By Christina Peach
What is Cyber-Bullying It is when a child is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or targeted by another child using the Internet, mobile phone, or other type of digital technology.
Bullying is nothing new It has existed since the beginning of time!
Traditional Bullying face to face outside of the home Children had a safe place at home hard to avoid and easy to spot Typically intimidated, harassed or beaten up Boys were more prone to bullying others You knew who was doing the bullying
Cyber-Bullying Virtually invisible to adults Bullying online last forever(no safe place) Anonymous ( occurs more often) Boys and girls now partake in bullying Done online (text messages, chat, social networks, and ) 24 hours 7 days a week
42% have been bullied while online 35% have been threatened while online 21% received threatening messages or s 53% have said hurtful things to another online 58% have NOT told an adult about the occurrence Statistics
Boys * Bully boys and girls * Physical intimidation * Bully openly * Bully in the form of racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks. Girls * Lash out verbally * Spread rumors * Tend to bully only other girls * Disguise bullying * Bully in the form of racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks.
Long Term Effects Low self-esteem No confidence Low school attendance Poor school performance Depression Anxiety Health problems Suicidal thoughts Suicide Acts of violence
This is why it has to stop
* 15 year old originally from Ireland * Moved to Massachusetts in 2009 * Endured multiple acts of cyber bullying for months * Hung herself on January 14,2010 Her school has since adopted a comprehensive anti-bullying policy
* 13 year old from Missouri * Diagnosed with low self esteem and depression * hung herself on October 17, 2006, after an adult made a fake MySpace under the name Josh Evans, and started sending hateful messages to Megan. Her death prompted cities to adopt anti- bullying laws and ordnances
School Shootings
* 12 years old * Honor student from Missouri * Took pistol to school shooting a 13 year old student then killing himself * March 2, 1987 “Tired of Being Teased”
* 16 years old * Pearl, Mississippi * Stabbed mother then went to school killing two girls and wounding seven others on October 1, 1997 “I killed because people like me are being mistreated everyday” “Push and we will push back”
* April 20, 1999 * Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris * Killed 34 people * The boys had been bullied and scorned by classmates before the incident There are stipulations that Columbine had some connections to bullying
Who is responsible?
My answer is that EVERYONE is responsible! Parents Be aware of children’s actions Limit unsupervised internet Confront issues Be proactive not reactive Social Networks Enforce age limits Create algorithms to search keywords Be proactive not reactive Law Enforcement Create Ordinances Set up fines Be proactive not reactive Schools Create anti-bullying policies Be alert Stay involved with students Be proactive not reactive Society Don’t except it Students Don’t continue to ignore it if it doesn’t involve you Tell and adult or school administrators Be proactive not reactive
Remember it could be your child, friend, or school next! We all have to be PROACTIVE