The Public’s Perceptions and Experiences with the Economy in Anne Arundel County By Dan Nataf, Ph.D. Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College Feb. 8, 2012
Overview of Survey Process CSLI – Part of Sarbanes Center for Public and Community Service at Anne Arundel Community College Operating since 1978 Mission: Provide students opportunities for engaged learning, community outreach Main activity – public interest surveys o Respondents randomly chosen from universe of listed telephone numbers combined with computer generated numbers o Typical sample size: respondents; students introduced to survey methods, used as interviewers, review findings o Topics – wide ranging, economy, transportation, land use/growth, taxes/spending, schools… Last survey – Oct , 2011 – focus of most of this presentation 487completed surveys Press releases available online. since 1978
Polling Results for AA County
AA County Polling Results: Most Important Problem - Fall '06 to Fall '11
AA County Polling Results: Rate the Economy Percentage saying “excellent” or “good” since March 2009
Economy Excellent or Good: AA County vs. USA – County looks around 35% better
General economic conditions – % saying ‘applies’
Economic costs, inflation: % saying ‘applies’
Economic conditions: Found job, got income increase County residents vs. AACC students
Influences on Perceptions of Economic Conditions by Circumstances Percentage saying “Excellent/Good” for County, State, USA by Variance from Overall Percentage by: Low income, received an increase in income lately, possibility of losing job, found job lately
Increased income improves outcomes…more than finding a job Percentage citing a condition applies vs. average Lower is “better”
Higher income=fewer economic problems Lower income=0 to $75k; higher income=more than $75k Percentage citing a condition applies vs. average Lower is “better”
Consumer confidence: County vs. students
Inflation forecast => BetterSameWorse Those saying worse regarding… Economic growth Unemployment Your personal financial situation Inflation as key indicator of overall pessimism…
Perceptions of MD and AAC dealing with economic downturn: County vs. students
16 IssueSupportOpposeUnsure Imposing an additional fine of up to $1500 on drivers caught drunk driving86131 Permitting the use of off-shore wind power near Ocean City8010 Increasing the alcohol tax68293 Permitting the purchase of marijuana for medical purposes65297 Taking away drivers’ licenses from those who refuse to pay taxes64323 Increasing the use of cameras to ticket those running red lights59414 Making same sex marriages legal in Maryland47467 Making preparations to implement President Obama’s health care reform law43508 Limiting the use of binding arbitration when the county negotiates with public safety unions Allowing the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition for college33634 Increasing university tuition to maintain the quality of higher education32662 Reducing the pension and retiree health benefits of state workers28657 Promising state workers no furlough days, and providing them with a $750 bonus Increasing the county income tax to the maximum allowed by law to avoid cuts in essential services Increasing the gasoline tax to bolster the transportation trust fund17803 State and County Issues Spring 2011
ProposalSupportOpposeUnsure/ NA Increase the toll on the Bay Bridge from $2.50 to $ Create a new tax on ownership of vehicles Increase the state’s property tax, adding $63 million to the fund Increase the corporate income tax rate by one percent, adding $100 million to the fund Support for Proposals meant to Replenish Maryland ’ s Transportation Trust Fund Fall 2011
Presidential job approval
Obama’s Job Approval by Party Registration
Trust in Political Parties – Spring 2009 to Fall 2011