of plants grown per unit of area Pruning – the training method that removes plant parts by cutting them off Quality – degree of excellence. Determined by grading of the crop’s traits
Rainfall – condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops Reflective mulch – silver foiled matting that reflects sunlight back up to the foliage Soil – the layer of particles that forms the upper surface over the earth and supports plant growth Sprinkler irrigation – adding water to the soil using equipment that spreads the water in small drops
Staking- using an upright or a pole to provide support for a plant Sunlight hours – the average amount of hours of sunlight that are in a given location Techniques – actions used in commercial plant production that impacts on yield, quality and timing Temperature – degree of heat from the atmosphere
Thinning – a training method that removes branches to prevent bushyness Tile drainage – clay pipes placed in the subsoil to remove excess water from the soil Timing – when a production process is carried out or when a crop is ready to be sold Topography – the physical features and description of a location
Training systems – a process of shaping a plant into growing the way you require Water – used in many plant processes such as germination, photosynthesis and transpiration Watering – applying water to plants Wind machines – a large fan on the top of a pole, which mixes warm air with colder air Wind – air in motion