‘’LETS MAKE CHURCHES CHANNELS OF HOPE’’ Feed back from the XVII International AIDS Conference held in Mexico-2008 ‘’LETS MAKE CHURCHES CHANNELS OF HOPE’’
Pastor Maxwell Kapachawo ‘I should first say that I am a Christian, my background is Christian and I am living with HIV My work as an HIV positive Pastor has made people think and behave negatively towards me, but I believe that if any one is sick, if they are having problems, the whole body is also sick. I am proud of my HIV positive status because every thing works for good to those that love the Lord’
Mexico Conference Networking and sharing the challenges of living with HIV with people from different religions/faiths Participated in the abstracts and poster presentations Attended the launch of INERELA+, an Interfaith International network for religious leaders living with HIV
FBO Issues at Mexico Conference Some sectors still practice burying bodies of people dying from AIDS in plastic bags – surprise indeed Male Circumcision – accepted by most FBOs as a protective measure against transmission of HIV – regions where circumcision is practiced have low HIV prevalence rate e.g., Arabic regions
FBO Issues… Some sectors which denounced condom use are now accepting the importance of using them in “certain circumstances” – presence of HIV Use of belief and doctrines – still myths around use of condoms in religious sectors – all vulnerable
FBO Issues… Within FBOs there is hope that a virus will be found…prayers that scientists find the cure/vaccine for HIV Encouragement of combination of prayer and medical treatment vs “prayer only”
Lessons learned: Disclosure of HIV positive status by strategically positioned people like religious leaders can help reduce stigma and discrimination associated with HIV. (Example, ANERELA+ members as role models)
Lessons learned: Religious leaders can involve people living with HIV in challenging stigma and discrimination, and address the issue of sexuality, gender and religion. As trusted community leaders shape the values and attitudes that guide responses to illness and support appropriate, nonjudgmental and compassionate responses to social changes.
Lessons learned: Faith communities have not until recently been active in addressing such issues. There is always demotion if you are a Church leader living with HIV. Silent firing in most of the churches and religious institutions is the order of the day; we are rejected, stigmatized, abused and used.
Above everything, HIV is preventable, manageable and death is postponable.
Thank You