Victoria Faria, Gianna Hackimer, Melissa Fletcher, and Yelda Sisman
About the disorder Also called depressive disorder Associated with large ranges of mood swings When you feel depressed you feel sad and hopeless When your mood shifts you feel full of energy Mood shifts occur a couple times a year or several times a day(depending on the person) Can be taken care of with treatment plans, medications, and psychological counseling
Signs & Symptoms Overly long periods of happiness & sadness/hopelessness. Being unusually distracted Changes in eating and sleeping patterns Irritability Poor performance at work or school Suicidal thoughts or behavior Aggression Risky behavior Loss of appetite Anxiety Guilt
Causes Biological Differences- Physical changes in brain. Neurotransmitters- An imbalance in naturally occurring brain chemicals. Hormones- Imbalanced hormones Inherited Traits- Passed down through generations of blood relatives. Environment- Stress, abuse, and traumatic experiences may trigger this disorder.
Treatment/Medications There is no cure for this but proper treatment helps many people to better control their mood swings and related symptoms. Medication Mood stabilizer- Trileptal, Depakote, & Lamictal Atypical antipsychotics- Olanzapine helps people with sever psychotic bipolar depression. Aripiprazole taken as a pill. These are used to treat the symptoms. Treatment Behavioral Therapy- Focuses on different behaviors and helps decrease stress. Cognitive Therapy- Helps you approach your true identity and helps you keep track of your mood swings. Interpersonal Therapy- Involves Relationships with people. Social Rhythm Therapy- Helps you develop and maintain daily routines. Social Groups
Helping People With Bipolar Disorder Learn: Get informed about the disorder. Listen: Be patient and observing of the things they say. Keep track of their symptoms in order to know when they are in need of help. Take care of yourself as well as them.
Sources disorder/index.shtml disorder/index.shtml gAo4 gAo4