Student Voice at Park Lane
Student Voice at Park Lane
Student Voice at Park Lane
Student Voice at Park Lane
Student Voice at Park Lane
Student Voice at Park Lane
Our idea to improve our school is… Having more play equipment on the top playground. Here are some ideas that could help us. Slides- outside Y4 window Proper swings- Nature garden. See-saws- outside y3 and4 y4.
Fund Raising Bun sale- Everybody brings in 50p and get a bun and drink. Fancy Dress- Pay a £1/ 50p, or as much as you can. Christmas Carolling/ Sign language- Ask for donations. Head teacher for a day- Pay 20p per raffle ticket. 3 names will get picked out. Sponsored walk- Ask for donations Christmas party- raise money from food and drink. 50p per ticket for Christmas event- Parents Sponsored silence- Ask for donations .
What equipment we would like. Estimated prices- Maybe more we looked for cheapest items. Swings- Swing and slide set £139.00 each A class ball (3)- £2.49 each See- Saw (1)- £22.40 each Football Nets(2)- £15.78 each Cricket Equipment(2)- £14.00 each set Basketballs (5)- £5.99 each Hoola- Hoops-(2 packs of 4)- £8.29 We need to raise= £265.67
Why is the equipment important? The equipment is important because: People usually argue in the line for the monkey bars or other equipment. Girls and boys need to do a variety of sports. Some children waste a lot of time by queuing up for things to play with. If children enjoy their playtime they will come to school more. It will help keep children more active.
Thank You for watching our presentation!
Since we did this presentation……… We have been thinking about what equipment we would like in our playground. Some of us would like a slide, a swing a see saw…… We need to know what you think. Your school councillors will be coming to you to ask your opinions. Start thinking Now!!
What about Reception and Class 1? Don’t worry- The school Councillors will make sure that Reception and Class 1 have their say too!
But……… These pieces of equipment are very expensive so we will be finding even more ways to raise some money. One of these will be a Cycle for Work event, where we are going to get the whole school on static bikes cycling the equivalent distance from Lands End to John O Groats!! Watch out for details after Christmas!!!
Other Fundraising ideas…. The Winter Fair on Thursday raises a lot of money for the Friends of Savile Park. The School Council are going to ask the Friends of savile Park if they will make a donation to the fund.