According to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), one child or adolescent in the U.S. will commit suicide every 90 minutes (Wm. Hahn, Behavioral Management Consultants, New Kensington PA.N.A.S.P. “Helping Children at Home and School”, Bethesda, MD 1999, p. 521)
Suicide remains the third leading cause of death for adolescents as well as individual between the ages of 15 – 24 years old, as it has been for the last ten years in the United States (Ibid)
Regarding what’s “normal”, experts agree over 60% of all high school students contemplate suicide at some time during any given school year (Ibid.). Hence, to be “normal” in a statistical sense (and probably in every sense) = experiencing suicidal thoughts
Education about Suicide, Depression, Anxiety Help Boxes – Anonymous reporting any concerns ◦ Suicide ◦ Depression ◦ Bullying ◦ Self Harm ◦ Possible fights Report It– new program
Report It – New Program
Announcements – FACTS Smile Cards Selling Suckers Marble Guess Wall Activity Yellow Ribbons on Cars
Screening thru health class – 9 th HS Screening 7 th MMS Screening those new to MECLA Individual
Number families offered screening Consent for screening MMS: 140 MHS: 152 MECLA: 23 TOTAL: 315 MMS: 53 (38%) MHS: 68 (48%) MECLA: 9 (39%) TOTAL: 130 (58%)
Parent Consent for Screening Total number of Youth Screened MMS: 53 MHS: 68 MECLA: 9 TOTAL: 130 MMS: 52 MHS: 66 MECLA: 8 TOTAL: 126
Youth who scored positive on screen Total Screened MMS: 9 (17%) MHS: 21 (32%) MECLA: 6 (75%) TOTAL: 36 (29%) MMS: 52 MHS: 66 MECLA: 8 TOTAL: 126
Total clinical interview – screened positive Referred for Mental Health evaluation MMS: 9 MHS: 21 MECLA: 6 TOTAL: 36 MMS: 2 MHS: 8 MECLA: 6 TOTAL: 16