Mr. Samuel P. Williamson Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Sponsored by: The Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction (SDR) Multifunction Phased Array Radar Symposium “Leveraging Technology for a Next-Generation National Radar System” Closing Remarks
Symposium Demographics Symposium Objectives Overarching Requirements Fundamental Message / Outcome Action Items and Way Ahead Presentation Availability Feedback Special Recognition Thank You Overview
Symposium Demographics 181 Total Participants Percent Participation
Highlight future user PAR requirements and summarize benefits derived from PAR’s adaptive scanning capability Explore implementation of R&D priorities laid out in the June 2006 Interagency JAG/PAR report, accounting for: (1) work already accomplished; (2) items that still need additional focus; and (3) potential alternative configurations Gather perspective from the radar industry on the state of the technology, the technological uncertainties, and the challenges of delivering affordable phased array radar systems in the future Develop the way ahead to address MPAR risk-reduction challenges through an implementation strategy and interagency management approach Symposium Objectives
Overarching Requirements – No gaps to current capability – Improve forecasts and lead time –Backup to FAA NAS – Non-cooperative surveillance throughout the NAS – Reduce life cycle costs Specified / detailed requirements documented in report, Federal Research and Development Needs and Priorities for Phased Array Radar – Requirements will continue to be refined / updated
Fundamental Message / Outcome Now is the time to begin evaluation of MPAR; need risk-reduction implementation strategy –Legacy surveillance radars nearing end of life cycle –Society demands greater protection of life and property More timely warnings of hazardous weather events; increased accuracy, spatial resolution and lead times Need for enhanced capability to track non-cooperative aircraft and other airborne threats to safety and national security –Multifunction capability leads to reduced life cycle costs –Risk-reduction implementation strategy will reduce uncertainties and produce cost-effective alternatives Leads to sound business case
Actions and Way Ahead –Place all presentation materials on symposium website for maximum accessibility –Develop an interagency management approach for the MPAR risk-reduction activities, considering the management approach used for the NEXRAD program and also other options –The OFCM-sponsored Working Group for Multifunction Phased Array Radar (WG/MPAR) needs to develop a risk-reduction implementation strategy
Actions and Way Ahead (cont) - Risk-reduction implementation strategy should: Leverage military R&D (e.g., Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego; AFRL, ONR, NRL) Reach out to critics Enhance outreach and education efforts, including opportunities to: – Participate and/or present at meetings / workshops (e.g., AMS, IEEE, AAAS, AGU, ATA, AOPA, RTCA, WGA, WMO, ICAO) – Be included in magazines / publications – Link with other communities, like the wildland fire community – Conduct additional MPAR workshops / symposia – Reach out to potential industry partners – Conduct technology interchange meetings – Inform/update agency senior leadership, and OMB and OSTP representatives
Actions and Way Ahead (cont) - Risk-reduction implementation strategy should: Involve both federal laboratories and industry -- Federal laboratories roles and missions: labs are in the position, due to their expertise, to make recommendations on risks and areas of research and development; also able to perform some R&D (advanced development -- Conduct technology demonstration projects -- Industry potential roles and missions: -- Develop alternative system design approach (cost- effective alternative(s) -- Production feasibility study (results evaluated by government -- Acquisition and logistics / maintenance (life-cycle costs)
Action Items and Way Ahead -- Tests required to evaluate capability; tests need to be clearly identified -- Future trade-off studies regarding uncertainties -- Site surveys and geographical coverage of MPAR -- Facilities analysis / requirements (towers, etc.) -- Frequency allocation analysis -- Acquisition approach alternatives; best course of action to acquire system (four phases? two phases?) -- Industry potential roles and missions (cont):
Presentations and other material will be available on the OFCM web site shortly after the symposium. Click on “Special Projects” and navigate to “Multifunction Phased Array Radar Symposium” Presentation Availability
The University of Oklahoma Participants Moderators / Panelists / Rapporteurs Luncheon Speaker NSSL / OFCM / STC Staff National Weather Center Media Support Special Recognition
On behalf of the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Thank you for attending and participating in this symposium! Have a safe trip home... And Thanks Again! Thank You!
October 10-12, 2007 Multifunction Phased Array Radar Symposium “Leveraging Technology for a Next-Generation National Radar System”