Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] World Cafe - Exchange of expertise and experience
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] What’s the point? To exchange experiences To share views To explore differences and similarities To evoke new thoughts
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] 30 minutes at each table! 12 34
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] The role of the moderator To pose questions to the group To listen To ask for elaborations To sum up To present the summary to the second group Stays at the same table!
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] The idea of focusing on discrimination Inclusion or exclusion? Tools and methods Discrimination Spain: Inklusion of women from labour market Italy: Inklusion of women from top positions Finland: Inclusion of minority youth and boys and girl in Education DK: Inclusion of ethnic minority boys and girls in education
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] Aspects of discrimination Gender Ethnicity Religion Age Sexuality Handicap
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] Gender as backdrop Gender SexualityEthnicityReligionHandicapAge
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] Questions for discussion 1.Do you work with discrimination within your EQUAL-project? 2.What methods do you apply? 3.How is discrimination and exclusion ”gendered”?
Center for Ligestillingsforskning [Gender, Ethnicity, Guidance] Moderators 1.Ms Jannie Meedom Nielsen (DK) 2.Ms María San Raimundo Vega (ES) 3.Mr Peter Plant (DK) 4.Mr Mika Launikari (FIN)