The Role of D2D Communications in Public Safety: A Networking Perspective Dr. Leonardo Goratti (Supported by Dr. Tinku Rasheed)
Outline Few Basic Facts Current Status for Public Safety D2D Communications Proposed D2D Protocol Analysis Results Conclusions
6.8 billion smartphone subscriptions by Q1 2014 Few basic Facts – 1 6.8 billion smartphone subscriptions by Q1 2014 Source: Ericsson Mobility Report, June 2014
Few Basic Facts – 2 - Traffic Volume Use cases Connected Devices & Avalanche of Traffic Volume Large diversity of Use cases & Requirements Massive growth in Connected Devices Further expansion of mobile broadband Additional traffic due to communicating machines “Communicating machines” Device-to-Device Communications Car-to-Car Comm. New requirements and characteristics due to communicating machines “1000x in ten years” “50 billion devices in 2020” Source: A. Osseiran, “Toward a 5G Mobile & Wireless System Concept” FIA Athens March 2014
Few basic facts – 3 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G 40 kbit/s per channel 2.4 kbit/s 300 Mbit/s
What is the Situation for the Public Safety Community?
Current Status for Public Safety – 1 Public protection and Disaster Relief Organizations (PPDR) intervene in the aftermath of a crisis and include police forces, fire fighters, medical aid (e.g. 911 in the USA or 112 in Europe). Professional Mobile radio (PMR) networks provide communications for PPDR users Crisis scenarios Special events TETRA, TETRAPOL, P25
Current Status for Public Safety– 2 PPDR organizations are doing a slow transition to TETRA in Europe (still rely on analogue communications in some cases) TETRA is similar to GSM technology Low Data Rate TDMA-based Excellent for Group calls (one-to-many), Direct calls (one-to-one), Message dispatching DMO of TETRA is essentially D2D Major drawback: PPDR organization do not exploit cutting edge technologies!
Current Status for Public Safety – 3
Current Status for Public Safety – 4 ■ Carriers restricted voice traffic by as much as 70 to 95 percent.* ■ Packet traffic, however, was either not restricted or restricted at a lower rate (0 to 30 percent) than voice traffic. ■ Carriers restricted phone traffic by as much as 80 to 90 percent.* Max. outgoing traffic restrictions * There was 4 to 9 times the normal volume of traffic (NTT East.) * There was 50 to 60 times the normal volume of traffic (DoCoMo). Fixed-line Communications Mobile Communications voice packet
Current Status for Public Safety – 5 Need to Move to Mobile Broadband Migration
D2D Communications
D2D Communications – General View Device-to-Device (D2D) is a recent terminology adopted by 3GPP meaning direct communications between UEs in 4G technology (licensed bands) Emerging D2D communications are expected to share the same resources with cellular system D2D is supposed to be an access or link-layer technology proposed also for M2M D2D is not the first historical attempt to enable devices with direct communications Bluetooth, UWB, mmWave Communications, and WiFi Direct are some of these examples
D2D Communications – 3GPP 3GPP studies D2D as part of the wider concept of Proximity Services (ProSe) D2D communication is defined as the communication between two UEs in physical proximity using LTE air interface to set up a direct link without routing via base station and possibly core network. In Rel. 12 3GPP considered ProSe D2D and isolation conditions for public safety More is expected in 3GPP Rel. 13
D2D Communications – General View Carriers are not completely in favor of D2D: interference problems and billing The use of D2D has to be distinguished for commercial and non-commercial domains D2D can be established with and without supervision of an evolved Node B (eNB) Several challenges to be solved When to start D2D? What resources for D2D? Which protocol for D2D?
D2D Communications – Use Cases Source: Lei Lei et al. “Operator Controlled Device-to-Device Communications in LTE-Advanced Networks” IEEE Wireless Communications, June 2012.
D2D Communications – FP7 ABSOLUTE ( D2D scenarios 1 D2D scenarios 3 D2D scenarios 2
D2D Communications – Public Safety D2D communications for PPDR organizations Range extension Relieve lack of resources or network failures Guarantee voice services Group calls (one-to-many) Direct calls (one-to-one) Fast call setup time: few milliseconds with LTE-A Message dispatching Many new ones High-definition video, Social networking, location augmentation, MTC, location-based services, and fast file transfer D2D communications exploit the physical proximity of professional user equipments
D2D Communications – Functions Discovery of peers Devices synchronization Protocols for establishing direct links Resources allocation Different levels of network involvement Network controlled Loosely network controlled No network controlled: ad-hoc fashion
D2D Communications – Peers Discovery Source: G. Fodor, et al. “Design Aspects of Network Assisted Device-to-Device Communications,” IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2012.
Proposed D2D protocol
Proposed D2D Protocol First pillar Second pillar Third pillar Cellular uplink resources for D2D UEs can Tx/Rx in uplink Reduce harmful interference in downlink Second pillar Reuse existing PUCCH regions of PRACH allocations New one could be defined (reserved PRACH, R-PRACH) Uplink structure known to the UEs Third pillar Allow some modifications to have new PRACHs for data reservation PUSCH for data exchange in D2D fashion
Proposed D2D Protocol – UEs in Isolation Time of Interruption (ToI): time the A-eNB is unavailable One UE broadcasts direct beacons (D-Beacons) Beaconing device (b-UE): the UE of the team leader D-Beacons for peer discovery and local synch PUCCH: D-Beacons and association responses PRACH: association requests to the b-UE Reserved PRACH: D2D links reservations (Req. + Resp.) PUSCH: used for D2D data exchange
Proposed D2D Protocol – UEs in Isolation D-Beacon interval: multiples of LTE radio frame (10 ms) The D2D network is vanished as soon as connectivity with the eNB is recovered If UEs can rely on “two different receivers” they can keep monitoring the downlink frequency of the eNB If only one receiving chain: every N D-beacon intervals UEs should skip D2D to listen to the downlink Role of the b-UE can be rotated among UEs to save energy D2D links established in P2P with no supervision of the b- UE Autonomous Network formation!
Proposed D2D Protocol – UEs in Isolation Structure of the proposed D2D framework
Proposed D2D Protocol – UEs in Isolation D2D network association Four-way handshake as in standard LTE UEs select a preamble in contention mode collisions The b-UE replies over the PUCCH (no collisions) UEs which have assigned a network identifier could reuse that To facilitate subsequent network operations single UEs could reuse the selected preamble or Use a unique preamble sequence for the whole D2D network Used in the analysis
Proposed D2D Protocol – UEs in Network Coverage D2D protocol as before but prior to eNB authorization and reasoning 4G Connectivity Cognitive Process eNB Supervision Tx. Parameter Setting Location Awareness
Analysis – 1 In D2D communications relying on “Reuse 1” 4G cellular technology Interference is a major problem We rely on the theory of Spatial Point Processes Point Processes are useful to model location of transmitters that follow specific spatial patterns(locations), adding fading and shadowing Early attempts to use Point Processes in wireless [1] E. Sousa and J. Silvester, “Optimum Transmission Ranges in a Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Multihop Packet Radio Network,” IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, vol.. 8. no. 5. June 1900 [2] R. Nelson and L. Kleinrock, “The Spatial Capacity of a Slo’tted ALOHA Multihop Packet Radio Network with Capture,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. COM-32, no. 6, June 1984 [3] J. Ilok and D. Hatzinakos, “Analytic Alpha-Stable Noise Modeling in a Poisson Field of Interferers or Scatterers,” IEEE trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 46, no. 6, June 1998. [3] established that a homogeneous Poisson Point Process is equivalent to a Poisson process on the line with intensity πλ
Analysis – 2 Definition1: A point Process (PP) is a random variable taking values in the space N A PP is denoted by Φ, whereas an instantiation of the process is denoted by , where 1A is the indicator function In a region AϵRd the number of points of a PP is N(A), or intensity measure A PP can be finite (N(A) for any bounded region) and simple (xi≠xj for all i≠j) D.J. Daley, D. Vere-Jones , An introduction to the theory of point processes, Vol 1 and 2, Springer
Analysis – 3 A Poisson PP (PPP) is a special case of great importance PPP is simple, PPP is stationary and isotropic Points in space are independently distributed Number of points in independent sets are also independent
Analysis – 4 Palm distribution theory formalize the concept of a typical point for PPs Slivnyak’s Theorem: For a stationary PPP holds that Campbell Theorem: For a stationary PPP of intensity λ and a non-negative measurable function f(x) Laplace functional: For a stationary PPP of intensity λ and a function f(x) with values in [0,1] For Cluster PPs Lλ is similar but more complex Cluster Processes are important for D2D
Analysis – 5 By Slivnyak’s theorem we can select the reference (typical) receiver placed in any point By the stationary and isotropy of PPPs it’s enough to consider the distance y-x rather than specific points
Results – Connectivity Analysis b-UEs and r-UEs scattered according to two homogeneous PPPs with intensity λs=λsu+λsb over a surface of area |A|, for a set |S| of all terminals We assume a b-UE transmits beacons with prob. P We consider Rayleigh fading
Results – Connectivity Analysis Results obtained so far for the proposed D2D protocol addressed the problem of connectivity Aggregate interference at a reference D2D receiver and after a few tedious computations The success probability can be found writing the Laplace functional with f(x)=exp(-sPtgr-α) in correspondence of s=θr0α/Pt0 Aggregate interference is modeled with the family of heavy tailed Stable distributions Source: M. Z. Win, et al. “A Mathematical Theory of Network Interference and Its Applications,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 97, no. 2, February, 2009.
Results – Connectivity Analysis The connectivity probability in D2D mode Pc is computed by removing the conditioning on the number of nodes - α=2.1 - -α=4 -
Results – Secure Connectivity D-beacons broadcasting b-UE D-beacon 1011 r-UE n D-beacon 1011 Association request D-beacon 1011 keyring 0001 Association request r-UE 1 D-beacon 1011 X keyring 1001 r-UE 3 r-UE 2 keyring 1100 keyring 0100 August 27, 2014 37
Conclusions D2D is an emerging wireless technology for direct communications among devices D2D is expected to be a key technology to improve system capacity and user experience in various scenarios in Beyond 4G/5G technologies Public safety is a key driving force for LTE D2D in 3GPP Rel-13 There are several technical issues to be addressed including how to coexist with cellular users and how to deal with interference D2D ProSe discovery and communications require fundamental adaptation to the LTE physical layer (PHY) and radio. It will take a few years to complete the major changes and another additional time frame before products are available in the market. To leverage all the benefits arising from the adoption of D2D communications a cognitive mechanism has to be established to efficiently share the spectrum with cellular communications