HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 HSPRC The Health and Social Policy Research Centre
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Research Focus Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Community Development and Neighbourhood Regeneration Community Development and Neighbourhood Regeneration Crime and Community Safety Crime and Community Safety
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Research strategies Research ‘bank’ of available researchers Research ‘bank’ of available researchers Quantitative techniques Quantitative techniques Qualitative techniques Qualitative techniques Participatory research/user empowerment Participatory research/user empowerment Evaluation Evaluation
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Support for bids We also work with local agencies to develop bids – for example, for the evaluation of local services by the Horsham and Chanctonbury PCT, the South Downs Trust and a Neighbourhood Care Voluntary Agency in Brighton and Hove We also work with local agencies to develop bids – for example, for the evaluation of local services by the Horsham and Chanctonbury PCT, the South Downs Trust and a Neighbourhood Care Voluntary Agency in Brighton and Hove
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Evaluation tool kit Evaluation of the impact of winter pressures projects for the Northern and Coastal health districts as they then existed. Evaluation of the impact of winter pressures projects for the Northern and Coastal health districts as they then existed. Subsequent development of an evaluation toolkit for the Adur, Arun and Worthing NHS Trust Subsequent development of an evaluation toolkit for the Adur, Arun and Worthing NHS Trust (2001 – 2002) (2001 – 2002)
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Evaluation of homelessness projects in Worthing For AAW Trust with West Sussex County Council – evaluation of three projects for homeless people in Worthing. For AAW Trust with West Sussex County Council – evaluation of three projects for homeless people in Worthing. Discovery of the extent to which helping people with substance misuse was taking over from the original objectives of supporting homeless people. Discovery of the extent to which helping people with substance misuse was taking over from the original objectives of supporting homeless people. (2002) (2002)
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Substance Misuse Drugs reference atlas of West Sussex Drugs reference atlas of West Sussex Substance Misuse Strategy for West Sussex (Dr Phil Haynes) Substance Misuse Strategy for West Sussex (Dr Phil Haynes) PhD child sexual abuse and drugs misuse (Daren Britt) PhD child sexual abuse and drugs misuse (Daren Britt) Perceptions of Drugs Misuse in rural areas (Chichester and Horsham DCs) Perceptions of Drugs Misuse in rural areas (Chichester and Horsham DCs)
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Needs assessment of sexual health services in West Sussex Mapping of existing services into an Excel database by type of service and PCT Mapping of existing services into an Excel database by type of service and PCT Interviews with service providers to identify issues of concern, opportunities and barriers to service delivery Interviews with service providers to identify issues of concern, opportunities and barriers to service delivery Interviews with service users to complete the analysis of need Interviews with service users to complete the analysis of need (November 2002 to July 2003) (November 2002 to July 2003)
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Teenage pregnancy in seaside towns National project with the University of Hull (Dr Lynda Measor) National project with the University of Hull (Dr Lynda Measor) Interviews with young people and transient populations to understand more about issues around adolescent sexuality and teenage pregnancy. Interviews with young people and transient populations to understand more about issues around adolescent sexuality and teenage pregnancy
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Community Profiles Development of community profiles in East and West Sussex – electronic databases and written reports provide extensive health data as well as related data on demography, deprivation, housing and so forth. Much of the health data has been derived from series collected and analysed by the health agencies. These are to be updated shortly. Development of community profiles in East and West Sussex – electronic databases and written reports provide extensive health data as well as related data on demography, deprivation, housing and so forth. Much of the health data has been derived from series collected and analysed by the health agencies. These are to be updated shortly. (2002, 2003) (2002, 2003)
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Workforce Studies Child care workers in Brighton and Hove ( ) Child care workers in Brighton and Hove ( ) Social care workers, qualifications and training, in residential care, home care and day care services for older people and those with disabilities in East Sussex, Brighton and Hove (2003) Social care workers, qualifications and training, in residential care, home care and day care services for older people and those with disabilities in East Sussex, Brighton and Hove (2003) Interviews with managers of the above regarding the ‘training gap’ (2003) Interviews with managers of the above regarding the ‘training gap’ (2003)
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Age Discrimination in Mental Health and Older People’ A project to evaluate the impact of age discrimination in health and social care services for people over sixty in Brighton and Hove – jointly with the City Council and PCT. (2002) A project to evaluate the impact of age discrimination in health and social care services for people over sixty in Brighton and Hove – jointly with the City Council and PCT. (2002) Found evidence of discrimination, particularly at the transition point between adult and older people’s services. Found evidence of discrimination, particularly at the transition point between adult and older people’s services. Link with the university’s research group linking different types of research into older people Link with the university’s research group linking different types of research into older people
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Health Gain in Stepney Ten year series of studies evaluating the health gain related to housing regeneration – demonstrated a seven-fold improvement in the health of people relocated over the ten year period. Ten year series of studies evaluating the health gain related to housing regeneration – demonstrated a seven-fold improvement in the health of people relocated over the ten year period. Carried out by Professor Peter Ambrose – shows the potential of neighbourhood regeneration for health improvement. Carried out by Professor Peter Ambrose – shows the potential of neighbourhood regeneration for health improvement.
HSPRC, University of Brighton, 2003 Community and University Partnership (CUP) We will be working with CUP to support the development of the university’s capacity to serve local communities in a wide range of contexts. This will extend to health, social care and other issues affecting the quality of life. We will be working with CUP to support the development of the university’s capacity to serve local communities in a wide range of contexts. This will extend to health, social care and other issues affecting the quality of life. Staffcentral,brighton.ac.uk/cup Staffcentral,brighton.ac.uk/cup