How to Teach with Technology: Social Studies Kassie Little ED lessons
CoverItLive Blogging tool Similar to a chatroom Students can have blogging conversation about what the teacher is presenting Teacher approved comments Connection with peers and the world
How could I use this in class? Current events Inauguration Coverage ISIS Historical Figures and Their Importance Controversial Events JFK Assassination Vietnam Korea Watergate
Role Playing Reading about battles? “That is SOOOO last century!” Instead, have your students make a movie! Assign a group of students to a battle Have them highlight the main points and act it out DISCLAIMER: No real weapons are to be used in these videos Teachers could reuse these videos from year to year Students could film different battles or wars
“Friending” Historical Figures Some teachers use social media sites to engage their students Create profiles for historical figures Create Events Post speeches as a “status”
Geography Class Meets Skype Use Skype to learn about other states and countries. If you are learning about Russia, contact someone and allow the class to ask questions. This is first hand experience. Who knows the country better than someone that lives there?
FreePoverty Interactive game Geography Donate cups of water for correct answers. Work to end poverty! A Game with a purpose Nonprofit organization that raises money to donate water
Web Sites Have students create a wiki page Any content area could do this! Students research and gather information and design a wiki page Do not allow students to get their information from other wiki pages.
More Disclaimers Not all activities are appropriate for all grade levels. Some of these activities are best for high school. Students need time to use technology They have to be able to access it. Social Media Blocks