Presented by: Chief Paul Bourgeois, Apache Junction Fire District Marrisa Ramírez-Ramos, Mesa Fire and Medical Department Marketing Through Technology #AFDAConf2013
Agenda: 1. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away! 2. Let’s talk about successful examples 3. How to start 4. How to keep it going Questions Questions/ Hands-On Saturday, January 19, 2013, 3-4:30 PM
Text Txt Text 1. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away! Socialnomics:
Open houses Car seat checks School programs CPR classes Community events Fire prevention activities Exceptional call with a successful outcome Crews in action Citizen heroes Never miss an opportunity to shine:
2. Let’s talk about successful examples Examples: Public education Administration, City/town, Council, Mayor Public Information Operations/Emergency Management How to be successful: Cross referencing on other SM sites SM links on your websitewebsite Add to your signature Add to brochures, videos, business cards Crucial mistakes: Not having a plan/goal Not giving a reason to connect with your site Marrisa Ramirez-Ramos PIO/Fire & Life Safety Education Mesa Fire and Medical Department Office Cell Connect with us: mesafiredept
What is YouTube? A site to share your videos with friends, family, and the world Current uses: Public service announcements Original productions Informational/campaign videos Internal training videos, set to private, share link What we have learned: Copyrighted music poses a problem Clipping television news segments from some local news media will get flagged and removed Our YouTube web address:
What is Twitter? A micro blog, a quick update, limited to 140 characters An easy way to keep people informed without having to spend time building a blog or crafting an elaborate post Social messaging with the ability to follow people and have followers Current uses: Live event/program promotion Scheduled event promotion Emergency situations/breaking incidents Basic info on major calls, if it affects the public Our Twitter web address:
We had some people say we were doing a great job of providing information! We became a trending topic on Twitter locally!!!
What is flickr? An online photo management and sharing application Current uses: Photos of press conferences, special events, award recognitions, and volunteers taken by a department photographer Our flickr web address:
What is FACEBOOK? A social networking site for connecting with people through profiles, photos/video and messaging People have profiles Businesses, organizations and brands have pages Current uses: Central hub for sharing content from our other social media sites Our facebook web address:
Questions #AFDAConf2013
TEXT 3. How to start What SM sites should you use? What name to use? NameChk site: Have a policy in place Have a goal in mind Find the right person
4. How to keep it going Keep up-to-date Read Continuing education Professional organizations Content Create a calendar of events Tweet live from events vs. scheduling tweets/posts Give it life Have the right tools You need to be able to be mobile and desktop ready Set notifications so that you will be notified of happenings & not have to be checking what’s going on
Questions/ Hands-On My biggest piece of advice is don’t be afraid! To try social media To ask questions of someone And surround yourself with the right people
Contact Information: Marrisa Ramirez-Ramos Connect with us: mesafiredept