PERFORMANCE & CODE ANALYSIS TIMBer Inc. ·Brooke Fedder · Marie Rottschaeffer· Izzie Molinuevo· Tena Pettit·
CODE ANALYSIS Mixed-Use Space A1- outdoor spaces B- transactions of business, professional services, other services involving merchandise, office buildings, banks M- retail stores, service stations, shops, salesrooms, markets, and shopping centers R2- apartments CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Various Required Dimensions Building Height: maximum of 95 feet Lot Area: minimum of 5,000 square feet Lot Width: minimum of 25 feet Front Yard Depth: Building and parking used for residential use: minimum of 25 feet from the curb Buildings to a height of 40 feet for non-residential use: minimum of 15 feet from the curb
CODE ANALYSIS CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Applicable Building Codes Structural: Proper anchorage, structural members, systems, and components shall be utilized for various calculated loads Mechanical: Every dwellings shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintained a room temperature of 68 degrees F Electrical: Every habitable space shall have at least one window of approved size facing to the outdoors and shall provide some natural or artificial light Every public hall, interior stairway, toilet room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, boiler room, and furnace room shall contain at least one electric luminaire Plumbing: restroom fixture counts required by the program: Assembly: Water closet: 1 per 75 males/40 females Lavatories: 1 per 200 males/150 females Business: Water closet: 1 per 25 males/40 females Lavatories: 1 per 25 males/40 females Mercantile: Water closet: 1 per 500 males/750 females Lavatories: 1 per 500 males/750 females Residential: Water closet: 1 per dwelling unit Lavatories: 1 per dwelling unit Bathtubs or showers: 1 per dwelling unit
CODE ANALYSIS CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Occupancy Occupancy Types Public Spaces (more than 50 people): Civic or social gathering purposes have to have at least two approved exits Doors must swing in the egress direction Residential Spaces (Living room, Dining room, Kitchen): Minimum gross floor area per occupant shall be 200 square feet Room widths should be no less than 7 feet in any direction Living rooms should be at least 120 square feet Bedrooms should be at least 70 square feet Ceilings should be no less than 7 feet in height Occupancy Occupancy Types Public Spaces (more than 50 people): Open public space/market Community center Shops/eateries Residential Spaces (Living room, Dining room, Kitchen): Multiple floors of various occupancy apartments
CODE ANALYSIS CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Multi-Floor Atrium Spaces With Vertical Openings The portion of exit access travel distance within the atrium space shall not be greater than 200 feet Atrium spaces shall be separated from adjacent spaces with a 1 hour fire barrier Where the ceilings of the atrium is more than 55 feet above the floor, sprinkler protection at the ceiling of the atrium is not required Parking Parking for non-residential uses shall be equal to or greater than 1 space per 800 square feet of gross floor area per building Up to 30,000 square feet of gross floor area for parking per building
CODE ANALYSIS CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Fire Protection Fire Separation Various fire blocking, draft stopping, smoke barriers, fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, and smoke partitions are required Fire barriers: Shall be 2 hours Shall extend from the top of the foundation to the underside of the floor Are not required where a glass wall forming a smoke partition is provided, and automatic sprinklers should be provided along both sides of the separation wall Sprinkler Systems With a sprinkler system, maximum building height is increased by 20 feet or 1 story A single exit is acceptable where the building is equipped with sprinklers Minimum of one approved single-station smoke alarm is required for the spaces Assembly: Without sprinklers: 200 feet With sprinklers: 250 feet Business: Without sprinklers: 200 feet With sprinklers: 300 feet Mercantile: Without sprinklers: 200 feet With sprinklers: 250 feet Residential: Without sprinklers: 200 feet With sprinklers: 250 feet
CODE ANALYSIS CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Egress Methods Exits Each emergency escape and rescue window shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 square feet Net clear opening shall be at least 24 inches in height and at least 20 inches in width The bottom of the net clear opening shall not be more than 44 inches above the floor The minimum net clear opening for grade floor windows shall be 5 square feet In stories where more than 1 exit is required, all occupants shall have access to at least 2 exits Egress Paths Safe, continuous, unobstructed path of travel shall be provided from any point in the building to the public way Means of egress shall be equipped with artificial and emergency lighting and exit signs Stairs/Elevators At least one elevator shall be maintained in operation at all times when the building is occupied Each story above the second story of a building shall have a minimum of one interior or exterior exit stairway Capacity, in inches, of means of egress stairway shall be calculated by multiplying the occupant load served by a means of egress capacity factor of 0.3 inch per occupant
CODE ANALYSIS CODE ANALYSIS/REVIEW Incentives Front setback increase: building shall be set back 25 feet or more from the curb Green certified: minimum of 26 points through LEED 26 to 32 points: 10% reduction in required parking 33 to 38 points: 1 additional story plus a 10% reduction in required parking 39 or more points: 1 additional story plus a 20% reduction in required parking Underground parking: 75% of the parking underground Street level commercial: Area dedicated to the commercial shall be no less than 25% of the building’s ground floor area and shall abut the exterior walls facing the street At least 50% of the commercial spaces exterior wall shall be devoted to windows Incentives Use sustainability and green concepts through design Integrate designs from various precedents Pushed Slab Hyper-Efficient Office Building MVRDV LEED Platinum Pine + Minor Apartments Mixed Work Living The Stuckman Family Building Gold LEED rating Efficient façade for maximum daylight and solar gains Rain water control and retention Local material selection/recycled content