Chapter 9 Directed Reading Worksheet #62. If we give in to sexual temptations, we should seek out the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation). (232)
Chapter 9 #63 The sixth and ninth commandments support the institution of marriage. They tell us that sexual intercourse and all acts leading up to it, express the total commitment of love between a man and a woman who have given themselves to each other in marriage. This sexual sharing deepens and symbolizes their love. (232)
Chapter 9 #64 False: A Christian marriage should be like God’s permanent covenant of love and fidelity and should reflect the justice of the Lord. (“Justice” should be changed to “faithful love.”)
Chapter 9 #65. The two purposes of sexual intercourse in marriage are: Unitive – the bonding of husband and wife as lifelong partners Procreative – cooperating with God in bringing new live into the world Every act of intercourse must be both unitive and procreative.
Chapter 9 #66. True: The use of natural methods of regulating births are in accord with God’s will but artificial means of birth control are unnatural and contrary to God’s law.
Chapter 9 #67. If couples experience difficulty in having children, they may use moral methods of increasing fertility. None of the following are permitted: Artificial insemination, surrogates, cloning.
Chapter 9 #68. Three acts listed as violations against God’s intention for marriage: Adultery Divorce Polygamy Also: Incest, free union, child sexual abuse
Chapter 9 – 7th Commandment: “You shall not steal.” #69. The seventh commandment teaches us to be good stewards of our material possessions. It stresses that God created the goods of creation for the benefit of everyone. We have a right to private property but we must use that property responsibly. The virtue of temperance teaches us not to become too attached to our belongings and the virtue of justice calls us to respect the property of others and to share with the needy.
Chapter 9 – 7th Commandment #70. True: It is natural and morally acceptable to want to own things as long as we are reasonable, and do not unjustly crave the belongings of others.
Ch. 9 – 10th Commandment #71. Three attitudes outlawed by the tenth commandment are: Greed: tries to amass unlimited wealth Avarice: passionately seeks wealth and the power that comes from it Envy (capital sin) desire to have for oneself what another possesses, especially if willing to acquire it unjustly
Ch. 9 #72. Jesus says that the way to combat these three attitudes is the poverty of spirit because only God can satisfy our restless hearts. The problem with desiring wealth is that riches become our god. Prayer to the Holy Spirit can help us resist the temptations.
Ch. 9 – 7th Commandment #73. Examples of taking and keeping another’s property (theft): Business fraud Paying unjust wages Price-fixing, corruption Shoddy work, tax evasion Forgery, expense account padding Vandalism
Ch. 9 #74. False: “Gambling is a serious violation of the seventh commandment.” Gambling does not violate the seventh commandment when it is done sparingly, honestly, and does not lead to addiction which can deprive others of the necessities of life.
Ch. 9 #75. Three types of justice: Commutative: regulates relations between individuals Legal: our duties as citizens, relationship with government (e.g., paying taxes, obeying civil laws) Distributive: obligations the community has to its citizens according to their contributions and needs.
Ch. 9 #76. Social justice applies the teachings of Christ to the political, economic and social orders. The Church has spoken out on issues that affect our basic human rights and our salvation since the late nineteenth century. The teaching involves three elements: principles for reflection, criteria for judgment, and guidelines for action.
Ch. 9 #77. The condemnation of any social, political or economic system that is contrary to the dignity of the human person is a fundamental theme of Catholic social teaching. The Church, therefore, is against any government or political system that makes profit the only norm and ultimate goal of economic activity.
Ch. 9 #78. Four areas of Catholic social teaching given special emphasis by the author: Respect for creation Economics Solidarity among nations Love for the poor
Ch. 9 #80. True: Although it is morally acceptable for humans to use animals, people must not cause amimals needless suffering and death.
Ch. 9 #81. The purpose of the economy is to benefit both individuals and the human family. Profit, power, or material goods cannot be its center. Economic life teaches us that work is both a right and a duty, and people should have access to a job that pays a just wage without discrimination of any kind. We have a duty to provide for our families by giving an honest day’s work.
Ch. 9 #82. Nations blessed by God with wealth must express their solidarity with poorer nations. Rich nations must help poorer nations develop their economies.
Ch. 9 #83. Specific ways for wealthy nations to help poorer ones: Increasing direct aid Reforming international ecomomic and financial institutions Giving special aid to poor countries that are trying to work for growth and freedom Making special efforts to develop farming efforts of poor nations Praying sincerely to be able to exercise their responsibility to poorer nations and their citizens.
Ch. 9 #84. True: Jesus identified himself with the poor, and it is a grave evil to exploit them.
#85: Corporal Works of Mercy Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Visit the imprisoned Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Bury the dead
#86. Spiritual Works of Mercy Counsel the doubtful Instruct the ignorant Admonish sinners Comfort the afflicted Forgive offenses Bear wrongs patiently Prayer for the living and the dead
Ch. 9 #87. The eighth commandment teaches the value of truth-telling and it is a matter of justice. This commandment teaches us to stand up for the truth as exemplified in the lives of the martyrs. Lying goes against God’s gift of speech and is mortally sinful when it causes grave harm to another.
#88: Three behaviors the eighth commandment calls us to avoid: False witness in court and perjury Rash judgment which is snap misjudgment about someone’s moral culpability Detraction which reveals the faults of someone else without a good reason. Calumny violates the virtue of truthfulness.
Ch. 9 #89. True: At times the prudent and loving thing to do is to remain silent or use discrete language in order to protect someone or to honor a reason right to privacy.
Ch. 9 #90. The eighth commandment requires governments and entertainment industries to use the media responsibly and not for propaganda or to promote immoral behavior. People have a right to truthful information. Truth is reflected in God’s creation and in Scripture. Human art can be a powerful tool to reveal God’s truth, beauty and love.
Ch. 9 #91. The secret to good living is saying “Yes, Lord!” this means keeping the commandments and remembering what Jesus said: “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”