Cathy Smith School Counselor. Chirayu Shah What does it look like? Physical Verbal Psychological National Institutes of Health Tonja R. Nansel, Ph.D.


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Presentation transcript:

Cathy Smith School Counselor

Chirayu Shah

What does it look like? Physical Verbal Psychological National Institutes of Health Tonja R. Nansel, Ph.D

Survey Bullying is any repeated, intentional act by a more powerful person, which causes you embarrassment, pain or discomfort.

A. About You (Circle One) FEMALE MALE Age (years): __________ Grade: __________

B. Bullying at School 1. Have you ever been bullied by other students in school? This includes your entire school life. Circle One - Yes No 2. If you have been bullied, whether at this school or a different school, during which grade was it the worst? ________ Have you ever witnessed someone being bullied? Circle One - Yes No

The questions that follow ask you how often something has happened at school—or on the way to or from school— during this school year.

4. What are the types of bullying you have experienced? (Check all that apply) Physical - examples include: pushing, tripping, kicking, and pinching Verbal – examples include: name-calling, threats, taunting, put downs, ridiculed, and offensive comments based on race, gender, religion or disability Psychological – spreading rumors, exclusions, intimidate, terrorize, threaten, plan mean practical jokes, get someone in trouble, and force someone to do something they don’t like

5. How often were you bullied at school? Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 4 times

6. How often were you bullied on the way to or from school? Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 4 times

7. How often were you physically bullied at school, examples include: pushing, tripping, kicking, and pinching Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 4 times

8. How often were you verbally bullied at school, examples include: name-calling, threats, taunting, put downs, ridiculed, and offensive comments based on race, gender, religion or disability Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 4 times

How often were you psychologically bullied at school, examples include: spreading rumors, exclusions, intimidate, terrorize, threaten, plan mean practical jokes, get someone in trouble, and force someone to do something they don’t like Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 4 times

How often were you cyberbullied, examples include: something mean was written to you or about you on the Internet, or someone sent you a hurtful or instant message or even text message. Never 1–2 times 3–4 times More than 4 times

C. People Involved in Bullying at School For the questions in this section, consider everything that happened, at school during this school year.

11. The bullying I received was from ……. (circle all that apply) Boy Girls Boys & Girls Younger Older Same Age

D. Places Where Bullying Takes Place

12. During this school year, were you bullied in any of these places? Check each place that you were bullied. On the school bus On the playground Walking to or from school In the classroom In the lunch room In the hallways In the gym In the locker room Other (write in any other places where you have been picked on):

E. General Questions

13. Overall, how much of a problem is bullying at school? Circle One Out of control Somewhat a problem No problem

14. How well do adults deal with bullying at our school? Circle One Well Okay Poorly

15. Do you feel safe from bullies at our school? Circle One Yes No

16. Do you know how to report bullying? Circle One Yes No

17. Would you be willing to report bullying problems to school officials? Circle One Yes No

18. Please write down any additional information, comments or suggestions that you feel will help our school improve in the way we treat one another.

Duane Alexander, M.D., director of the NICHD. "Being bullied is not just an unpleasant rite of passage through childhood. It's a public health problem that merits attention. People who were bullied as children are more likely to suffer from depression and low self esteem, well into adulthood, and the bullies themselves are more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life." National Institute of Child Health and Development.

The Bullied Poem

What is Bullying? Imbalance of power

People Involved Bully Victim Bystander

Bully = Aggressor Bigger Stronger Quick to anger History of aggressive behavior from as early as elementary school May have social misperceptions

Why Bully? Gain a sense of power or control Recognition and status from peers Compensate for feeling inadequate Way of venting frustrations from home Learning problems so they are fearful of peer rejection Bullied themselves

Bullies are not born – they are made!

Get your way through force Can’t express verbally what they are feeling, so they learn to express it with their fists Older – act of violence Media Video games Taught aggression from home Unsupervised Parent may model this behavior Disciplined with combination of angry outbursts and corporal punishment

Victim = Vulnerable in some way

Low self-esteem Withdrawn from peers Stand out in some way Shorter Heavier Different background, race, culture Loners Low social status Poor social and communication skills Annoying Overprotected parents Lack independence and assertiveness Constant state of fear

Cyber bullying/using technology

To send offensive or threatening messages To post humiliating pictures of someone Conduct online poles Ugliest classmate Biggest geek Create website to ridicule

Civil Rights Act 1964 Title IX of Educational Amendments 1972 Right to LEARN!

Effects of Bullying Psychological scars Low self esteem Depression Suicidal thoughts Suicide

Fear of being unsafe Bystander could fear guilt or of being the next victim Anxiety

Comprehensive School-Wide Plan What is HHS going to do about Bullying?

#1 Survey, Survey, Survey Students Parents Faculty Community

#2 Form an Advisory Counsel Students Parents Faculty Community Administration

# 3 Develop Policy and Procedures

#4 Integrate bullying lessons and activities into the classroom curriculum and counselor classroom visits Empowering bystanders Safe School Ambassadors Skills to deal with bullies What does bullying look like How to report an incident of bullying

#5 Involve Parents/Guardians Presentations Workshops Brochures Campaigns Part of the Advisory Counsel

#6 Educate the Faculty Professional Development What to do if it happens How to prevent it Policies and Procedures Part of the Advisory Board

#7 Provide counseling for both the bully and victim Group Individual Classroom setting