Rubicon Community Preschool A loving and nurturing environment for 4 year olds.
Learning at Preschool Class meets Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8:30-11:00 AM School starts on September 9th
Morning Arrival Students hang up coats in their lockers Empty Backpacks Bring folders, library books and take home bags into the classroom Participate in activities set out on the carpeting
Morning Routine Carpet Time – Calendar, etc. Story Show ‘n Tell / Visit the Library Letter of the Day Centers Gym / Free Play Snack Music Clean-up
Show ‘n Tell Themes or your choice will be listed on the monthly calendar Show ‘n Tell should be in a backpack or a bag labeled with your child’s name No toys that promote violence are allowed (ex. Guns)
A Variety of Themes Will Be Covered Apples Bears Caterpillars and so on Different themes will help introduce us to different letters of the alphabet
Introducing the Alphabet Alphabet Character Cards Letter Sounds Sign Language Writing the Letters
Learning Centers Math Writing Books Fine Motor Art Computer
Snack Students will take turns bringing in snack Schedule provided by Mrs. Kaminski Cups, plates and napkins are provided by the preschool We follow Saylesville School’s Wellness Plan for nutritious snacks
Going Outside Weather permitting we will go outside for exercise During winter months we will have special days to go outside We will go to the school gym during the winter Gym shoes are required
Free Play Great time for the kids to interact with one another Dramatic Play often occurs Small group activities
Newsletters Newsletters will be sent home every month Event calendars will be included in the newsletter which will list any special things that need to be brought in
Take Home Bags Students will receive a take home activity bag about once a week Activities in the bag are to be done with a parent Please respect the materials in the bags and let Mrs. Kaminski know if anything is missing
Special Days Pumpkin Farm Field Trip Grandparents Day Christmas Program Fire House Field Trip Spring Field Trip Graduation
Website Another source for information Events are posted Go to Under Faculty Pages select Preschool
Questions? Mrs. Kaminski is at school everyday Feel free to call me or send a note in your child’s folder Saylesville School 262-673-2920